Shadows Of Our Past - a KILL...

Bởi DanieD00

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Embark on a new journey with Ryuko Matoi, set five years after the first KILL la KILL. The Life Fiber Sicknes... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1: The Seed
Chapter 2: When Life Met Death
Chapter 3 : An Oath, Never Fulfilled
Chapter 4: The Nightmare That Never Ended
Chapter 5: Pining For A Friend I Love
Chapter 6: Two Sides Of The Same Coin
Chapter 7: A Stitch, Connecting Two Species
Chapter 8: The Tools Of A Tailor
Chapter 9/1: Across Japan, Pursued by Darkness
Chapter 9/2: Across Japan, Pursued By Darkness
Chapter 9/3: Across Japan, Pursued By Darkness
Chapter 10: A Heart, Thrown Away Like Trash
Chapter 11: A Scar On My Heart
Chapter 12: But You Were The Greatest Failure
Chapter 13: A Withering Flower
Chapter 14: Evolution
Chapter 15: Desiring Purpose
Chapter 16: Breaking Hearts Apart, One By One
Chapter 17: A Smile To Hide Tears
Chapter 18: For You Live Ever Eternal In Me
Chapter 19/1: Facing Darkness, With A Brave Heart
Chapter 20: What I Once Was
Chapter 21: If Only You Had Thorns Like A Thistle
Chapter 22: A Daughter I Would Love To Wear
Chapter 23: Tear You Apart Until You Cry
Chapter 24: KILLlaKILL
Chapter 25/1: Sharing Tears Together In The Darkness
Chapter 25/2: Sharing Tears Together In The Darkness
Chapter 26: REVOCS Fashion Show
Chapter 27: Cry, For When I Am Truly Gone
Chapter 28/1: The Things I Did For You
Chapter 28/2: The Things I Did For You
Chapter 28/3: The Things I Did For You
Chapter 29/1: Like a Thistle, With Proud Thorns
Chapter 29/2: Like A Thistle, With Proud Thorns
Chapter 30: Across Japan, With Calm Hearts

Chapter 19/2: Facing Darkness, With A Brave Heart

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Bởi DanieD00

Alarmsounds ring out. Shots are fired. Yet nothing helps. Nui and Ryuko are already gone. The snow fall has gone stronger, and it looks like it won't get any better soon. The young woman coughs blood and falls back onto her seat while Senketsu looks around uncalm. Nui tries to stay focused while driving with high speed as her Kamui notices.

Hands are clapping, and a satisfied chuckle is hearable.

"Who would have thought that out of all the people it is YOU that brings my dear Matoi to Neo-REVOCS?" Ichiro asks himself grinning. Masaru waits at the wall next to the entrance door in the presidential office.

"What do we do with the Mankanshokus?" Masaru asks calm.

"Nothing. Let them struggle some more. Who knows how long it'll take Matoi to arrive here."

"As you wish." Masaru answers and leaves the presidential office. Ichiro grabs the cooking book on his desk.

"I wonder if she likes fish..."


"I can... barely see... a thing..."

"Keep her awake, Senketsu!" Nui orders. The dark streets of Japan are only lighten up by a few street lights and the cars that still drive on it around this time, and the snow fall makes it more difficult. Ryuko tries to look around, but except for the lights, everything is too blurred out. There just isn't enough blood anymore to keep her body functioning properly. The Entity Fiber sucks everything up like a sponge. She can even hear her heart beat. It's pumping weak and slow, just enough to keep her up. The car's temparatur is warm, maybe too warm. In the meantime, Senketsu takes a look at the built in GPS. It's about four to six hours to reach Tokyo from Ôsaka.

"We have to tell them we are coming." Senketsu says. Nui looks at Senketsu cold.

"They know already."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm impatient. So is he." Nui answers and looks back at the street.

Ryuko loses her consciousness.

Suddenly, she falls from the sky and watches how the world blurs and distorts out, then, it renders itself fully dark - sounds of fire, rain, and wind, and as she lands on the ground softly and gently despite the high speed, everything goes silent again. Once she stands up, she can see, other than the cold black room she is now, a pillar shining in a white light which she however cannot reach. She remembers Nui spoke about that room once - emptiness.

"Ryuko! Don't sleep now! Not now!" Senketsu yells and wakes Ryuko up again.

"Y... yeah I... just have to... ugh... my head.. need to... sleep..." and Ryuko loses her consciousness again.




"Ryuko!" she can hear Satsuki yell.




Again, the world around Ryuko changes. She lands in front of the old Honnouji-Academy, around the students, the Elite-Four, and above all, Satsuki Kiryuin, who stands with pride and resolve above everyone else, looking down to Ryuko with an uppish gaze. Time has stopped, but Ryuko can move. White Fibers seem to be in the sky. They move slowly, yet they are gigantic and massive, and somewhat thin as paper. Ryuko can't get rid of the feeling they are more than just simple Fibers - she never saw those. Not even when she destroyed Junketsu and almost died due to the blood loss.

As Ryuko tries to find a way up to the White Fibers...

"Ryuko!" she can hear weak.

The world disappears once more, Ryuko falls into a black hole, then into the white Light she saw, and there, she finds herself back in the real world, where Nui shakes Ryuko awake.

"Would you stop sleeping already, Ryuko, you ain't going to die, YOU HEARD ME!?" Nui yells at Ryuko. Ryuko seems to exhausted, so tired, so helpless, next to the murderer of her dad, and she just looks at Nui with an hopeless, empty gaze, that's how much of her power is gone. She can't even move her hand properly anymore.

"Wha... what happened..."

"You've been sleeping for four hours!" Senketsu replies "... and Nui is taking a shortcut to Neo-REVOCS! She's driving even through the fields and forests!"


"Nui, what do we do with Mako?" Senketsu asks worried.

"I don't know, you tell me." Nui answers without any sign of participation. In the end, she does not care for Mako. All that counts is Ryuko's health.

"You don't care for her?"

"Until Ryuko says otherwise." Nui answers. Ryuko tries to sit more properly.

"This... stupid... Dir-director... can hear us, can he?" the dying woman mumbles. Senketsu look at Ryuko.

"Hey... you... son of a... bitch. Bet'cha super... interested in what I wanna... talk about?"

Nui smiles briefly.

"But... heh... should have given that Fiber the... ability to watch and hear... what I do... you loser." Ryuko grins as blood leaves her mouth.

"Just... you wait..."

