...And He's Back (Book One, B...

LivingRed tarafından

218K 7.7K 3K

Him coming back was all it took to turn her world upside down. Harper Collins is perfectly content with where... Daha Fazla

Pulled Over
Good to Be Back
Pay Up
The Routine
Give Me Pie
Pulled Over... Again
You're Missing A Button
Don't Say Something Stupid
Call More
Sneak Attack!
I'll Need to See Your ID
All. But. One
An Earthquake?
Unexpected Tragedies
What Now?
Bro Fight!
A New Beginning
Not This Time, Firecracker
First Day Back
Nervous and Excited
Owen... Someone Stole Your 1911
Hey Firecracker
My Wife, My Firecracker

Play Ball

7.5K 298 123
LivingRed tarafından

TODAY'S THE DAY OF THE BIG CHAMPIONSHIP GAME. It's the police force against the Rowdy Rough Gang... yeah Matt named them... Idiot. I'm itching to see Harp and talk to her. I'm tired of waiting and a man can only be so patient.

I've kept myself at bay only because I want to show Matt how serious I am about her. Harp's the woman I'm going to marry and seeing her holding Matt's son only sealed the deal. I was so furious with her for wanting to continue these blind dates but it's not her fault. I haven't told her yet, but I will and soon.

Since Mathew Junior was born Harp's gone from the walking dead to a fighter. She's been kicking butt at her physical therapy sessions and is walking a lot better now. Her insecurities still seem to be haunting her but she's doing her best to get past them. As for her emotional recovery, from what I hear, Matt says she's having a hard time sleeping at night. He's worried she's suffering from PTSD, which wouldn't be surprising. I've suffered from the same thing myself and hope to help her cope and properly deal with it.

The little league fields are packed and it takes me a while to get to the field where we'll be playing. I see Matt's flaming orange head and book it over to where he's at.

"You're going down Collins."

He turns to me and there's that old rivalry sparking to life between us with a hint of fury on Matt's part. I drop my bags in my team's dugout and stride over to him. He says nothing to me and we stand together in silence. The men and women warmup as the sun shines down on the green grass in the outfield.

I've missed this.

"This is more than a game." I state.

Matt nods. "Yeah it's for my blessing"

I roll my eyes but crack a grin. "Not that you moron." I stop and turn to the large crowd, you'd think people were coming to see the Yankees play. "This is about coming together as a community, to heal and remember those we lost."

Matt's guard drops. "Let's give them a good game then. It's the perfect day for one."

I smack his shoulder with my glove. "That it is Matty." I then smack his butt and run towards Harp. "Let's see what you've got."

"No flirting with my sister before the game. She needs to focus!" He yells after me but I'm already set on breaking that rule. Harp is throwing a ball with some random guy and as soon as she catches it I pick her up by my shoulder making sure to do it around her hips so I don't hurt her abdomen.

"Owen! What do you think you're doing?" She shrieks cutely.

"Any chance we can have this player?" I shout to Matt who flashes dangerous eyes at me but I don't flinch, instead I give him a very cruel smirk. "I take that as a no?"

Harp smacks my butt with her glove. "Absolutely not, I've been looking forward to creaming your smug face all week."

"Oh really now?. You do know I was scouted by the Dodgers. And I have to tell you they were thoroughly disappointed when I turned them down."

"You do know..." Harp deepens her voice sarcastically then holds a finger up. "First, Dodgers aren't something to brag about. Second, hate to break it to you but you're no Pee Wee Reese, Jackie Robinson or for more modern day baseball heroes, Derek Jeter. Plus, you would've probably warmed the bench until finally deciding to drop to the minor leagues where you belonged."

I laugh putting her down gently and flick her hat up. "I beg to differ sweetheart." She blushes and goes to hit me but I quickly jog backwards toward my team. "Good luck, you're going to need it."

She huffs and puts her hand and glove on those tempting hips of hers. "You're the one who's going to need the strength of God to shine down on you, cause that's the only way you're going to win."

I stop and take her in. I've always loved Harp in a baseball cap and her gorgeous copper locks in a ponytail, there was something so entrancing about it. She's wearing a dark blue team t-shirt with shorts that make it hard for me not look at her freckled legs.

Like promised her leg is wrapped up securely and I point to it. "No sliding."

She cocks a slender brow. "I'm not dumb Samuels."

I flash her a smile. Harper Samuels sounds nice. "You sure about that Firecracker."

Her face reddens in anger and I jog away to Luke. He chuckles at me, "Good to see you really flirting now."

He throws me a ball as I ask, "What do you mean?"

I throw it back to him as he continues, "You've always flirted with her but had no idea you were and now you're intentionally doing it. Should I be expecting a save the date soon?"

I toss the ball in the air. "More like renting a tux."

He gives me a dead panned look. "Seriously? Dude, I don't do tuxes."

