𝙙𝙪𝙢𝙗 𝙗𝙪𝙣𝙣𝙮 ; bts

By mochabol

111 25 3

(gifs ctto) jeongguk takes life advice from four elementary school kids. . . . lowercase intended. slow updat... More

🥕|| monday
🥕|| tuesday

🥕|| wednesday

34 8 0
By mochabol

chapter synopsis: jeongguk finds out what exactly his pig clad partner meant by 'rebranding', namjoon attempts to persuade yoongi into joining the 'rebellion', and yoonseok cross paths with the 'serial killer hobo' once again.


on wednesday morning, the sky sported semi-sunshine and semi-clouds that moved like sloths along the powder blue sky. people shuffled into their cars or onto buses and began their daily commute through life, stopping at cafés to grab a quick coffee and breakfast. it was just a normal day.

except it wasn't.

jeongguk stood in his usual, designated spot- the third concrete block away from the turning lane on the right of the street- bunny suited up and a comically large cardboard cutout of a boba tea in his arms. the cutout read the café's tag line and location, so that passerbys might pique interest and check it out (no one ever did).

if it had been a normal day, then jaehyun would've been in the exact same spot, just on the left side of the street, clad in his pig suit holding a comically large cutout of a hotpot meal. but he wasn't!

instead, it was some other guy.

some guy with a perfectly chiseled face and jaw, thick brows, big double lidded eyes, and coal black hair accented with electric blue highlights.

no lie, this other guy was pretty hot.

and his shirt said it too.

'some other guy', jeongguk oh so creatively dubbed him, wore a viridian green button up with a black apron on top, and black slacks with converse to match.

the front of 'some other guy's apron read 'hotboy's hotpot' on the front in big boldfaced letters, matching the color of his button up. his name tag was pinned on the left of his chest, but jeongguk couldn't read it from where he was.

it didn't matter though, because this was absolutely insane!

the ebony haired boy couldn't believe jaehyun got replaced by some handsome stranger! who the hell was he supposed to gossip loudly with across the street?!

not only that, but now jeongguk was the only who looked like a complete fool!

he would not stand for this-this injustice!

the bunny clad boy ditched his 'work place', the little square he stood in all morning and through the afternoon, and marched his way back up to the end of the street where the two buildings were located.

when he got there, it was definitely a sight to see.

on a normal day, the two restaurants barely got any customers, only one or two people would ever come in, if they were lucky.

but this was something jeongguk never expected.

people lined up behind one another in front of what was once known as 'hotpot pig', the trademark pink pig replaced with a steaming hotpot and the same logo that was on the handsome guy's apron.

jeongguk didn't fail to notice that the line leading into the restaurant was made up of mostly teenage girls and young women, fangirling with one another over how 'hot' the waiters were.

but still, there was no jung jaehyun.

knowing he wouldn't get any answers by standing out here, the bunny clad boy entered the rivaling business. he definitely stood out like a sore thumb amongst the good looking guys.

not that jeongguk wasn't attractive, it was just the ridiculously large pink bunny head he wore caused his visuals to be overlooked.

he didn't care in the moment though. his best friend was missing and he needed to get to the bottom of this!

how could jaehyun's boss get rid of practically his only employee, the person who had been helping him keep this restaurant from shutting down?!

maybe all those things jieun used to say about hotpot pig and its manager were true. their boss was a penny pinching, money snatching, crusty old man who didn't care about anyone but himself-


the nineteen year old's head snapped up upon hearing his name called, his purple haired friend before his eyes.

"jaehyun!" the brown eyes boy exclaimed, a smile of relief gracing his lips, though the other looked more confused than anything.

jaehyun also wore the new employee uniform, as well as newly dyed violet hair slicked behind his ear and to the side. jeongguk almost couldn't believe this was the same guy who was wearing a pig suit just yesterday.

"what are you doing here? it's not your break yet." the older of the two questioned, checking his watch to make sure he wasn't mistaken.

"you weren't at your post this morning... i thought you had been replaced or-or fired!" jeongguk explained in frantic haste, upset and confused by everything that was going on.

"oh no," jaehyun began to explain, "i was just moved to work as a host instead of a promoter." he smiled. "did you really think changmin hyung got rid of me?"

the brunet was quiet, jaehyun's tone had some underlying teasing beneath it and he didn't want to come off as stupid or something.

