Lost and Found [Thranduil lov...

Asaratte द्वारा

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Anne was just a girl with one minor magical ability, who went on one adventure too many. Now she is a newly a... अधिक

Chapter 1: Escape
Chapter 2: Rivendell
Chapter 3: Into The Mountains
Chapter 4: On A Way To Mirkwood
Chapter 5: The King
Chapter 6: King's Hospitality
Chapter 7: An Unexpected... Something
Chapter 8: Meanwhile...
Chapter 9: A Prince And A Witch
Chapter 10: The Halls Of Erebor
Chapter 11: Teleportation And Other Disasters
Chapter 12: Double, Double Toil And Trouble
Chapter 13: Blood, Deaths And Broken Hearts
Chapter 14: Guests, Returns and Farewells
Chapter 15: A Price And A Gift
Chapter 17: Changes
Chapter 18: Troublesome Agreements
Chapter 19: Answers
Chapter 20:Journeys And Meetings
Chapter 21: Into The Woods Again
Chapter 22: Accidents Happen
Chapter 23: Faces Of The King
Chapter 24: Bad News
Chapter 25: Games And Consequences
Chapter 26: Schemes and Plans
Chapter 27: The Ceremony
Chapter 28: Dreams and Reality
Chapter 29: Beginning of The End
Chapter 30: The Hunt
Chapter 31: The Farewell
Chapter 32: The Memory

Chapter 16: The King's Bargain

7.1K 188 29
Asaratte द्वारा

As the night of full moon was closing in, the prince was feeling more and more excited. His time was coming. He would finally please his father, and prove his worth to his older brother.

Standing alone in his room, he admired the magical bracelet, that belonged to his grandmother. The moment he put it on the queens hand she would become his loving wife. That was how his grandma Alesia, just a lowly witch, joined the royal family. He smiled. Two days, only two days and that sweet, and lovely witch would be his.


It took me a while to comprehend what I’ve just heard and seen. Everyone waited patiently until I was ready. Even the king didn’t move. He froze like a statue, observing my every move, while I walked around the room in short, quick steps. He seemed like a hawk, following its prey. I was happy about that actually. If he tried to touch me I might have done something unforgivable. I could feel him reaching for me through our bond though, probably assessing my emotional state. So far we weren’t able read each others thoughts, except for those which were shaped into a message. I hoped it was still true, because I was thinking some very unladylike words, and they were all adjectives describing the Elvenking.

Finally, after I was able to speak again, we passed to the more pressing matter. I related to them the events in mysterious ruins, my fight with Sauron, and that my ring saved me. I left out the part about our conversation though. That was just too intimate.

“Then he wished to control me.” Said the king walking in circles. He just couldn’t stand still since I started my story, clenching his hands and teeth every time I described Sauron’s attacks, and later, when I spoke about what happened in Ravenhill.

“Yes, but I think he desires my ring more, so now he just wants to kill me.” I remarked. That only increased his agitation.

“I have never heard of such an item, and being so powerful it would be named long ago.” Said Thranduil. “How did you obtain it?” He demanded.

“I have… found it.” I replied evasively.


“In a cave.” I answered, thinking how to lie without lying.

He looked at me with disapproval, apparently noticing what I was trying to do, but said nothing.

“Lady Galadriel.” I tried to change the subject. “Gandalf told me you could teach me how to protect my mind from Sauron. I don’t want to go to him again during my next vision.”

“I can indeed.” She answered. “However it would be best if you two worked together.” She looked at the king. “Straightening your bond may help fend off his dark powers.”

Thranduil looked at me, and words of protest got stuck in my throat. His eyes told me that he knew what I was going to say. They weren’t angry or sad, just accepting. So I said something else instead.

“How exactly can it help?” I asked.

“Sauron would have to fight you both to intercept your powers.” She replied. I looked ad the king with slightly more interest. So, I could use him as a shield.

“And how do we do it?” I wanted to know.

“That is for you to discover.” She said, and I felt irritation again. Oh, as usual. Would I ever get a straight answer here?  “But your seer talents could prove useful.” She continued.