"Don't annoy him too much, mon chér." Nui mentions. Ryuko tries to stay awake as Nui navigates through a dark forest. The group has passed Ôsaka, Nagoya and Shizouka. Yet Ryuko falls back unconscious once more.

Ryuko lands again into a dark hall in which a few Life Fibers hover around, and around her are people that are or were close to her, or who had an significant impact to her life. Satsuki. Mikisugi. Nui. Mako. Her father Isshin. Her mother Ragyo. But as Ryuko approaches them, they suddenly dissolve into White Fibers, and briefly after, Ryuko dissolves as well... but it doesn't feel like she did. In fact, it rather feels like she would leave trails of herself. Memories, feelings, thoughts, dreams, wishes... all those things that are in her head. As if one Ryuko became many, and out of the many Ryuko's became an nearly infinite amount, split into smaller and larger White Fibers that fill up the otherwise cold and dark room.

And then, she is drawn out of this dream and lands back inside the car with Senketsu and Nui, in the darkness of the night, and the moon shines, and the snow falls from the sky. Christmas is coming soon. Ryuko notices the streets she and her companions are. Neo-REVOCS signs hang around here and there. Tokyo changed due to Neo-REVOCS influence as more days pass... as if they would build a second Nagoya. Wherever Ryuko looks at, Ashigaru and Samurai patrol the city at the evening, and she notices the building Satsuki used to live in.

"We're almost there, Ryuko." Senketsu mentions. Ryuko nods slowly and sits properly.

"Your blood is cold." Senketsu notices.

"... what... a surprise..." she mumbles. She takes a look at the time. 2:17 AM midnight. Did Nui got interrupted on the route? Anyway, Ryuko tries to sit down, but falls together and lands with her head onto Nui's shoulder. Blood falls on Nui's left arm, but it's alright. This is Ryuko's blood. It doesn't mess her up at all.

"I... gotta stay... awake..."

"Gosh darn it." Nui mumbles and crosses streets when the lights are red, speeds up the car, and soon, they can see the red-white lights of the Neo-REVOCS HQ that appears unbelievably impressive and tall in the night.

"Nui..." Ryuko mourns.


"Mako, you... have to... you..."

"What's with that brat?" Nui asks when she turns the car to the right.

"... gotta... protect her... bring her safe, somewhere..." Ryuko begs. Nui looks down to Ryuko whose head still lies on her shoulder.


Nui looks back to the street, hesitatious to answer at first.

"Where?" she asks. She doesn't do it for Mako. She does it for Ryuko. Because it's her duty. She obeys the Kiryuins... and now the last living Matoi. And more.

"... wait..." Ryuko mumbles and grabs the GPS.

"You... gotta close... your eye, Senketsu..."

"Alright." he answers and closes his eye.


A few minutes later...


"Director!" Masaru calls and enters the dining hall. He can hear cooking sounds in the kitchen nearby and takes a look through the open hole in the wall. Ichiro stands there, cooking an impressive and tasty looking meal frm the looks of it.

"Matoi and Harime arrived."

"Bring them to the Auditorium."

"I assume we'll give Harime the Mankanshokus?"

"I'd kill them... but Matoi would turn really annoying so we'll let them live. Once we got Matoi, she and these annoying brats shall leave immediately."

"Of course. I'll make sure it happens."


Spotlights look down at Nui and Ryuko. Ashigaru guard the walls of the large complex, yet no one approaches the two women. Nui and Ryuko take a look around.

"Ever been here?" Nui asks.

"... no."

"Oh you missed out a lot then! This was a beautiful place years ago! We had flowers in the reception which Mama every once in a while controlled! And the beautiful pieces of clothing I made - and not all of them were made of Life Fibers! ... but look what this clown made out of this place..." Nui reacts slightly insulted.

"... when I'm done here you ain't gonna... recognize this building anymore..."

"Good. Don't get too cocky though. Now, Ryuko?" she asks. Ryuko takes a look at Nui right after she removes the bel. Nui starts whispering into her ear.

"Now listen carefully, love. I'll get your stupid friend and her weird family to that place and see that they are safe. Inside the building is that Yamamoto guy, you know, the one with the cute glasses. He'll help you escape. Don't question him, do what he says and don't play a hero like you usually do. You can have hundreds of scissor blades, you will not get out of there if my Doppelgänger catches you, and from the looks of it, they improved the general structure of the building, meaning you won't be able to simply smash a window and jump out like Satsuki and I did last time. Keep your head down. If you get the cure, just get ouf of there and try to get a car or something. At this point I can't help you anymore." Nui explains quietly. Ryuko nods slowly.

"... alright."

"And one last thing. Don't annoy my Doppelgänger."

"... why... I know how... angry you can get... and that's not too concerning then..."

"No. No, my love, you know nothing." Nui answers in a rather concerning way and leaves the car. Then, she helps Ryuko get out of it as well and walks with her over the snowy plaza of the HQ. Stairs lead to the building. Carefully, both girls walk up the stairs. Couturiers watch them at the entrance.

Inside, the lights blur Ryuko's vision even more. So many lights hang around in the enormously large entrance hall alone. Ryuko never saw something like this before. And to think this is the place Satsuki visited every once in a while, with flowers and clothes and more decorations. Now it's sterile, cold, menacing.

"Can you walk on your own?" Nui asks. Ryuko nods slowly. Nui lets off of her and pulls out her weapon, aiming at the people around her. Briefly after, Masaru and a few Couturiers in red robes appear.

"Welcome to Neo-REVOCS, Ryuko Matoi, Nui Harime." Masaru greets both of them. Neither of them says a thing.

"The Director is in the presidential office. He ordered me to give the Mankanshokus to Harime. Follow me to the Auditorium." Masaru orders. The Couturiers walk next to both girls while Masaru leads the way to the Auditorium. Via the stairs behind the reception that leads into the higher floors of the building, they reach the Auditorium. The lights are weaker now - everything is still visible, just not as good as one might expect. A little bit brighter than the lights of a cinema during a movie. Ashigaru watch Ryuko and Nui.

"No one will attack you, Harime." Masaru says when he notices how Nui aims at the Ashigaru.

"Rather one more dead than one less." Nui mumbles quietly. When the group walks down the stairs that lead into the Auditorium, they can see Mako and her family.

"Mako..." Ryuko mumbles scared and walks faster. The Couturiers help Ryuko walk down. Nui quickly follows. Finally, both friends see each other, with Mako running towards Ryuko and hugging her.

