Ruined Her

By CrumbledFlower

48.3K 1K 190


If you dont read, story wont make sense at all.
Thrown Away (Chapter 1)
Blending In (chapter 2)
The News (chapter 3)
Memories (chapter 4)
Work part 1. (chapter 6)
Work part 2 (chapter 7)
The Conference (chapter 8)
Parents (chapter 9)
The Future (chapter 10)

Trouble (chapter 5)

4.8K 93 33
By CrumbledFlower

Allister's POV:

4 weeks later.

"Seriously Em?!" I yelled

"You can't do that!" Emmeline yelled back.

"Why not?!"

"Because! You don't throw plastic plates at anybody! Even more so not a pregnant lady!"

"Oh shut up!" I yelled

"Excuse Me?! You don't not tell me to shut up"

I walked to Em and grabbed her chin

"I don't care if you're the weak bitch I married or a pregnant bitch, I. Dont. Give. A. Damn. And you do not get to tell me what I can and cannot do. Do you understand?" I asked in a low voice, my mouth a few inches from hers.

"I may a bitch, but im your bitch. You married me, now you have to deal with me" She smiled.

Suddenly I felt my shirt being tugged and her lips on mine.

My eyes widened and I let go of her chin.

"Hah!" Emmeline yelled as she pushed me away from her.

She walked away as I stood there with a shocked look on my face.

"What the fuck was that?!" I yelled as she walked further away.

She walked upstairs and I heard her door close.

I went into the living room and sat on the couch.

"Oh I can't believe I'm doing this" I whispered.

I grabbed my phone and called Megan.

M: what do you want?

A: I need your help. With Em

M: did something happen with the baby?

A: no I- we- I dont- she just-

M: ugh I'm on my way.

Megan hung up the phone and Em walked down a minute later. She was wearing her lion king sweats and superman crop top.

"I'm going to the store" she said as she grabbed her car keys.

"For once will you please match something with those clothes"

"Nope" she smiled

I huffed and leaned back on the couch.

The front door slammed the noise of Emmeline's car leaving got quieter.

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door.

I opened the door and Megan was there. She was wearing lion king sweats and a superman crop top. The exact same ones Em was wearing.

"Do you two match frequently?"

Megan gave me a weird look.

"Oh no. We have the same clothes. We match without realizing it sometimes"

I nodded my head and moved to the side.

Megan walked in and threw her keys and wallet on the counter.

"What do you want?" She asked

"It's Em. She isn't scared anymore"

"That's great" Megan said.

"No. I mean yeah I'm happy she isn't scared of me anymore but... she's bold. She keeps doing things"

"What kind of things?"

"Well I'll call her a bitch then she does something a bitch would do" I said

"Well first off, if she's acting like a bitch to you, you deserve it. Second, she doesn't act like a bitch. She's strong but fragile. The Emmy I know is always nice no matter what happens. Unless..."

"Unless what?" I asked.

"She didn't go to her last ultrasound. Has she been like way overly protective of the baby? Like more so lately then normal?"

I thought for a moment.

"Yeah- yeah she has" I stated.

"Shit" Megan said.


"Do you even realize what a peace of shit you are. Like I get that you don't like Emmy but you may find that the baby in her stomach will be the greatest thing to ever happen to you." Megan said slightly raising her voice.

"Excuse me!?" I snapped

"By hating Emmy and pushing her away, your pushing your baby away."

Damn. I didn't think about that.

"Where is she?" Megan asked.


"Just think about what's going on. What do you think is gonna go through that kid's brain when they find out their dad hates them?"

She grabbed her keys and wallet and rushed out of the house slamming the front door.

Flashback starts:

"Daddy come play with me!"

"7 year old boys should be in school learning, not playing and having fun" father snapped.

As he walked away from me he said something under his breath.

"Stupid disappointment"

Daddy thinks I'm a disappointment? But why? What did I do? I just wanted to play with him.

I guess I am a disappointment. Daddy- I mean father, doesnt like me anymore. He hates me.

I need to make him like- no love me. I'll be the perfect son. He'll see

Flashback ends:

"Crap" I whispered

"Crap!" I yelled.

"I need to fix this." I grabbed my phone and went on the tracker app. I tracked Em's location to a store not far from here.