“A few weeks ago I didn’t know I had them.” I retorted. “So I don’t think they will be of any help.”

“You are not trained?” Lady Galadriel looked surprised.

“No, I’m not.” I replied with a sigh. “I do believe I’ve mentioned it couple of times already.”

“That may be dangerous considering the circumstances.” She looked at Elrond, and he nodded. “I invite you to Lothlorien, where I could teach you and guide you while you learn to control your skills.” She said.

I smiled happily. Another elven city! Great! And far away from the king, which was also an advantage.

I looked at the Elvenking expecting him to disagree, but he said nothing. Well, that was weird. Not long ago he would not let me out for a walk, and now it was suddenly all right? Maybe it was because he trusted Galadriel to keep me safe? I wondered.

“Of course! I would be very happy to!” I exclaimed.

“When she recovers.” Said Thranduil, and the world returned to it’s place again. I tried not to roll my eyes. I already knew that quarrelling made no sense, so I decided to be nice for once.

“Your Highness, I am happy to know you care so much about me, but I really feel very well.” I said, trying to sound genuine. He looked at me for a moment, then averted his head.

“We shall discuss it later.” He answered. I knew it basically meant he didn’t agree, but he decided not to argue in front of the guests.

“What about the blood?” Asked Elrond, seeing how my face turned gloomy.

“I still don’t know anything more than before.” I replied, lying. I did, but I wasn’t going to tell everyone I wasn’t human anymore. It was enough that Galadriel sensed something has changed, and I could see king’s sharp look and frown. It was obvious I was going to be interrogated later.

The rest of the time we spent talking a little bit more about Sauron and what happened to Gandalf, who wasn’t present, and wouldn’t be for a long time. I’ve found out that it has been the Lady of Lorien, who weakened the warlock, which in the end saved my life.

All three elves analysed possibilities, and talked about some Ring of Power or The One Ring as they called it. I just listened and learned, having no idea about the story. They also wondered what power could my ring give to the warlock, and how should they protect me. Galadriel and Elrond thought it was unlikely he would try to summon me again, as they predicted he wasn’t strong enough. More probable was for them that he would send his underlings to capture me. The Elvenking assured them I would be guarded at all times, and I groaned. Running away has just became harder.

Then Thranduil invited them for my official presentation, and that was when I finally joined the conversation.

“A what?!” I exclaimed.

“You shall be presented to my subjects.” He answered.

“I. Am. Not. Your. Wife.” I snarled.

“You should have decided that before your soul seduced mine.” He retorted.

“I did not do it on purpose!” I replied. “If I knew what those dreams meant I would have never entered this dreadful forest!”

“Yet you did, completing the bond. And I still wasn’t told why.” He smirked.

“And I still haven’t been given my jewellery back.” I remarked.

“Then neither of us received what we desired.” He said, strangely pleased.

“Yes, we seem to be good at not fulfilling each other’s wishes.” I snorted.

I heard Galadriel’s and Elrond’s laughter. Lord of Rivendell stood up, taking Lady of Lorien’s hand.

“We do accept your invitation…” He looked at me. “If you decide to do the presentation after all.” He smiled. “And now let us leave you to your matters.”

“Farewell.” Said Galadriel.

You will be welcome any time you decide to come to Lothlorien. She added in my head.

And like that, biding their goodbyes to the king, they both left.

Before I could decide which way to run, Thranduil moved in front of me, and locked his eyes with mine.

“Let me offer you a bargain.” He said, looking a little stiff.

“I’m listening.” I answered feeling uncomfortable, but curious. He was scaring me with his blank expression again. I hated not knowing what to expect.

“If you agree to attend the celebration, I will provide you much desired jewellery to wear on that special occasion.”

I looked at him surprised. The Elvenking was actually proposing a fair trade. Something I didn’t expect him to do. Well, that was interesting. Little that he new, having the jewellery back, I could run away any time I wanted. Gee, thanks Your Highness. I guess I could let him name me his wife in front of some elves for such price. It might have validated his power over me, but only in the eyes of  those pointy-eared creatures. And as an elven queen I would have some power of my own, which could help my cause.

“Agreed.” I replied firmly. “When is it?” I wanted to know.