"Ryuko! What happened to you!?"

"... eh... just a few... scratches... I'll survive that too." Ryuko smiles and coughs. The weak light makes it hard to see how pale Ryuko got already.

"I'm so sorry, Ryuko! When you feel better again, we will eat ICE CREAM!" Mako tries to cheer up Ryuko.

"Heh... yeah... that'd be... neat." and then, Mako notices Nui.

"Uh... Ryuko...?" Mako asks worried as she see's Nui. Nui watches Mako and her family cold hearted and with a distant, apathic look. Ryuko looks briefly to Nui, then back at Mako.

"Yeah... I know... you remember Nui..."

"I... I saw her once in the village but I wasn't sure if it's really her, but what... I thought she... she..."

"... Mako, Nui will... protect you... and the others."

"But she killed your dad! And she tried to destroy the world! Are you sure that..."

"Yeah... she tried... but fucked up... Mako I know she is... not exactly the nicest person but... she promised to protect you."

Mako swallows. Ryuko takes a look around. Guards are everywhere. The atmosphere is... terrifying, in an subtle way. Is this the heart of evil, or does it go on from this point on? Maybe.

"Ryuko... why would she help you, she..." Mako mumbles and then, Couturiers drag Mako and her family and pull them to Nui.

"Move it!" a Couturier yells.

"No, Ryuko!" Mako yells scared and tries to free herself.

"Don't hurt her!" Ryuko begs. She'd attack them, but not like this. Mako and the rest is thrown in front of Nui's pink shoes.

"Leave this building!" another Couturier orders. Nui watches said Couturier with a murderous look.

"Don't you dare watching me like this, scum." the Couturier yells. Masaru picks up Ryuko.

"We need to go. The Director waits. And you need the help." Masaru says.

"GO NOW!" a third Couturier yells angry.

"Move it, Mankanshokus." Nui orders. Nui, Mako and the other Mankanshokus walk up the stairs.

"Wait... Nui...?" Ryuko yells and falls down. Nui looks down to Ryuko.

"I... why... are you doing all of this...? I never... gave you a reason to be... like this." Ryuko asks desperate. Nui lowers her weapon, with her looking directly into Ryuko's eyes.

"I'm sorry I can't be a good little sister for you, big sister."

Ryuko's eyes largen up. Nui deeps in breathly. She even tries to pressure down the tears. The question goes far.

"... Nui..." Ryuko answers shocked. Nui bites her teeth together, almost crushes her weapon. It hurts.

"I... know you don't love me." Nui says and tries to walk... but then she turns around and more tears roll down.

"But... it sure as hell would be nice if you'd stop saying you'd kill me. That... really hurts me." she mumbles in pain and goes on.

"... wait. I... didn't... I..." Ryuko tries to say as Nui and the Mankanshokus leave the Auditorium.

"...  I didn't knew you'd feel that way." Ryuko mumbles, just as she is dragged up by a few Couturiers.

"Move it, Matoi!" a Couturier orders. Masaru and the Couturiers leave the Auditorium while Senketsu takes a good look at the building. He notices how disguted the Couturiers are while they hold Ryuko, well visible by their body stance.


Nui, Mako and the family leave the building via the entrance hall. On the plaza, a few Couturiers stand at Nui's car and watch her. They took off their mask hence why she can see their Life Fiber Being forms, and the empty faces that are dominated by the Life Fibers. Nui looks at the Couturiers, removing the tears and clearing her throat. Barely anything is left of her happy nature - no cuteness either. There's just a cold hearted woman left.

"Get in." Nui orders to the Mankanshokus as the Couturiers walk towards Nui.

"The High Entity asks what kind of feeling it has to be to fight the will of the own race." a Couturier asks. Nui doesn't react. As she tries to get into the car, a Couturier keeps open the door, and another one gives her a yellow Life Fiber.

"Talk to the High Entity... once you have the chance to." he orders. Nui grabs the Fiber  with force and without saying a thing. Mako and her family look worried to Nui. Now, they let her close the door. Nui starts up the car and drives away, with Mako's family sitting on the seats behind Nui, and Mako sitting next to the driver.

"... uhm... are you oka..."

"I don't need your kindness." Nui interrupts. Mako can hear her breathing. Ryuko's question really got to her. Mako sighs.


"How could she?!" Satsuki yells angry. A few tears rolled down her eyes. Sanageyama sits next to Satsuki, holding his blade on the ground, bored. Gamagoori stands in front of Satsuki, his leg is alright again and bandaged. Nonon doesn't know what to say, Houka seems tired.

"So uh... what do we do now?" Nonon asks.

"Attacking Neo-REVOCS is equally as intelligent as killing ourselves." Gamagoori answers.

"Yeah what Ira said. I mean shit, I'm down for a challenge but like... this' a bit tough. I mean, we don't even know how many goons this guy has in that fortress." Sanageyama thinks.

"... we should have killed this whore when we had the chance." Satsuki mumbles with a feeling of guilt now. Gamagoori shakes his head.

"Lady Satsuki, I have to disagree with you. We may have suffered a heavy blow on our side now, but we will not give up and if it is true what the "Director" of Neo-REVOCS said, then he will not kill yoru sister. We need to face the fact he will hurt her, but I have no doubt he will also need her for something. We'll get her back, but for the moment, we have to focus on what we have right now and keep continuing."

"As... he said. Your sister's chances of survival are not... *sighs* ... not too bad." Houka mentions calm.

"Yeah. Ryuko's a tough one, toughest girl I know and I thought I got my stuff. You kick her ass and she kicks your balls, and if you are a woman, she'll make sure you get balls she can kick then. And trust me, that hurts much more than getting your ass kicked." the Samurai grins cool.

"Wouldn't have said in that way but yeah, what he said." Nonon adds to that. Satsuki stands up.

"I need a break." and so, Satsuki leaves the hall.

"Guess we all should go sleep." Sanageyama notices.


The presidential office door opens. Ryuko is thrown into the room by a few Couturiers, Masaru walks to the wall next to the door and waits. As Ryuko looks up onto the desk, she can see Ichiro who's looking at Ryuko down, holding his hands together as he sits on the desk. He's wearing a noble white shirt with a pink vest.

"Welcome to Neo-REVOCS, Ryuko Matoi." he chuckles. Behind him, the windows are visible, and the snow falling. Ryuko slowly tries to stand up.

"You really look horrible, my dear. What happened?"