"Yeah and you will be changing that if you want to be a part of it. Just promise me you won't look better than me at my wedding and it will be set in stone."

He smirks. "What? You afraid Harp's going to get one good look at me then decide she wants a real man?"

"You're a sexy man. It's a logical fear." I wink back at him.

"Dude your confidence is something to be feared." He throws the ball back at me. "But forewarning, on the rare occasion I've had to wear one, I've made the ladies swoon."

"Still set in stone." I chuck it at him and he hisses from the ball smacking the palm of his glove. "Only because my lady won't even spare you a glance."

He throws the ball again and I'm impressed. "Did you play in high school?"

He shrugs his shoulders, "No."

"What was your sport."

He fires the ball back at me. "Drinking, drugs, sex."

I falter and the ball skims pass me. "Sorry."

He fixes his cap. "Don't be. I made a lot of stupid mistakes in the past. I own up to them. I'm just glad I went down a different route. I'd probably be dead if I continued the one I was going down in high school."

I run and grab the ball tossing it back to him. "What made you change? If you don't mind me asking."

His eyes darken and he looks in the direction of the sun, as if it would help the darkness in his eyes to vanish. "Sam Schneider's disappearance."

So that's why.

"Did something happen between you two?"

He's silent and the music stops playing as the announcer calls out for the game to start. He throws me the ball and we head towards the dugout. "We got into a fight the day she disappeared. It hasn't sat right with me since."

I nod and drop the conversation. Luke's a private guy and I don't want to push him.

Our coworkers nominate me as captain and I meet Matt at home plate. We bash each other a little and then the game starts with us up at bat. I know this will be a high scoring game and a nail biter. I'm first up and Harp's behind me playing catcher.

Guess she talked Matt into letting her behind the plate.

Got to give it to her. The woman knows how to get her way.

It's a good place for her. In slow-pitch softball it's the easiest position and the catcher only needs to stand, catch the ball and throw it back to the pitcher. Music starts playing and I hear Freedom by Pharrell.

"Let's see how rusty you've gotten Chicken Butt." She snickers as the ump stands behind her giving a snort.

I swing my bat back and forth watching Harp's eyes follow and trace my biceps. I smirk enjoying her admiration for my physique. "You keep looking at me like that you're going to be distracted and lose the game."

Her cheeks flush and her eyes spark with that fiery personality of hers. I bend down to grab some dirt and rub my hands in it. Once I'm nicely caked in sand I grip my bat and swing with outstretched arms.

She scoffs, "You really do think you're on the same level as Jackie Robinson."

I grin. "No, I just know he's your favorite player. Thought I'd earning some brownie points."

"Brownie points for what?"

"To get a kiss from you when my team wins."

I hear her choke and the pitcher gives me a beautiful arched slow pitch and I slam it pass the fences. I haughtily drop my bat and run around the bases to the rhythm of the music. I round third and jog to Harp who stands with her glove on her hip glaring at me. I run right into her space getting a breeze of fresh grass and her delectable pumpkin cookie sent.

"Like I said Harp. I hope you're ready for this." I whisper to her as I bounce to the beat of the music.

Her eyes blaze to life and she gives me a sly grin that sets my skin on fire then pokes me in the chest. "You better run those bases hard and have a lot of endurance buddy, because with me the chase is never over."

My heart thunders against my black team shirt. I'm a man who loves competition, I flourish in it and making Harp mine is no different, it's just a different type of ball game. I start jogging backwards towards the dugout with a confident smile stretching across my face. "Good, my occupation is physically demanding so something a little more challenging then lifting weights sounds perfect." I flex a little, but not too noticeably for everyone to see, just Harp. She snaps her mouth shut as her eyes devour me.

She huff's turning away to focus on the game. I sit next to Luke who cocks his head over to a fuming Matt at third. "You may want to tone it down."

I laugh, "No way, I have to pull out all the cards."

Luke cocks a brow. "Why?"

My eyes go straight to Harp and she smiles throwing her fist in the air when they get an out.

"Her dad really did a number on her huh?" Luke states.

My eyes steel. "You have no idea. I want to make her realize her worth."

Luke pats my back and gets up for his turn. "I hope for something like that."

"What love?"

He shakes his head. "No, a woman I'm willing to go such great lengths for.

The game continues with a lot of smack talk and flirting on Harp and I's part. I've missed this competitive nature between us. We're tied and the game is getting more and more intense as we come to the last inning. I'm at third base ready to head to home plate with Matt next to me hoping to get me out.

"Keep it in your pants Samuels. There are families here."

I chuckle, "I don't think a little bit of flirting is going to hurt anyone."

"It'll hurt Harp if you aren't careful." He spits out.

The pitcher gets into position and I lead off the base. "I'm winning this Matt and I can't promise you I won't hurt her in the future, but I can promise you that I love her and always will. I won't abandon her. She's it. The only one."