“During the first full moon of autumn.” He answered. “In two weeks.”

That was sooner than I expected. I had little time to do all that I intended, however considering my new status, staying here longer would be dangerous. What if the king wished me to perform every wife’s duties and share bed with him? Ugh. It was disturbing to even think about it.

“Fine.” I said, walking around him to reach the door.

“Would you let me show you your new home My lady?” Came his voice from behind my back. I stopped startled.

“NO!” I exclaimed a little more aggressively, than I should have. He being my husband made me nervous, and besides, I wanted to wander a little alone, so that I could look around in peace and check my possibilities. If I let the king go with me, it would be hard to establish where I was allowed to go alone, and where I wasn’t.

I could see he was taken aback and hurt by my words, and I felt slightly guilty. That was rude. After all that bond of ours WAS my fault. And now he was doomed, because I was mortal, and he could die when I did. How much did I have? It was hard to tell, considering I was no longer human as the ring claimed, but I wasn’t too optimistic. A hundred years? Two? Three? Considering his age it was nothing. A blink of an eye. And he wanted me to live all those years in captivity. For his own protection, his own sake. Was this kiss one of the attempts to make me more agreeable? To make me believe he cared, even loved me? So that I would be a good girl and do as was told? That was just cruel, but unfortunately made sense. Why would he have any feelings for a human girl? All his protectiveness came from fear for his own well being. Anyone could be here in my place and he wouldn’t even see the difference, because it wasn’t me he cared about. No, he didn’t deserve my pity. Actually I was lucky he wasn’t my type, otherwise I would be bound to have a broken heart. Yes, there was no reason to worry, he would get what he deserved.

“I’m in no mood for company.” I said with reluctance. Despite all the reasons to hate him I still had pangs of conscience. “So I am sorry, but I have to decline.” I finished turning away from him and walking out of the room. He didn’t follow and I didn’t turn back.

I was walking around, memorising all I could. I entered room after room just to check if I could. No one tried to stop me though, no one talked to me either. After what seemed like hours I was pretty sure I memorised the ground level, and moved in the direction of the great door. That was when Legolas approached me, looking relaxed, so I knew it was a friendly meeting.

“Hiril vuin.” He inclined his head. “Or should I call you stepmother as humans do?” He smiled slightly, joining me. I resumed the walk.

“Don’t even joke like that.” I warned. It might have been amusing for him, but it definitely wasn’t funny for me.

“Why?” He looked at me surprised. “It is the truth.”

“Not  from my point of view.” I snorted. “And I’m pretty sure your father doesn’t see it that way either.”

“Oh, but he is the one who informed me.” He replied. “And I was truly happy to hear it.” That surprised me. Wasn’t he angry with me for binding myself to his father?

“Were you?” I asked. “But shouldn’t you be angry that I sentenced your father to an early death?”

“Actually, I started fearing for his life years ago.” He said, becoming serious. “Since my mother’s death he gradually lost interest in the world. I was afraid he would fall into an eternal sleep.” I was listening, stunned by the news. He didn’t seem so bored and uninterested to me. “And then you entered the forest.” Continued Legolas. “I have not seen him so agitated for centuries.”

“And that is good?” I couldn’t understand how irritating the king turned out to be a good thing.

“Yes, it is.” He smiled at me. And then the idea came to my mind. Legolas mentioned his dead mother, former queen. Maybe the reason for the kings special interest was the fact that I resembled her? Somehow that thought made me feel even worse.

“He must have loved your mother a lot, to be so crushed by his death.” I remarked.

“I hear they were happy together.” The prince agreed.

He didn’t remember her then. Just like me.

“I was four when my parents died.” I said. I wasn’t sure why I suddenly felt the need to share this story with him. Maybe because I thought he would understand how I felt. “I don’t remember them either.”

We exchanged some comforting comments, and then went silent. We reached the main gate, and turned the other way. No one was allowed outside without the king’s consent, and of all people I was least likely to receive it.

“Do I resemble her?” I finally dared to ask. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know. The thought was just too creepy.