"Shut... the fuck up."

"Rather prefer to be direct I see." Ichiro answers. Masaru watches both carefully. The young woman notices the blue phiol with the cure for the Life Fiber Sickness... and possibly for the parasite in her head. Ryuko falls behind, keeps herself on the knees though.

"Well here I am... so what... are you going to do now?" she asks. Ichiro grabs the cure and plays with it between his fingers.

"I can't stress it enough. The human mind is strange yet interesting. It can save so many things, can vary, processes logical things... I wish all the Life Fibers would be able to do that. Sadly, only a few can, like me. On the other hand, this doesn't necessarily have to be a good thing." the man mentions and walks towards Ryuko.

"Without consciousness and a mind, you cannot be broken. Your robots for example... they don't have such a mind. They just work. And once they are physically broken, well, then you can throw them away and replace them. It's like with the Life Fibers. Those you cut are gone... strangely enough, they have memories. They just can't properly express feelings. Can't properly think. Only a few of us can. That is a curse, you know?"

"... and why?"

"Because we then know we will die at some point. Take your dear Kamui. Senketsu lives, he has his own mind, he can speak and think for himself, he even feels pain. But he knows that at one point, he will die. Maybe in a few years. Maybe next week. But he will die. A robot doesn't think that. A normal Life Fiber does not think that. No, they simply exist." Ichiro answers and stands in front of Ryuko, kneeing down to her. He grabs her red hair.

"If there is one thing I can admire about humans, then it's their mind, and yet, it makes them weak. It's so simple to break it. Poor Satsuki. Must be crying right now." Ichiro mentions and finds the root of the red hair. One of his fingers forms into a needle with which he then makes a small, but harmless little hole into Ryukos head. Then, he opens the phiol and looks down to Ryuko. Both look into each others eyes.

"You are different though. You are a hybrid. You have the mind of a human, and at the same time, the memories of a Life Fiber. You can see everything we can see. That is a gift."

"But wouldn't it make you a hybrid too?" Senketsu asks.

"Keep in mind, my friend, she has human properties. I don't. That is the only thing that does not make her a  pure Life Fiber." Ichiro answers and empties the phiol into Ryukos head. She bites her teeth together. It's slightly painful. As the phiol is empty, he stands up, walks a few steps back and puts it onto the desk again.

"Et voíla." he grins. Ryukos muscle tense up, she's getting dizzy, her eyes close, and Senketsu looks around shocked. Thousands of things happen in Ryukos head - voices, images, things she never experienced herself, and then, after ten seconds, she falls onto the ground.

"Seeing you like this was enjoyable but at one point it honestly got strange. After all I'm mistreating the only person that is able to see every memory of their ancestors, their friends, and all those who came in contact with one of us." Ichiro continues. Ryuko notices how her heart slowly starts pumping stronger again, and her skin color looks more healthier again. Her sight is improving, her organs work better again... as if nothing happened at all.

"Wha... what happened?" Ryuko mumbles surprised and looks at the phiol. Only a few drops are left.

"Feels much better now, does it?"

"... so what now?"

"Now... do you happen to be hungry?" Ichiro smiles. Ryuko pinches her eyes. Senketsu looks surprised.

"Are you fucking serious?!"

"Yup. I'm "fucking serious." he grins and leaves the room. The Couturiers grab Ryuko and help her walk with Ichiro. Masaru grabs the phiol and follows them. Ryuko notices she lost her scissor blades, yet she decides to keep a low profile.

In the dining hall, the Couturiers wait outside. No one is allowed to enter it. Masaru waits at the door. Young Matoi in the meantime takes a look around, noticing how she feels much better all of a sudden.

"Is this really necessary?"

"Well of course! After all, you are our guest! Besides, I'm sure you are hungry." Ichiro answers curious.

"As if I'm going to eat here."

"Ryuko, we may wanna hear him out first and see what he says. I don't trust him either but so far he didn't do anything bad." Senketsu whispers to Ryuko. The entire scene appears strange and uncomfortable for Ryuko, and after some hesitation, Ryuko decides to sit down. Senketsu takes  a look around.

"They even have a dining hall..." he mentions.

"... I'd burn everything down here."

"I'm glad if we can get out here." Senketsu answers. Ichiro briefly after returns with a huge plate, and a tasty odor leaves the kitchen. The plate lands in front of Ryuko who simply looks at it neutral. The plate is covered, but as Ryuko finds out what is below the cover, she makes, just like Senketsu, an amazed face.

Below is an exceptionally well cooked fish with expensive spices. Croquettes and rice are there as well, and even a salad... if this wouldn't be Neo-REVOCS, then Ryuko would try it out instantly. Ichiro sits down a few chairs next to Ryuko and watches her, while she just looks at him in distrust.

"Uh... okay?"

"Based on your former face expression you seem to be interested in the meal? Try it. After all, you haven't eaten anything for more than 24 hours. And I don't want you to starve."

"And what if I don't?"

"That's up to you." Ichiro smiles. Ryuko sighs.

"Besides, I put great effort into this meal. While you are eating I'd tell you what you are doing here."

"... Senketsu?"

"In that matter he is right. You haven't eaten much recently." he answers. Ryuko nods slowly and hesitatiously grabs the fork, piercing it into the fish. It looks excellent. Masaru feels uncomfortable as he watches them. In the end, Ryuko decides to try a bite, and as it could have been expected, the fish tastes very good.

"Beautiful! You don't have to say anything! You must like it, it can't be different! I should become a cook sometime!" the Director grins happily.

"I guess." she answers and eats slowly but very patiently.

"Phew, now that we got you to eat and feeling well again, let me talk a bit about what will expect you next. Don't feel like a prisoner here, please, all I want is..."

"Lemme guess. Mind control? You wanna sew a stupid Kamui onto my skin? Or should I destroy a base?" Ryuko asks sassy. Ichiro looks surprised.

"Have I allowed you to talk?"

"I'm sorry." Ryuko answers sarcastically.

"No, Matoi, listen up." Ichiro orders and walks next to Ryuko, leaning his arms onto the table.

"Let me be honest with you. If everything would go the way I want it, I would have killed you long ago. I find you, your sister and my Doppelgänger disgusting, but out of you three, you really are the worst. Sadly I'm not in charge, but the High Entity which I assume you've heard about already?"


