generation why | next gen

Autorstwa -lovesremus

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โ cause we are the helpless, selfish, one of a kind. โž next gen instagram story 2020 @p-postcard multiple sh... Wiฤ™cej

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465 20 32
Autorstwa -lovesremus

it was the day after the party and it was quite sunny for the time of the year. the party was great and everyone had a good time. everyone went home around one am, except hugo, lorcan, scorpius and albus of course and lily and james who decided to stay. they expected to have a calm morning not too much stress or drama considering the hangover they were going to have. yeah, that wasn't the case, because imagine there not being drama for once.

andy was walking home from the train station, her night was way calmer, but did have a splendid time. the walk from the train station wasn't that long. it only took her about ten minutes to get home. she knew coming home meant to be greeted by her roommates having a hangover and a big mess.

opening the door of her house she was greeted by something she didn't expect. they all were sitting in the living room, except lorcan and hugo. they had stressed and worried looks on their faces. james was trying to stop lily who was pacing down the room was mumbling things. albus who was still half asleep had his head on a not so comfortable looking scorpius' shoulder. 

non of them seemed to actually notice andy so she spoke up. "what's going on?" she asked being confused about the entire scene happening in front of her. all of them looked immediately at her and lily ran towards the girl.

"andy, thank god you're here!" lily said grabbing the girl's shoulder en shaking her. "something terrible has happened," she explained dramatically.

"okay.. and that is? also where are lorc and hugo?" she asked confused. it didn't help that albus suddenly starting laughing very hard.

"that's what happened," lily said shooting a glare at albus that he needed to stop laughing.

albus rolled his eyes and stood up from the couch walking towards andy. "she just being dramatic. nothing serious has happened." andy still looked at them confused not knowing what was happening at the moment. "lorcan and hugo just got fucked. well one of them.. i don't know. possibly both. depends kinda. i don't really want to think about it, considering yikes," he ranted not making much sense.

"i still don't understand."

lily sighed loudly and james and scorpius who were still standing behind her had a small smile on their faces. "do i need to spell it out for you or something!? seriously, women! they had sex. s-e-x, is it really that hard to understand?"

andy bursted out in laughter not believing a word the girl just had said. she looked up to her friends and roommates who weren't laughing but just looked at her not understanding why she was laughing. "ha-ha. very funny. now what actually happened?"

"uhh.. that's what happened we saw it well now saw saw it but it seems logical when we wanted to wake lorcan up he was laying in bed with hugo naked well it looked like it not that that means they did it i don't think they did it they're just friends", scorpius said it one breath and immediately started biting his nails, something he only does when he's nervous. everyone looked at him confused scorpius wasn't really much of a talker except to albus so him saying this in one breath was kind of surprising. 

albus had a worried expression on his face and walked back to scorpius. "you okay, scorp? you're not jealous or something right?" albus was now panicking a little considering he would probably die right on the spot if he'd find out scorpius had a crush on one of the two boys. scorpius didn't answer but just looked at his feet. "holy-shit! you have a crush on one of them!"

everyone was now looking at scorpius. "what!? no, ew! i would never have a crush on one of those bozos. i'd rather date you", scorpius said discussed by the thought of liking lorcan or hugo. everyone's eyes grew wider and looked at scorpius. it took a few seconds for him to realize what he just had said. "i-i mean. uh.. if i had to date one of my friends. it's not that i l-like albus, what. we're just friends."

james mumbled a 'sure', not believing a word he said and albus looked rather disappointed. "anyway let's get back to the point. so what if they did it it is not really our business"

"he's got a point", andy said sitting on the couch not really caring about the situation.

lily looked at her confused considering andy was known for being very noisy. "don't you want to know what happened?"

"unlike you i really don't care about my friends sex life", andy said casually. lily glared at her and flipped her off. scorpius and james nodded along agreeing with andy.

"well i do!", albus said getting up and walking towards hugo's room.

the four friends looked at each other and then back at albus and decided to just follow him.

albus placed his hand on the doorknob ready to open it until scorpius spoke up. "do you really think this is a good idea?", he asked.

"no. i don't, but we're doing it anyway", he said smiling and opening the door.

they looked at the two boys, but they were still sleeping and it looked like they hadn't moved at all. "it's twelve pm how on earth are they still sleeping?", lily asked confused.

"don't even get me started", scorpius mumbled.

"let's wake them up then", albus said walking into the room. he stood still for a while until he began to yell until they finally woke up. "jeez that took long."

"what the fuck, dude", hugo said annoyed. he sat up straight and rubbed in his eyes. "did you need to do that? my head hurts like hell."

"okey", albus just said smiling at him. "so how was the sex?", he asked nonchalant.

hugo looked at him confused. "what do you mean how was the se-", he didn't finish his sentence, because he saw lorcan laying next to him. "fuck", he mumbled.

"fuck indeed", andy said walking over to albus and standing next to him.

lily, james and scorpius were still standing in the doorframe casually watching what was happening.

"can you stop being so fucking lou-", lorcan stopped talking when he saw six people staring at him. "hi guys", he said awkwardly and looked over at hugo.

there was a awkward silence, everyone was just looking around waiting for someone to speak up. hugo laid down again and hid his face in his pillow not feeling like talking about the whole situation. lorcan on the other hand didn't really seem to care he just waited till someone spoke.

lily who was done with the silent just decided to ask the question everyone wanted to know. "so did you guys you know? because it seems like it." albus started laughing, but stopped realising it might not be the best time.

it stayed silent for a while until lorcan said "yes." hugo immediately glared at him and lorcan stared back at him not understanding the big deal that he said yes.

"and are you guys together?"


"yes", they said at the same time. "hugo shut up. yes, we are together." hugo just looked away awkwardly.