I grabbed my car keys and ran out the house and into the garage. I pulled the car out and left the house as quick as I could.


Emmeline's POV:

I screamed as people surrounded me. I was curled in a ball on the floor. The pain was unbearable as I held my stomach.

Megan was yelling my name. She was in the store looking for me but she hadn't found me quite yet.

"Em!?" I heard a voice yell out.

"Allister!?" I screamed.

"Allister help me!"

"Where are you!?"

"7" I screamed.

"Stay there." He told me.

"Megan she's in isle 7!" He yelled out.

"Allister please!" I screamed.

"Just hang on Em. We're coming!"

People surrounded me - not helping - just watching. They talked amoung them selves softly.

"Are you all out of your mind?! Can you not see the blood on the floor?!" Allister yelled as he pushed through the crowd.

Megan appeared and told everyone to back off. She yelled at someone to call 911.

Allister knelt down behind me and gently pulled the upper half of my body onto his knees.

"Just breathe okay. Ambulance will be here any minute" Megan said.

The crowd kept coming closer so she pushed them all back.

"The baby. I can't lose the baby" I cried.

"Hey hey hey. We aren't going to lose the baby" Allister said trying to calm me down. He put his hand on my cheek and I leaned my head against it.

"We?" I asked faintly.

He kissed my forehead

"Yes. We"

I heard a bunch of paramedics yelling and police officers dealing with the crowd.

Then, everything was fading away. My eyelids were so heavy so I closed my eyes.

"Please help her!" I heard Allister yell.

He sounds panicked. Not the usual fake act panick. Like actual panick.

Does he actually want this baby? Could- could he want me to or just the little one?

Everything was gone now. The sound. The commotion. The feel of my husband's touch. Just... gone.


Megan's POV:

Allister held Emmy's head while paramedics put her on a gurney. She has passed out completely a few seconds ago.

"Go with her" I said to Allister.

"She won't want me there" he frowned

"Bull shit. Did you not here her screaming for you a minute ago?"

"She was in pain. She just needed help"

"You're a fucking idiot. She may need help but she also needs her husband. I see women have miscarriages or give birth all the time at Christian's and half the time the father is never there." I said

"So?" He asked.

"I don't give a damn if you hate her or she hates you. The baby in her stomach is going to need their father. If you don't do it for Emmy, at least do it for your unborn child." I said as I walked away from Allister.

"Is there any family here who can go with us?" A paramedic asked

I looked over to Allister and he looked at me.

"Go" I whispered

He nodded his head and ran to the ambulance.

I went to the two police officers that were helping keep the crowd away.

"What happened here ma'am? Do you know the patient?" A police officer asked.

"Yeah she's my best friend. Her husband called me saying that she was in a bad mood and she went to the store. When I got here I could hear her screaming. I looked through all the aisles but couldn't find her. Her husband got here a minute after I did and found her. I tried to help her but the crowd was to much. I had to stop them from stressing her out and and causing the baby any harm. Then you guys got here" I explained.

"You said you tried to help her. How do you know you wouldn't have hurt the baby?" The female officer asked rudely

"I'm a doctor at Christian's Hospital. I help women who are haveing a miscarriage, about to have one or giving birth."

"Right. Sorry about my partner" the male officer said.

The female officer huffed and went back to the crowd.

"She having a bad day or?" I smiled.

"Yeah you could say that" the male officer laughed.

"Megan" I held out my hand

"Peterson but you can call me Peter" he smiled

"No officer Pete or you can call me Sir, kind of thing?"

"No. No not for you" he smiled.

Holy shit. This dude is hot. He's legit fire. He looks like Chris Wood but hotter

"I uh I should go to the hospital." I said.

"Can I get your number? Just in case we need to ask you guys any questions or talk to the husband" Peter asked.

"You sure it's to ask the husband questions?" I smiled.

"Maybe not your friend's husband, but possibly your future husband" he whispered in my ear as he slipped a peice of paper in my pocket.

I covered my mouth and started walking towards the door.

I could feel the pink on my cheeks.

"Thank you for your assistance" Peter yelled and laughed

I ran to my car and headed towards the hospital.


Allister's POV:

I sat next to Emmeline's bed in the hospital room. I held her hand as I cried softly.

I felt her hands squeeze mine gently, like she was trying to squeeze it hard but was to weak to do so.