"Cool! Cause the High Entity wants to speak with you! And if the High Entity wants to speak with you, then... well, then you really did some huuuuuuuuuge mistakes! Only very few are allowed to visit her. As long as it hasn't arrived here, you will stay in this building in the highest floors. You will be controlled and watched, and Masaru will make sure you aren't doing anything stupid. If the High Entity decides to let you live, I will let you live as well."

"What, you expecting some kind of visit from your boss?"

"She'll be here soon, yes. All the Life Fibers we've produced thanks to the volunteering humans that were stupid enough to buy our clothes landed in Honnouji-Academy, and once the Entity is here, it will judge you and your two companions. And then, the human world will experience major changes."

"So what? You guys trying to conquer the world?"

"Nope, it's way different! Terraforming, but I can't spoil too much! Haha!"


"There aren't many of us anymore... which is the reason why I find you so disgusting. You've killed so many of us. No one knows how many died. But everyone will be avenged."

"Sorry, bitch." Ryuko answers. Ichiro grins briefly, then suddenly slams away the food and grabs her neck, looking directly into Ryuko's eyes. Ryuko notices his devils eyes, yet his eyes are less playful and joking than Nui's... no, they spread pure terror.

"Kinda funny you say that, Ryuko Matoi! I'm trying... my very best... to be polite and friendly towards you, the High Entity knows that, dear Masaru at the wall knows that, dear Nui knows that,  every worthless creature in all of fucking Neo-REVOCS knows that so you better keep your dirty mouth shut unless you want me to play a game with you you once played with my Doppelgänger! There are many ways to properly punish someone but I got one that will remind you to think twice before you perform an action."

"Go fuck yourself."

"My Doppelgänger isn't here and I'm not interested." Ichiro answers and drops Ryuko onto the chair again. He looks at Ryuko with an disgusted gaze. Then, he grabs Senketsu's eye.

"Ah!" he yells painful.

"Hey what the fuck!?" she reacts scared. Ichiro rips out a yellow Fiber out of him and destroys it.

"Without this Fiber, I cannot see or hear what your traitorous friend see's or hear! Take it as a sign of the last rest of support I have for you. I hate you. So much. Yet I expect for your own sake you aren't doing anything stupid. But if you do, oh my, Ryuko, fun will have an entirely new meaning and..."

"Alright!" Ryuko answers. Ichiro watches her and changes the angle of his head briefly.

"Alright. I get it." she continues. Ichiro nods.

"Masaru will show you your room later. If you have any human wishes, let him know. I'm in the office. Be nice to him." Ichiro smiles, as if nothing happened, and then, he pets Ryuko's hair briefly and walks away. Ryuko takes a breath as Ichiro leaves the hall, and then, Masaru approaches her.

"You alright, Matoi?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Clown's just joking around." and Masaru shakes his head to that.

"No. No, he doesn't, Matoi. You should be very careful. This man really hates you."

"You happen to have any idea how Ragyo was like?"

"I do. Miss Kiryuin was nothing compared to him."


"Now listen well, Matoi."

"Mhm." Ryuko mumbles. Masaru pulls out a few notes, as well as the scissor blades and the phiol with the last rest of the cure.

"Since the Director can't hear us anymore... look at this."

Ryuko takes a look at the notes. Several different sketches are visible that present some kind of escape plan, with additional Plan B's if unexpected trouble comes up. Masaru really means it serious when he said he wants to help Ryuko from the looks of it.

"We've got several control rooms in the lower floors of the facility - they manage the power support of all my Ashigaru in the entire country as well as the building itself. I've been working on this since for a little while now, so I need to keep a low profile, my work isn't done yet. In regards to you: I'll deactivate the Ashigaru's combat abilities for the next 30 minutes which means you can walk pass them without them detecting you as intruder. On the notes are a few plans on how you can escape from here. Ventilation shafts, elevators, shortcuts, overpasses... choose whatever you feel comfortable with and what works best in the floors. This night we have a lot of Couturiers walking around, so try to plan something out and stay quiet. The Director obviously knows you want to escape but he can't harm you as long as he doesn't get a reason for it. If the Couturiers find and raise the alarm, I can't help you. Cameras are deactivated as well."

"Cool, alright. But uh, what IF they raise the alarm?"

"... in case they do, run. Doesn't matter how many or who wants to fight you, run and don't look back, because if they catch you, the Director will make you regret it. This man really hates you. If he really challenges you to a fight, try to escape once the chance appears."

"Aight, gotcha." Ryuko answers and takes a closer look at the notes while Masaru turns his head to the door. He then stands up.

"Mind if I ask why you do all of this?" Ryuko asks. Masaru nods.

"I once came to REVOCS because I wanted to see equality in this world. Poor and rich should be allowed to wear the same clothes. No one would look down or up to each other. Sure, it would make everyone less individual, but as you know, clothes... can define people. I think your Kamui, based from what I heard, changed you as well."

"... yeah, Senketsu did."

"Yes. And I hoped Life Fiber clothes would be able to make everyone feel better but I suppose I was wrong. When Miss Kiryuin sent COVERS onto the world, I went into the underground of Tokyo. I never wanted to be part of this. When she died, I came back and built a new organisation with those who were left by REVOCS, and at first, we were rather peaceful. Your sister always was a thorn in my eye as I didn't agreed with her principles. I think Life Fibers can be something good when done right. Then, more and more extremists came and caused terror and violence onto Japan, and soon, I was no leader of a demonstrative group anymore, but an illusion of one for something people righteously can call a terror organisation." he answers. Ryuko lays down the notes.

"When I met the Director, I went with him believing the world could change and this time for the better. But... I was wrong once again, and honestly? I feel like an complete idiot. A naive idiot that wanted to find more equality in the world. Think what you want of that, Matoi. But this is why I'm doing all of this. People died because of him and more will die if we don't do anything. I don't want to be part of this anymore. Now do me a favor, Matoi, and get out of here as quick and as quiet as you can. I can't help you if he gets you. I have to go now." Masaru says and approaches the exit.

"Alright. Hey."


"I'll make sure this guy pays for what he did."

"Of course you will. When the time is right." he answers and leaves the dining hall. Ryuko is now alone in the room with Senketsu. Swiftly taking the Scissor Blades and the phiol into a pocket on Senketsu, she walks to the windows which seem to be well protected and stable though, and jumping out will surely be noticed.

"Aight. Let's see what we got." Ryuko mumbles and enters the kitchen, since Couturiers are probably waiting at the door. Looks like there is a second door in the kitchen that leads into another room. Ryuko opens the door and finds a hallway that apparently leads into other rooms. As she walks into the hallway, she notices how quiet it is here. All she can hear are her footsteps.