"no, i just... there's so many people here.." jeongguk's surveyed the busy restaurant, not only where there many patrons dining in but also a plethora of new waiters and other staff, all extremely attractive young men.

it had never been this way before.

jeongguk felt a pit form in his stomach the more he looked, he was happy for jaehyun, but he couldn't help but feel... envious?

jaehyun opened his mouth to speak, but his boss pulled him out of sight, a wary glare directed the brunet's way.

"jeon! what are you doing in my restaurant?! did that rat jieun send you to come spy on me?? if you're not looking to buy then get out!" changmin demanded, using the empty chocolate wrapper to shoo the bunny boy away.

jeongguk was already backing out the door once the elder began threatening to call the authorities, disturbed by the events of today. he felt as if someone took his head off his shoulders and kicked it around like a soccer ball before putting it back on him.

"no need, roach. we were just leaving." jieun seethed, grabbing the sleeve of jeongguk's suit. she was probably going to scold him later for 'entering enemy territory', but the brunet could care less.

the redhead took a quick look around the facility with narrowed eyes before sending 'the bird' changmin's way, pulling jeongguk out of the restaurant behind her.

his mind was still rattled by all that had happened in such a short amount of time. jeongguk could hardly process it all.

'hotpot pig' had become 'hotboy's hotpot', their rival restaurant was gaining tons of patrons by the minute, as well as many more staff, they were actually starting to get business, and now jaehyun would no longer be standing on the side of the road dressed like an idiot with him anymore.

it used to just be them, jaehyun and jeongguk, and now it wasn't.


a familiar fourth grader with bleached hair stood behind one of the swings, going through the most just to get some kind of momentum for the squirrel situated on the swing.

"this is really underwhelming, y'know. my feet are barely off the ground."

"why don't you try pushing yourself, ungrateful piece of dog shi-"


both the brunet and the blond turned their attention to the familiar voice, eyes landing on a namjoon who was jogging towards them.

the younger of the trio stopped to catch his breath, not even noticing as yoongi began to walk off.

"hyung, wait!!"

the blond didn't wait, though. namjoon had been chasing him around all day, as was jin, in attempts to get him to 'join the rebellion'.

the last thing on yoongi's mind was some petty school drama, he was barely able to keep up with his grades.

hoseok was the last to know about this though, as always. the ball of sunshine seemed to be in his own world half the time, he had no clue about the 'rebellion' or the feud between jin and joon, even if namjoon had briefed him about it yesterday.

"what can i do to change your mind? huh? i'll buy you lunch! i'll do your homework! please, i'm desperate!" namjoon cried, only a smidgen away from begging on his knees.

"nothing. i'm not getting involved." yoongi stated once again, dead set on staying out of the drama.

hoseok watched the dramatic scene play out in front of him, and quietly wished he would've brought a snack to recess.

"come on, hyung!! i'm begging you! you're like the fourth grade katniss everdeen! no one's going to listen to me unless you're by my side! and president snowjin is waiting for our downfall!"

"i don't know what you're referencing and i don't care. leave me alone!"

namjoon stared deep into the other's carob colored eyes, searching for something, anything, only getting nothing but a flick on the forehead in return.

"puppy eyes don't work on me, dumbass."

the silver headed boy huffed in annoyance, glancing around for some kind of solution, until his gaze landed on the brunet hoseok.

a mischievous, dimpled grin spread across the third grader's lips.

namjoon grabbed the clueless boy's arm and pulled him off the swing set, locking hoseok's arms behind his back so he couldn't attempt an escape.

"fine then, i'm taking hobieeta hostage." he declared, backing away from the swing set.


"you'd know if you read the books."

hoseok rolled the hard watermelon flavored candy around in his mouth, confused about what was going on, but didn't question it, even if he should've.

"bye yoonie! see you at the bus stop!"


seokjin would never admit this out loud, but getting rejected by yoongi did bruise his ego a bit.

nevertheless, the fourth grade prince would continue on his vengeful brigade. aside from himself, yoongi wasn't the only person the students would listen to.

there was someone who people loved and respected almost as much as seokjin, lee jaehwan. the 'less popular' prince of the elementary school they attended, as seokjin so humbly put it. peep the sarcasm.

though, similarly to yoongi, jaehwan wasn't one to incite revenge. which was a problem, as he'd seen earlier.

seokjin didn't know what more to do to convince people to help him rid the world (their school) of that meddling kim namjoon. he thought his charming face was the only asset needed, but apparently some could resist his overwhelming beauty.

who would've thought?

the lavender haired boy had a few allies at his side, like chenle and junmyeon, but without yoongi or jaehwan, the three's efforts were in vain.

sliding his designer lunchbox across the lunch table, seokjin sat beside the boy he had been looking for, a charming smile adorning his pink lips.

jaehwan didn't bother glancing up from his meal, knowing who it was just by the overconfident aura radiating off the other. "hello jinnie."