Matt flinches. "Prove it."

Luke rips one right to second but they fumble and it's a clean hit. I slide into home as Harp growls in frustration. "Crap."

I smirk. They just need one more out, but now we're in the lead and in the top of the ninth. "Where's the sportsmanship Harp? I thought you'd cheer for me at least a little bit."

She rolls her eyes and stretches out her hand helping me up. I step into her and her body tremors at how close we are. I dust myself off and she picks up my hat handing it to me. I turn to Matt who stares me down as I put my hat back on.

The next batter gets out and we're in the bottom of the ninth. Matt's team is able to get one on base but we're two down with Harp up to bat. She's been hitting mostly singles with a few doubles. She usually slams them out of the park but her leg is bothering her and I can tell by how she's trying to keep off of it. Am shouts from the fence clapping viciously for her best friend.

"Go get them Buttercup!"

I stand at center field. This was my position. I was the best center fielder in high school and college. I smirk at Harp as she gives me a smug look bending down wiping her hands with dirt and grips her bat pointing it at me then swings it with outstretched arms.

Alright Jackie Robinson.

The crowd is loud and chanting. We were able to raise enough money to help victims and families with their medical bills, which was our goal. The crowds are evenly divided between teams, cheering their hearts out. Harp's kids chant for her from the stands making me smile.

The first pitch is a ball and Harp steps back for a second. Once she's back in position a beautiful perfect pitch arches towards her and she smashes it right to me. It's a gorgeous hit and I begin to run to the fences. This was my specialty back in the day, catching fly balls before they got out. I race to the fence but when I get a good look at Harp's hopeful expression I know what to do. I jump on the fence and stretch out my arm but lower my glove letting the ball glide over it.

This game belongs to my girl.

My feet hit the ground and cheers erupt from the stands. I don't know if this whole game is Matt's way of testing me but just because I lost doesn't mean I'm done trying to prove it to him. I'm not going to stop until she's mine. Even if I don't get his blessing now, I'm chasing her with everything I've got.

I turn and watch her run the bases slowly and carefully, her leg limping as she pushes forward. My heart melts and eyes warm at seeing her so happy. We may have lost the game, but every person is giving her a high-five from my team because it feels like we all won alongside her.

My eyes continue to follow her until she hits third where Matt's coaching. His sight is set on me and I know he knows. He just nods, telling me this will always be kept between us. Because if Harp ever finds out my head will be on a stick.

The game officially ends and Harp comes stumbling over to me cutely. She's exasperated in excitement and I love how her cheeks glow with triumph and how her messy hair frizzes around her face from under her baseball cap.

"Told ya you were rusty. Back in the day you would've easily caught that."

I shrug. "I've been fighting a stupid cramp in my calf and it got the better of me, so bask in the glory now because next time you won't be so lucky champ."

She beams at me and then gets called over by Am. She limps to her and I start placing my gear in my bag. Luke pats my back. 'Good game. I'll see you tomorrow."

I nod and the rest of the team leaves telling me good game, and not a single one is upset with the loss. This was all about coming together as a community.

"Good job Harper." My head snaps up to that familiar voice and I see that Daniel guy from the bowling alley. He gives her a hug with his sister and friend beside him. I can't remember their names. My hand clutches on my bags handle as I watch him flirt with her.

I'm so engrossed I don't even notice Matt beside me. "Thank you for giving that to her."

I shift my eyes to him, shoving my glove in my bag. "I don't know what you're talking about. My leg cramped up."

He's quiet for a couple of seconds. "He has a real shot with her. I know him. He's a good guy."

Am said the same thing... I'm not liking this.

I don't say anything and throw my bag over my shoulder. "We still doing dinner at your mom's tonight?"

He ignores my question. "You better get over there."

I freeze and snap my head to him. He just stares at his sister, motionless.


"Hurry up before I change my mind." He goes to leave but stops. "Oh, and just so you know she has a blind date today and will be late for dinner."


He walks away and I turn my attention back to Harp as she smiles at Daniel in a way I don't like. I know she's probably still on a high from her winning homeroom but I don't ever want her smiling at another man like that.

I powerfully stride over and pat Daniel roughly on the back. "Nice to see you again man."

He gives me a smirk as his sister smiles flirtatiously at me. "Good to see you again officer."

I don't pay any attention to her and shift to Harp. "Need a ride home Jackie Robinson?"

Her face crunches into the most captivating smile I've ever seen her give. "Only if I get some pie."

I give her a broad one in return. "Deal."

A/N: I had so much fun writing this chapter. I hope it displayed hope and was just a fun light read compared to the earlier heavy stuff. Don't forget to comment, vote and share :) Also, what do you guys think of Own giving up the game?

~ Living Red

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