"Seems like via those rest rooms we can get to an elevator." Ryuko mentions as she takes a look at the notes. "... and then to the Fiber factories... and via some shafts and ladders to the Auditorium, and that has an connection to the garage. Alright..." she whispers.

"And only if everything works as planned." Senketsu mentions.

"Yeah. Let's hope it does." Ryuko answers and continues. Around a corner, she finds a few Ashigaru that look at her, but as Masaru said, they don't raise any alarms or interact with her. Ryuko even waves her hand but the Ashigaru's don't make any movement. Touching it doesn't cause an action either. It's a simple robot with some Life Fibers inside.

"Strange." Senketsu comments. Ryuko opens the door the Ashigaru guard, and soon, she finds a rest room. Since it's late, no one is here anymore. Nothing special is visible here. The next door leads to a hallway that has an elevator, and it looks like it's the one Ryuko is looking for. However, just as she wants to call it, lights on it go on. Someone seems to be in the elevator. Swiftly hiding behind a cover, she notices how a Couturier leaves the elevator. Careful, she sneaks behind him and enters the elevator, using it as the Couturier leaves the hallway. A quiet but light tone rings out, then, the elevator goes down. Lights flicker as the elevator goes down. Ryuko prepares her Scissor Blades in case Ichiro's goons are waiting behind the doors. Her cautiousness was not necessary however, as she finds herself back in an empty, dark hallway, with the lights off. Ryuko is below earth now, in the lower floors of the facility. According to the notes, Masaru suggested this way as it has an secret exit to the Auditorium and the lower city of Tokyo.

Ryuko walks through the dark halls that lead to the Fiber Factories. There seems to be a door in front of her, and opening it reveals stairs that lead up into another room with red shining lights.

"It's ice cold here." Ryuko comments.

"Mhm. Something tells me this is an area no one except these Couturiers should visit." Senketsu thinks.

"From the looks of it, yeah." Ryuko answers and shrugs, then she walks up. A large podest is visible as she reaches the end of the stairs, and on the left and right are capsules and sewing machines, three meters below the podest, connected with ladders everywhere. Capsules that produce Life Fibers by processing humans. The gaze shocks Ryuko and moreso Senketsu, yet there isn't much time to look around as Couturiers patrol the area. They seem to have not detected Ryuko however who decises to jump down one near one of the capsules, and then she notices a bloody hand print on it's window.

"... what the hell." Ryuko notices.

"Do they put humans into these cells?!"

"Sick bastard. Is that how he produces Life Fibers?" she wonders and notices a guide on the capsule which she takes a closer look to. The red light of the Life Fibers inside the capsules and the few red room lights help her read better. Senketsu reads out.

"Subjects have to be free of clothes of any kind and inserted into the processing capsule. Closing the capsule with the content will enable a button that can start the process. During the process, the Entity Fibers will insert into the host and slowly... corrupt him from the inside, eventually... transforming their biological mass from flesh into Life Fibers. The hosts blood is contained in cells that can be used to feed undeveloped Life Fibers or can be sacrificed to the High Entity in order to restore it's power..." Senketsu quietly reads. Ryuko notices how the window reflects her face.

"We gotta destroy this building, Senketsu." Ryuko says.

"Yes. Once we are out of here. Alone we will not be able to do much. And the Blade's decapitation mode won't be enough, I fear."

"I... once extended the blade to put down a giant fortress like thingy built by Hoomaru, that was... after you were gone though. I don't think I can do this again. Otherwise I would."

"Don't worry about it. We need to move." Senketsu says. Ryuko nods and turns around. Behind her, she notices an open wall marked by Masaru which leads under the podest. With a bit of effort she removes the small wall and crouches into it. Under the podest, she puts the wall part back onto it's place and crawls forward. Steam and warmth is what she can feel under the podest, and pipes with small windows you can look into - blood and Life Fibers flow through them.

"... god damn it."

"One could wonder what your mother did back then."

"Not even she did shit this cruel." Ryuko mentions and continues crawling. Steps are audible above her. She can see the Couturiers walking around, and then, a door opens, with additional Couturiers, and a man with a pink coat - that has to be Ichiro. Ryuko listens up and looks through small little holes. Ichiro is speaking to a few Couturiers in a red robe.

"Matoi has arrived. Make sure the Life Fibers are finished soon."

"We will need two more days, master."

"I am aware. Finish them. The High Entity will arrive soon - in about a week, around "Christmas" time. Heard humans gift each other something."

"They will surely like our gifts to the world."

"Mhm." Ichiro mumbles satisfied. Ryuko crawls once more and ignores Ichiro. After all, she only wants to get out of here. At the end of the podest is a corner to the right that leads behind the walls of the large Fiber Factories is a ladder. Climbing up the ladder leads onto an overpass above other Fiber Factories. There, Ryuko can properly see how large the entire underground facility is... and it's horrifying.

"My god." she mumbles.

"I..." Senketsu reacts, speechless. Ryuko tries to focus and walks forward. Leaving the second Fiber Factory, she reaches a maintenance shaft which she climbs up, and there, a small room can be found. Modern equipment for the power management is visible here, and a door. Carefully, Ryuko opens it... and finds an dark hallway that seems to be connected with the Auditorium!

"Think we got it." Ryuko mumbles quiet.

"We do. Let's go!" Senketsu says. Ryuko leaves the maintenance Room. Steps echo through the halls - there must be Couturiers around here. Ryuko decides to take the path via the Auditorium and then to the garages, as suggested by Masaru. Inside the Auditorium, Couturiers keep their guard up.

"Damn. How many are there?" she wonders.

"I'm counting... at least twelve."

"... hmm..." she grumbles and continues by sneaking behind seats on the highest floor of the theatre like large room. Suddenly, Ichiro and Masaru appear. The Couturiers concentrate on them. This gives Ryuko a better chance of getting through the room.


"Double the guards and increase the patrols. The Couturiers at the dining hall told me Matoi is not there anymore."

"As you wish."

"Ah crap." Ryuko mumbles. Ichiro looks around. His eyes shine red as he looks into the darkness. Ryuko does not dare to make a single move. He seems to not notice her when she looks into her direction.

"And close every opportunity to leave the facility as well." Ichiro orders.

"Very well."