"i'm sure you've heard about what's been going on lately." the younger of the two got right to the point, not fond of beating around the bush.

cinnamon locks shadowed the boy's eyes as he finally faced seokjin. "yes, i have. you and namjoon are fighting, again." jaehwan began feeling he knew why seokjin unexpectedly visited his lunch table.

"well, then you'll know i need your help."

"my help? what about yoongi?"

he sucked in a harsh inhale before sighing in defeat. though instead of being forward like before, seokjin didn't want to realize his failure just yet.

"he... just needs more convincing, it seems. you know how stubborn he can be. but with you, i'm sure he'll be at our side in no time." another coy grin playing at his lips.


his smile faded.

"you don't need me, necessarily. i think he's going to say no to you regardless of who you have by your side." jaehwan spoke thoughtfully. "well, except for one person."

this piqued the younger boy's interest. "who?"

"think about it, jin. who's he almost always around? instead of going after those you're close with, go after his." jaehwan ruffled the other's soft purple hair.

it seemed to click all of a sudden after hearing those words, as seokjin's baby brown eyes landed on a familiar brunet.

"go after his hope, and he'll chase you like a rabid dog." jaehwan hinted, observing the blond sitting beside the other.




"or- cat, i guess."


"zip up your coat, hyung! your mom said she doesn't want you to get sick again like last time!"

the short blond grumbled under his breath as he reluctantly followed hoseok's directions.

it was chillier than normal outside today, so the pair of schoolboys decided to take the local bus home instead of their usual walk.

the younger of the two swung his lunch bag to and fro cheerfully as they made their way toward the bus stop. "today my mama packed an extra snack for us. do you want to eat it now or on the bus?" the brunet glanced at his tiny partner.

yoongi opened his mouth to answer, only stopping when his eyes caught sight of the bus stop.

there he was, the man they had seen only a couple of days ago, clad in that awfully pink bunny suit, except the head sat on the opposite side of the raven.

hoseok followed the blond's gaze and froze up, remembering the first 'encounter' they had with this guy.

it was as if he went back in time, the memory was so vivid, maybe because it only happened two days before, but the fear from the past overtook his small third grade body again, he couldn't move a muscle.

yoongi calling the bunny man a serial killer really shook the brunet up. that whole walk home hoseok thought he had beckoned a cold blooded murderer over to them. he even cried to his mama about it!

only to find out yoongi was lying to him, and that it was rude to call the homeless 'hobos'.

a frown settled on his heart shaped lips, ignoring his friend's suggestion to walk home today instead.

hoseok took yoongi's hand instead, and the pair made their way over to the bus stop bench. they needed to apologize for yesterday.

the brunet was still a little wary, of course. his mama told him not to talk to strangers, after all. but at the same time, she taught him to apologize when he was wrong.

plus, the bunny man didn't look scary at all! he just looked a little sad, hoseok guessed it was because of what yoongi said the other day.

the brunet sat beside jeongguk and made yoongi sit on the right of him, much to the blond's dismay and confusion.

hoseok, though a little nervous and not even sure if he should be doing this, mustered up his brightest, friendliest smile he could, almost blinding the café worker beside him.



today was shitty, to say the least.

life just didn't seem to be working in jeongguk's favor. in fact, the universe seemed to be doing everything in its power for life to be against him.

the young man honestly didn't know what was worse, that he had no idea what his college major would be, his best friend having a better job than him, or the two little rats headed over to where he was currently sitting.

he voted the last one, trying his best not to glance at the pair, but he could see the brunet's odd look of determination and his blond companion's apathetic expression from the side of his eyes.

jeongguk moved the oversized pink bunny head into his lap as the two boys took their seats next to him.

despite knowing that the two were just kids, and kids were 80% assholes, he still couldn't help but feel overwhelmingly uncomfortable. one of them did call him a killer bum just two days ago, after all.

maybe that was where his life was headed if he didn't figure out a major soon, jeongguk heaved an internal sigh. he couldn't see himself murdering anyone though.


the ebony haired boy flinched a bit, not expecting hoseok to actually speak to him. he wasn't in the mood for conversation, especially not with snot nosed children.

but jeongguk wasn't mannerless, and responded to the cheerful greeting with a small wave, hoping that would be the end of their interaction.

of course it wasn't.