When I lifted my head I saw her crying.

"Hey don't cry" I said as rubbed her cheek with my finger lightly.

"Please don't act. Not right now" she cried.

"Em I- I'm not acting"

"So your tears are real. Wait.. your crying" she started.

"The baby. My baby. My baby! What happened to my baby" she said getting louder with each word until she was screaming.

Two doctors ran in.

"Ma'am you need to calm down" one said as she tried to get out of bed.

They tried to hold her down as she kept screaming.

"I need my baby!"

The doctors kept fighting against her. I guess it's true that a mama bear will do anything when it comes to their cub.

"Stop" I told the doctors.

They backed off and Em started to get up. She stood up and was going to the door.

I ran in front of her and hugged her.

"Let go of me! I need my baby! I need our baby!" She screamed.

"Allister I need-" she cried

I quickly grabbed her chin gently and gave her a passionate but also soft and gentle kiss.

"You need to calm down" I whispered as our lips stopped touching

"But our baby" she cried weakly.

"Our baby is fine Em." I said I ran my fingers through her hair.

She wrapped her arms around my waist and cried on my chest. I could tell she was relieved but at the same time still terrified.

She got into bed again then fell asleep.

A few hours later we were being discharged but she was still sleeping. I put her in the car gently instead of waking her up.

When we got home she was still asleep so I carried her into my room. I put her in between the sheets then went down stairs

A few hours later there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see Megan with a worried look on her face

"Is she okay? Is the baby okay? Does she hate me since I could go see her? They said just because I'm doctor doesn't mean I get to examine her." She said

"Calm down and be a little more quiet. She's sleeping upstairs"

Megan nodded her head then came inside and put her stuff on the kitchen island.

"Are you okay" she asked.

"I don't know."

"Whats wrong?"

"Well earlier my chest got tight and I was breathing a little heavier and-" I started

"You were scared" she interrupted

"What? I'm not scared of anything. I haven't been scared in over a decade"

"You could have just lost your wife and baby. I think it's okay to admit you were scared" Megan said.

"Okay so what about when I felt my heart clench when you said that I'm pushing my baby away. Like I felt weird when you talked about the baby but even weirder when you talked about Em?" I said.

"Allister, do you feel guilty?" I heard someone say.

I looked up at the staircase to see Em in the baggy shirt I put on her when we got home. Her clothes were covered in blood so I changed her into my most comfy shirt.

"I- I- I think so" I whispered

Em smiled and started coming down the stairs.

I quickly got up and ran to her to help her down the last few steps.

"Thanks" she whispered

"Of course" I smiled.

She sat next to me on the couch while Megan sat on the chair.

"Why do you feel guilty?" Em asked

"Before you start this conversation, I have to go call an officer I met earlier. I'll see you yall later" Megan smiled and quily left the house

"Is she?" Em asked

"I have no idea" I laughed

"So, why do you feel guilty?" Em asked.

She turned to face me and put her legs on the couch. She was about to put them crisscross but I gently grabbed them and put her legs on my lap.

She looked up and I just smiled at her.

"Well, after you left I called Megan and asked her to come help me. I didn't know what was going on with you lately and it somewhat scared me to be honest. I figured since you two grew up together, she would know what to do." I started.

Em looked at a bracelet she was wearing. It had her name and Megan's engraved on it.

She smiled.

"We started talking and then she told me you were probably having pregnancy problems. She brought up that by pushing you away, I was pushing away the baby. I thought about how my parents hated each other and my dad hated me. Being in that situation was horrible and there is no way I would do that to my child." I finished

I looked at Em to see her crying.

"Why are you crying?" I asked

"I'm so sorry" she whispered.

"For what?"

"Well you had to go through that horrible situation as a kid. I mean I thought my childhood was bad-" she started

"Em your childhood was horrible. So was mine. But that's our childhoods. We are adults now and we can live life to the fullest" I interrupted

"Are you mad at me? You know, for being a bitch lately" She asked.

"No I'm not. I deserved it. And you are not a bitch. Your probably the sweetest person I know to be honest"

"What why?"

"Because your amazing with kids. You do what you can to help others even if it means you're in pain." I said.

She smiled.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked.

I looked down thinking she would be.