"Masaru, I wanted to talk with you since our time is slowly but steady coming to an end." Ichiro smiles and leaves the Auditorium with him.

Ryuko hides and continues crouching through the room. Reaching an exit, she quickly, but carefully walks through and leaves the Auditorium. A stair house leads into the garages. Quickly, she slides down the stairs and then opens the door down there. Cars are everywhere, and Ashigaru that however do not raise the alarm. As she walks around, she makes an relieved look when she finally finds Masaru's car he prepared for her. An unnoticable civilian car of Neo-REVOCS. Ryuko opens the door and enters it, then she turns on the engine and starts driving calmly.

"Phew... alright." Ryuko breathes in and out. Senketsu takes a look around. Driving up the parking lot, she arrives on the plaza and the outer facility of the large Neo-REVOCS complex. The gates are closing slowly however, leaving her not much of a chance getting out of the building without causing trouble.

"Well shit." she mumbles.

"You think we can climb up the walls?"

"Probably. But I guess they'd see us before I can get behind a cover."

"So what do we do now?"

"Not sure. Could drive around and see if there is a little gap or something." Ryuko mentions.

"Alright." Senketsu answers and looks around.


Ichiro and Masaru enter a balcony above the entrance of the facility where they have a good lookout to the main entrance. Masaru seems uncomfortable.

"Now, Masaru, since we've come a long way, I'd like to talk with you about the High Entity which I mentioned a few times already."

"You did, yes."

"You seem uncalm."

"It's pretty cold here, that's all."

"Oh, my bad. Forgot you can't take the cold without your coat."

"Can we go in?"

"No, since we are already here... and besides, I still have some work to finish here."

"... alright."

"Masaru, you've been working quite hard for me and I admire your loyalty. You really work even if I have to rely on more cruel methods, honestly: I thought you'd be a coward, buuuuuut I guess I was wrong!" Ichiro grins.

"Heh... uhm..."

"And that is why I want to offer you something!" Ichiro smiles.

"An offer?"

"Indeed. When the High Entity is here, this entire planet will get into... slight problems, at least for it's current inhabitants, but you, my friend, I could get you out of this predicament. I appreciate those who work well - if we don't think of that one little problem with Matoi back at that REVOCS base - and someone like you could be useful for us Life Fibers, hence why I would like to offer you to join us."

"Join... the Life Fibers?"

"Yes! You'll become one of us. You won't have to be afraid of dying anymore. You won't even have to be afraid of starving anymore because all you need to survive is blood, and you got that in your body, so the only thing you need to take care of is that you don't bleed out!" Ichiro grins.

"I see." Masaru answers and notices his car which Ryuko is driving. Ichiro notices how Masaru looks at his car, causing Ichiro to look at it as well.

"Isn't this your vehicle?" Ichiro asks with an confused smile.

"Uh... I uhm..."

"Do you have an chauffeur all of a sudden?" Ichiro continues curiously. Apparently, he isn't even acting, he really seems to have no clue what is going on.

"Not that I know about. Must be an Ashigaru that has an malfunction."

"Interesting. Well, robots, I guess they have problems as well, right, my dear? You should fix that." Ichiro mentions. But as the gate in front of Ryuko closes, the car drives back.

"Indeed they do." Masaru answers as he notices Ryuko's strange way of driving.

"Your Ashigaru really must have a strange malfunction."

"I guess we are just very lucky seeing all of this today." Masaru grins. Ryuko continues driving and dims the windows so that no one can see who's driving. Ichiro leans his head forward as he notices that.

"Strange... they dim the windows?"

"Malfunctions! Who doesn't love them, Director! That reminds me, we had..."

"Quiet. I don't like this." Ichiro answers and jumps down the balcony. Senketsu notices Ichiro slowly approaching them.

"Ryyyuuukooo, you may want to speed up things."

"Why, what's up?!"

"He's coming." Senketsu says. Ryuko looks to the window. Ichiro approaches them with an confused look. Ryuko turns her head left and right to look for another exit but can't find any without destroying the gate.

"I guess we gotta make trouble." Ryuko mentions.

"Are you sure?"

"I don't see any other way out of here!"

"Damn it. Okay." Senketsu answers. Ryuko turns the car carefully. Then, she can hear someone knocking on the window. It's Ichiro.

"Would the dear driver of this car lower the window so I can talk with him from eye to eye?!" Ichiro grins. He probably knows now who's inside it. Why else would he still care?

"Just drive!" Senketsu says. Ryuko nods. Just as Ichiro wants to open the car, Ryuko speeds up and slams, thanks to the high speed, Ichiro in the middle of the snow, covering him with it. He looks hilarious.

"Knew it." Ichiro reacts annoyed and watches Ryuko drive away. Ichiro turns into a fluid mass of Life Fibers and follows her.

"Oh shit. Matoi..." Masaru mumbles worried. Ryuko drives faster. Since there aren't many cars left, Ryuko is able to drive with high speed. By leaving the industrial area of Tokyo she enters the inner city where people are partying as usual. Ryuko decides to drive to the bars and restaurants of Tokyo as there are much more people - and therefore a good spot to hide. Swiftly walking down a club, she hides behind a wall and waits. The loud music and the people makes it impossible to listen, then again, hearing is not important anymore. All that counts is visibility, and Ryuko luckily seems to be well hidden. However, she can spot Ichiro looking around. He's well visible thanks to his coat and him being the only one with a cute bowtie on his head. Ichiro pushes away the guests who seem to be unhappy with their new party member, and just as someone wants to attack the Director, he simply dodges. The man hits another partying person which hits back, then, that guy is pushed down, another one falls to the ground, and more and more people seem to be offended and start a fight.

"Ah crap." Ryuko mumbles and is then spotted by Ichiro who smiles as he see's her. Ryuko runs behind the bar and then draws her Scissor Blades, enhancing them.

"Come on and get me, you bitch!" Ryuko yells at Ichiro, ready for a battle if she has to fight, that is. Entering the kitchen, the cooks are at first confused, but as bottles fly into the room, they stay panicking and eventually run away. Ryuko and Senketsu stand on the other side of a table, Ichiro has to walk around it to get them.

"Was the meal really that bad?" Ichiro asks insulted.

"The fish was quite fine but I didn't liked the dude who made it!"

"Oh too bad, I'll make sure to spice it up next time!" Ichiro answers.

"I like a good steak more, try it!" Ryuko yells and grabs a steak which she throws into Ichiro's face. This stuns him briefly, and she uses the chance to escape.

