Mask of Glass

By McBrube

21.4K 712 157

Sequel to my book: Before the Truth Talon has always had a sort of moral code. As long as he can remember he... More

Ch 1
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425 9 12
By McBrube

Hello everyone. I have come up with my ideas for three different books, and I have written the first chapter of each. I would love it if you could go through and vote for the one you would like me to write, that is, if you have an opinion about what I write next...

1. Summary: Dick Grayson has been presumed dead after an incident during patrol, that is until Jason finds him in a mysterious criminal's layer. The bats finally get their brother back, but he isn't exactly the same as he was before...

Sample: Jason was speechless when he recognized the shivering form huddled in the corner of a small cage. He quickly activated his comm and said with a low voice, "Guys... you need to see this."

Tim, aka Robin, and Barbara (Babs), Batgirl, rushed into the room a few minutes later. They all stopped when they saw what Jason was looking at. Who he was looking at.

The two vigilantes felt their hearts jump with elation as they stared into the blue eyes of a person they knew and loved.

'Dick!' Tim wanted to shout before flinging open the door to the cage and rushing into the arms of his brother who had been long presumed dead. One thing stopped him in his tracks, it stopped all of the bats in their tracks. It was the pure terror in Dick's eyes.

2. Summary: It was only the second day of fifth grade, and Dick Grayson was already convinced that he didn't want to go back to school. When he woke up with a throbbing headache he begged Bruce to let him stay home. Bruce sent his young ward to school anyway, giving Dick an Advil to help relieve his headache. He assumed his son will be fine, he is Robin after all, he should be able to deal with a small tension headache. If only he had known that what started as a simple headache was actually something much more sinister.

Sample: "Master Dick, it's time to get ready for school." Alfred all but yelled to wake the sleeping child within the room.

This statement was met with a grunt from the pile of blankets on the bed.

Alfred only rolled his eyes and said, "Sir, I don't think you want to be late to your first day of 5th grade."

After this statement a head poked out from the blanket burrito and turned to face Alfred. "Richard Grayson is not available at the moment, please leave a message after the tone... BEEP." After saying this Dick buried his head once again in the blankets.

3. Summary: Robin was by far the most secretive of the teen titans, but despite not being open with his team, he cared for them... When fighting against someone with unknown magical abilities Robin takes a hit that had been meant for Raven, making Batman's life a whole lot more interesting.

Sample: Robin shouted his signature battle cry, "Titans go!" and all of the teens rushed into battle.

Salt dodged attacks and sent minor spells this way and that, but he didn't really want to hurt anyone. He only wanted the girl. The petty crime he had committed had been bait to lure the team here.

Robin launched himself at Salt and rained down blows upon him. "Enough!" Salt shouted, sending out a wave of magic that sent all of the Titans to the ground. Beast Boy, Starfire, and Cyborg all lay motionless on the hard cement floor. Raven floated back into the air and Robin leapt up and stood in a fighting stance.

"Azarath, metrion, zin- Raven was cut off with a wave of Salt's hand. A shimmering grey rectangle of magic appeared over her mouth, acting like a gag.

"You should have chosen shorter words to focus your power little one." Salt said with a smile on his face. With another flick of his wrist, Raven was tied up with heavy chains. "Now, you shall be mine."

Salt held his hands a few inches apart and a ball of magic started to form between them. He lifted the ball of swirling golden light and hurled it directly at Raven... but there was one thing he had forgotten about... Robin.

Tell me which one you would like!

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