"and you never thought of telling us?", albus said being his dramatic self and waving his hand around.

"obviously not", hugo said rolling his eyes. "besides we've only been together for what, two three months. we know you guys and you always make a bigger deal out of things than it actually is", he explained.

"yeah, because finding out your cousin and best friend have been fucking isn't a big deal", james said sarcasm dripping of his voice. "are there people who did know?"

lorcan nodded his head. "only rose, lysander know", when he finished his sentence he looked at scorpius. "and scorpius", he said casually.

"scorpius is the worst in keeping secret. why would you tell him?", andy said looking over at him. "no offence, but you tell albus everything." scorpius couldn't really disagree, he did tell the boy everything.

"we didn't tell him. he kinda walked in us kissing so, yeah", hugo said.

"aah, okay?", albus said more to himself than to them. "why did you not tell me, scorp", he said fake hurt.

scorpius never really realised when someone fake being hurt so he looked down guilty and stayed silent for a while. "hugo said he'd expose my biggest secret and kill me after", he mumbled.

"dude, what the fuck."

"you told him what!?"

"explains his weird behaviour."

ablus walked towards scorpius. "what secret? do i know it?", he asked.

"no, because it's none of your business", he said a bit harsh. everyone looked at him not expecting that kind of answer.

"calm down, man. it was just a question. besides sinds when do you keep things from me? didn't we promise each other to tell each other everything?"

scorpius looked away not wanting to look at albus. "you don't need to know everything. i can keep things to myself."

"of course you can. but scorp, last time you did while your mum was sick things didn't end well", albus said worried.

it felt quite after that. no one really brought up the subject scorpius mum, considering it was still a very touchy subject for him.

"it didn't, yeah", he finally said. "but this is a different situation. stop fucking worrying and bringing that up every time i'm not fully myself!"

"okay fine, i'l worrying. from now on i'll just stop carryng about anything that evolves around you. you want that? i don't give two shits anymore. keep everything to your fucking selves and we'll see how it ends!" he said to the boy.

"you're being ridiculous."

"yeah..", he said walking past scorpius and the rest. "anyway i planned on meeting louis and fred so i'm gonna go", he said walking towards the door.

"al wait! i'm sorry", scorpius said walking after him, but albus being mad and the dramatic person he is just ignored him and left.    

the rest was still in hguo's bedroom thinking and being confused about what happend. albus and scorpius didn't fight much and when they did it was ver that same day. thi time it was a bit diffrent. albus most of the time wasn't even mad at scorpius or vice versa they were just most dramatic (mainly albus). this time it was diffrent. this time albus acually mad at him.

"so we're not going to talk about the fact that hugo was ready to kill scorpius and scorpius actually trying to convince us they weren't together?", james asked not understanding a single thing of this situation.

"i was kidding. i didn't think he'd take it literally."

"we're talking about scorpius, hugo. of course he took it literally", andy said.

after a while scorpius still hadn't come back from going after albus. "i'm going to check up on scorp, because you know what he's like when people are mad at him", andy said leaving the room.

"maybe you could take andy's lead and leave to consedering we're kind..", lorcan explained pointing to himself and hugo

james mumbled a "you're right we'll leave", and the rest of them left too.

the minute they left hugo hid his head under his sheets which made lorcan laugh. hugo lifted the sheets a bit up so he could see his face and glared at the boy. "it's not funny. you know my family in a few months they will still bring this up", he said looking down again.

"oh come on. it isn't that bad." hugo lifted up his eyesbrows and gave him the 'you really think that, because we both know that's not true' look. lorcan just rolled his eyes and looked at hugo. hugo looked back at him smiling and mouthed a 'what.' he didn't answer and just tucked a few strands of hugo's hair behind his ear. "i love you", lorcan said barely audible.

but hugo did hear him and his face got a dark red shade. "shut up", he said flusterd.

lorcan laughed to himself. "did you know that most people say 'i love you too' instead of 'shut up'?" hugo just flipped him off. "don't you love me", he said dramatically.

hugo looked at him and smiled. "i." lorcan patenally waited for him to continue. "i am going to dress up", he said with a smirk on his face.

hugo got up to leave, but lorcan went a head and lay on top of his not letting him leave until he said it back. "say i love you back."

"fine. i love you too, idiot", he sad with a huge smile on his face. lorcan kissed him immeadly after that.

at that moment hugo didn't really care about the drama his family will make of it. he wasn't worried anymore for the chance of them breaking up only after a short amount of time of them dating and fucking up their friendship. because he really was in love with lorcan and didn't think they'd break up anytime soon.



hi! *awkward noises*
i'm sorry so sorry for not updating for 2 months, but i had a lot of things going on and when i had time i really didn't feel like writing this. i would say this won't happen again but.. we all know i'd be lying.
i hope even tho i fucking hate this chapter the fact that lorcan & hugo are finally together and this chapter is 2200 words + (this not included) makes up for it :)

i wasn't planning on getting them together yet and having albus and scorpius fight (if you think albus being a being mad is a bit dramatic it will become more logical why he's mad) you see i was planning on making this around 80 chapters yeah no- i wanne keep this around 30 chapter max 40, because otherwise this will take me 2 years to finish. tbh i had a whole other reason planned for scorbus to fight but if i'd do that it will take so much longer and i'm lazy. i just want to say that thats why some thing maybe don't make sense of seem rushed, because when i started this i had a whole other plan than i do now.

ALSO I NEED HELP, because i wanted to put andy with someone (i already know who), but bc imma make it shorter than planned it may seems a bit random when she says she likes them. sooo should i still do it or just nah and leave that out cuz i dunno.


lots of love me :)

Czytaj Dalej

To Teลผ Polubisz

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