"No. I never really was mad at you. More frustrated." She said

I looked at her then started moving my gaze down. I could see her nipples through her shirt. As I continued to look down I realized I took her underwear off her earlier and quickly looked up.

Now is not a time to do this dude. She just had a miscarriage scare.

I looked at her hands then to mine.

"We don't have wedding rings" I said suprised


"Do you want to go get some?" I asked

"Why the sudden suggestion?" She smiled.

"Come with me. Let's get you dressed so I can show you why I want the rings"

I got up and quickly but gently picked her up bridal style.

She laughed and wrapped her arms around my neck.

We went upstairs and into my room.

"Wait this is your room not mine" she said.

"I um- I figured it would be better for you to stay in here with me. You know since their are a few problems with the pregnancy. Just to be safe" I said looking down. I could feel the heat in my cheeks.

"Oh. Yeah okay" I set her down and walked with her to the closet. She grabbed some leggings and long sleeve crop top.

She walked out of the closet and I grabbed jeans and a black shirt.

I walked out to see her about to take the shirt off. I stopped in my tracks and she pulled the shirt over her.

She looked up at me

"What?" She asked.

I moved my gaze over her body and felt my member harden.

Oh shit

She looked down at her body and quickly covered herself.

"Nothing I haven't seen before" I smiled.

"Then why look so shocked?" she asked.

"And I mean since you've seen everything before, you shouldn't have a problem with this" she said as she stopped covering herself.

I leaned my head back and squeezed my eyes shut. I could feel my lower friend harden.

Emmeline laughed and put on her clothes.

"Sorry. I had my fun. You're good now"

"I really don't think I am" I smiled still squeezing my eyes.

"Get changed" she laughed.

After I got changed, Emmeline and i went downstairs and sat on the couch so we could put our shoes on. When Emmeline leaned over she winced.

"Hey what's wrong" I asked.

"Still hurts. I think the pain meds from the hospital are wearing off."

I nodded my head and got on my knees in front of her. I grabbed her shoes and helped her put them on.

"Why are you okay with this" I asked

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you accepting my kindness. And upstairs you acted like I never did anything to you, like we are a normal couple"

"We aren't. We never have been and we never will be. But, I am willing to try. I want to try and it seems like you do to."

I smiled back and grabbed her hand. We walked into the garage and drove to the jewelry store.

"What ring do you want?" I asked.

"I don't care. As long as it matches yours"

After a few minutes we found the perfect rings.

"They're beautiful" Em smiled.

"Then they're ours"

I bought the rings then turned Em so she was looking at me.

"I promise that I will never do what I use to do to you. I will take care of you and the baby for as long as I live." I said as I put her ring on Em.

"I promise that I will forever be the best possible wife I can be. I will do everything in my power to take care of you and our baby for as long as I live" she smiled as she put my ring on me.

"Can I kiss you?" I whispered.

She nodded her head and I leaned down to put my lips to her

It was a sweet and gentle yet hot and passionate kind of kiss

We went home after getting some ice cream from the store. Em stayed in the car since she was hurting a little bit.

When we got out of the car I quickly ran to Em and picked her up.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"You said you were hurting. I don't want you to hurt more." I frowned.

"I'm okay Allister"

I kept walking with her in my arms. We got inside and I set her on the couch. I put her icecream in a cup and mine in a bowl.

We put on a movie and ate our icecream.

Em soon fell asleep so I picked her up and put her in my...wait no... our bed. I went downstairs and took care of our dishes then went back to my room.

I noticed something was missing when I looked at Emmeline laying in our bed.

The bear. She needs the bear.

I went into her room and grabbed her bear. When I got back into my room I noticed she looked somewhat in pain even while she was sleeping. I put the bear under her arm and she started cuddling with it.

I changed into some sweats then got in bed.

Em started cuddling me and the bear at the same time.

I have to admit the feeling of her skin on my bare chest is somewhat nice. I can live with this. A happy wife who may love me at some point. A child who will grow up feeling more loved than anyone in the world. It's just nice. And I intend to keep it this way for as long as I can.



Hey so it's midnight and I couldn't sleep so I figured I would write. sorry if there are typos or if it doesn't make semse. I'm tired as heck now though so I'm going to sleep.

Have a nice night or morning wherever you are😘

(Edit: I had to change part of this so if something in the future doesn't quite make sense then that's why. Sorry)

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