"what's your name?" the brunet boy asked with such enthusiasm, it drained both the nine and nineteen year old introverts' energy.

hoseok didn't give him much time to answer, already springing into his self introduction.

"my name is hoseok but mostly everyone calls me hobi!! i'm in the third grade and i'm eight and half years old and my birthday is next month and my best friends are joonie and jinnie hyung but my bestest friends are yoonie and my mama and my plushie mang! my favorite color is green and today i ate bibimmyeon for lunch but i still have a clementine because my mama packed one for me and yoonie when we get on the bus but i can give you mine if you want!"

neither the blond nor the raven expected that information dump hoseok just spewed, but the said brunet didn't seem to see the problem.

"you're not supposed to talk to strangers, dummy." yoongi reminded, giving the other a sharp nudge in his side.

a small, pained whine left hoseok while a pout and glare directed toward the blond adorned his features. but the brief glance at yoongi reminded the eight year old why they, or rather he, was talking to jeongguk in the first place.

"oh! mr. bunny, we wanted to apologize for what we did monday. it was really mean but we didn't mean it. right, yoonie?" hoseok bowed a bit before turning to his older companion, who looked at him bug eyed.

yoongi wondered how the hell he got roped into apologizing to someone he barely knew.

"huh? why should i apologize?" he questioned, a frown on his lips though it was a genuine question.

jeongguk wasn't expecting an apology to come from the two, well really hoseok. the brunet boy wasn't even the one who called him a 'hobo serial killer', he was just naive enough to believe the words of his friend.

hoseok on the other hand couldn't believe that yoongi was refusing to say sorry even though they had so obviously hurt the bunny man's feelings. at least, that's what hoseok believed to be the reason for jeongguk's dejected state.

calling him those mean words had bothered him so much, he hadn't even gotten over it two days later!

"hyung!! you have to say sorry too! we hurt his feelings!" hoseok shouted in a hushed whisper, though it was pretty obvious jeongguk could hear everything he was saying.

"say sorry? if he really got hurt by that, maybe he shouldn't wear that dumb ass bunny suit! he's the one who's making himself look stupid." yoongi countered shamelessly, not caring whether the man sitting only a foot away heard him.

the third grader took a good look at jeongguk from top to bottom, studying the flamingo pink suit while desperately trying to come up with something to compliment.

but in reality, the suit was not in the best condition. the fleece fur was matted down, old dirt and rain stains had imbedded themselves into the cloth even after washing, the once vibrant pink had faded into a color that kind of resembled chewed bubblegum. it looked sad, to say the least, just like its wearer.

hoseok glanced up at jeongguk and strained a positive smile, turning back to yoongi as his brain scrambled to come up with a good counter argument.

"that's not- that's not true! he looks really good in it!"

"that's a lie and we both know it!"

the ebony haired teen wore a sad smile while watching as hoseok attempted to defend him and his pride, but jeongguk already knew he didn't look too hot in that suit.

"it's fine, really. you don't have to apologize. i know it looks pretty bad." he chuckled.

"see?! he's even admitted it himself!"


hoseok felt a little embarrassed for defending what was so clearly a poorly maintained mascot costume, but he was still proud of himself for apologizing. maybe now the bunny man would stop feeling so sad.

now that the brunet had done what he intended to do, the trio sat in an awkward silence, not knowing what more to say, or if they should even say anything at all.

hoseok opened his mouth to ask why exactly jeongguk was wearing that horrific bunny outfit, but before he knew it, the bus was pulling up to their stop.

yoongi had already hopped off the metal bench and made his way to the bus's entrance doors, not bothering to wait up for his younger companion.

"a-ahh, hyung wait!!" the brunet huffed, hopping off the bench. before venturing onto the bus though, hoseok turned back to face his new acquaintance.

rummaging through his mr. sun embroidered lunch bag, he pulled out a clementine, placing it in jeongguk's hands.

"bye, mr. bunny! remember to smile today!" he instructed, a sunny grin on his lips to match.

jeongguk stared at the vibrant citrus fruit for a moment before glancing back at the little boy, who was already headed onto the bus.

he looked on with widened eyes until the bus went off on its way, glancing back at the clementine in his palm.

jeongguk peeled back the fruit's rind, and hesitated before popping a small slice into his mouth.

the burst of flavor was almost immediate, sweet and tart delighting his tastebuds, and an unbeknownst smile spread across his face.

who knew the two that insulted him would be those to cheer him up?




|| unedited. ||

what do you think jin's plan is??

don't forget to vote if you enjoyed the chapter! have a lovely day ッ︎.

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