“Oh no.” He laughed. “From what I heard there is no comparison between you two.” He answered and I felt slightly better. So the Elvenking wasn’t going to go all crazy on me. That was good to hear. “But it seems that you are just what he needs.” He added quietly.

“Legolas!” We heard woman’s voice, and saw Tauriel approaching. “Hiril vuin.” She bowed slightly towards me, and then said something in elvish to the prince. He sighed and excused himself, leaving me alone again, and deep in thoughts. So, I was like a king’s new toy. That had its advantages. It meant he would eventually grow bored of me and leave me alone.

Sightseeing made me hungry, and I tried to ask some elf about the kitchen, but it took me a while to find the one speaking my language. These elves lived in a secluded kingdom and most of them didn’t have to speak the language of men. Maybe it was a good idea to learn elvish, at least some useful expressions. Who knew how many spoke common tongue in Lorien. I needed to be able to communicate… and eavesdrop. Every information could prove useful

Finally, tired and hungry I reached my rooms, where I found a stressed servant woman, who I met this noon. She informed me that the king requested my presence at dinner, which has just started. Some other servants were send to find me, but they couldn’t. I thought it strange, because I wasn’t hiding at all.

Hearing my stomach growl, I agreed to fulfil Thranduil’s request, although I knew that coming in late wouldn’t look good. It seemed that I was bound to irritate His Highness every second of the day.

When I entered the dining hall everyone was already eating, so many heads turned my way. There much more elves present than before, and I felt nervous. The king didn’t seem to care though. He barely glanced at me.

Sensing every elf’s eyes on me I moved to my chair, which was still empty, and noted my plate was also still there, intact. Just after I sat down one of the serving men poured vine into my chalice.

Everyone spoke elvish, and I felt secluded again, which only straightened my conviction that I had to learn the language.

The king ignored me through the whole dinner, which I felt grateful for. I could eat in peace.

After I finished I wanted to get up, but was stopped by the elf who was sitting on my right. He whispered to me, that no one was allowed to leave before the king.

A looked at the monarch who was nowhere near the end, and felt angry. There was no way I was going to sit here until he graciously decided he had enough.

Is there a chance that you are not hungry anymore? I asked him in my thoughts. I wasn’t sure if it was going to work, since it was the second time I used this method, but it did.

Do you wish me to lead you to your chambers? He asked. Where was no expression on his face, and I couldn’t tell what his feelings were. Using our bond to find out was, however, beneath my dignity.

Is that the condition? I wanted to know.

It is a question. He replied, but I heard some false tune in his thoughts. It WAS the condition, and I knew it. Only now I noticed he wasn’t really eating. What a cunning, scheming man!

He probably would sit here till morning if I was stubborn enough to wait for him. I gritted my teeth.

Yes, I wish you to lead me to my chambers. I couldn’t believe I was saying that.

Thranduil stood up before I even finished my sentence.

I was led the same way as the day before. This time there was no conversation. He bid me goodbye by the door and left.

Feeling relief, since I suspected him of the worst, when he almost blackmailed me to be able to walk with me, I went back inside my bedroom and prepared to sleep.

Servants helped me to undress, bathe and dress again in my night gown. I was surprised to see my wardrobe was full of clothes, and even more astonished to hear that the Elvenking had them prepared even before I run away for the first time. Well, wasn’t he overconfident…

I went to sleep tired again. It seemed my strength level was still lower than usual, even despite all that rest.

I was hungry. Moving through the halls I felt my teeth itch. They wanted something to bite, to rip, to chew. Hungry. Hungry. Hungry.

Everything seemed strange. It was black and white, and empty. I searched for food. I could smell it, it was delicious. I followed the scent. I could feel myself drooling. Hungry, I was so hungry.


I woke up feeling clammy and itchy. I started touching around with my hand, and noticed that something seemed to be spilled on me. Did I fall asleep while drinking? Or maybe turned over a pitcher that was put next to my bed? But it didn’t feel like water, more like something thick. Syrup or…

I opened my eyes and wished I hadn’t. It wasn’t syrup, it was blood. A big stain of blood. And I was in the middle of it, completely covered in red, clammy substance. Oh gods! No, it couldn’t be happening!

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