"Ew, disgusting. Who the hell eats this!?" Ichiro reacts annoyed and throws the steak away. Senketsu's wearer is able to take a backdoor that leads out of the club and back into the city. Without any real clue on what to do, she runs through the city and pushes people away, but Ichiro closely follows her. Ryuko slams open a large door that leads into some kind of large aquarium. Examining the area, she realizes this is the main hall, yet the various cells full of water around her make up for a bad cover. Blue light shimmers through the cells however and helps Ryuko see things. Eventually, Ichiro appears behind the front door and throws Life Fibers that act as a barricade. Ryuko turns around to face him.

"Hasn't even been one hour and you are already bored?" Ichiro asks.

"As if I'll spent the rest of my life in a fucking office!"

"But haven't you done that before the last years?" he asks. Ryuko's eyes grow.

"How the hell do you know that..."

"... you've been working for this Hokkaido company? I've seen your memories. They're part of us. Every Life Fiber has access to them. And everyone will see what we do here."

"The fuck you talking about!?"

"I'm talking about the past that reaches you eventually, my dear, and you cannot escape frm it anymore. No, it stands in front of you, and frankly, I am glad you decided to escape because now I am allowed to hurt you... really... really... bad." Ichiro threatens and materializes his scythe from the air. Ryuko activates Senketsu Azami. Both opponents stand about five meters away.

"Shame I can't kill ya, but at least I can kick your ass so hard you gonna wish you'd never be able to regenerate!"

"I'm sure I will. Ever wondered how Satsuki is doing? She must be really sad right now." Ichiro grins. Ryuko bites her teeth together.

"Satsuki is the toughest bitch I know!"

"Bet she's crying because her little sister ran away! Wonder if she can forgive you."


"Ryuko, he just wants to provoke you, if he..."

"No, Senketsu. Who the fuck do you think you are?!" Ryuko yells.

"You really are easy to provoke, I love it." Ichiro smiles and attacks Ryuko with the scythe. Ryuko dodges and continues with both Scissor Blades, but here as well, Ichiro dodges. With Life Fibers, Ichiro grabs Ryuko and slams her against a wall. She does slam at it, however, she is able to land rather safe and avoids being hit by the scythe. As Ichiro misses, Ryuko uses the opportunity to hit Ichiro's legs, to which he only reacts with an tired laugh.

"Mhmhmh, is that really it? Not even Senketsu Kisaragi could scratch me!"

"Must feel really bad if you ain't allowed to kill me because this High ass Entity bitch forbids it, huh?!" Ryuko grins and attacks Ichiro again, hitting his arm and slamming him next to a statue in the middle of the room.

"Spitting loud words but you're bleeding just like anyone else!" Ryuko continues. Neo-REVOCS' Director attacks once more, but he does not react to Ryuko's provokes.

"Ryuko, we have to go once we get the chance! Try to stun him!" Senketsu mentions.

"Yeah alright!" Ryuko answers and avoids another attack, allowing her to slam her fist into his face. With that, she breaks his nose. Ichiro attacks Ryuko once more, but she's quick enough to kick him and ram the Scissor Blades into his back. However, she is unable to rip him apart and therefore cannot stun him with a kill. However, Ichiro grabs the Scissor Blades by letting his scythe fall. Apparently he's trying to pull them through his body.

"Should listen to Senketsu while you have the chance." he mentions.

"His weapon!" Senketsu reacts. Ryuko could run, but then she leaves her most valuable weapon behind, and she can't afford that, hence why she grabs Ichiro's scythe, ramming it directly into his body. Blood leaves his mouth, yet he laughs. The Life Fibers on the scythe produce heat that starts burning Ryuko's hands, causing her to let it fall - but at least she is able to kick Ichiro into one of the aquariums. Glass breaks, water flows, fishes flow out and jump around on the ground, light shimmers, and Ryuko runs towards Ichiro while trying to resist the flood of water. She is able to catch her Scissor Blades, yet Ichiro can grab his own weapon out of his body as well. Ryuko tries to attack once more, but Ichiro predicts the attack and grabs the Scissor Blades with Life Fibers.

"Oh fuck!" she mumbles and runs towards Ichiro as he is about to throw the blades behind him. Ryuko, thanks to Senketsu's abilities, materializies into Life Fibers just as he tries to attack Ichiro.

"Oh gosh darn." he mumbles when he realizes what Ryuko does and all of a sudden, she appears in front of him and rams him onto the ground. Ryuko grabs the scissor blades once more to finish off Ichiro, but...

... pain flows through her body, and blood falls into his face, as Ryuko notices the scythe is inside Ryuko's upper bide.

"Ah... shit... that, ... really hurts." she mumbles in pain. Ichiro pulls out the scythe, grabs Ryuko and throws her against the broken glass. Ryuko tries to grab her weapons once more, yet the wound is too heavy and drains from her power - she can be lucky it didn't kill her. Ichiro kicks the Scissor Blades away and finally grabs the young woman.

"The only one who's bleeding here is you." Ichiro smiles and rams his hand into Ryuko's upper body where he grabs her heart out of it. Ryuko moans in pain - and then she, and Senketsu, can see her heart, pumping quickly in front of her eyes.

"You seem worried, Matoi. Is something wrong?"

Ryuko doesn't answer but bites her teeth together.

"Facing Darkness... with a brave heart." Ichiro grins and slowly puts pressure onto her heart.


Senketsu tries to lower her pain, and a few seconds later, Ichiro puts her heart back into her body. Ryuko falls to the ground, holding her hand onto the large wound on her upper body, trying to catch some air. As she looks up towards the Director, he's looking at her with an disgusted look.

And then, he kicks her face, rendering her unconscious. Everything goes dark.


A few hours later...


Motor engine sounds. The Mankanshoku's hug and comfort each other although it's not deniable they are still afraid. Mako's sitting next to Nui, and it's clear she feels uncomfortable next to her. Nui however doesn't care. She just focuses on the road and the GPS sometimes. Looks like they will reach their destination soon. It's 7 AM now and still dark.

A few cars pass Nui.

"Turn left." the GPS says in an calm, male voice. Nui turns to the left. Mako notices how cold hearted and calm she looks at the area... it's as if she rather examines it to see if she can use it to her advantage rather than taking it as what it is - a simple road near the coast, with a forest to the left.

"... uhm... Nui... right?"

Nui doesn't answer.

"Are you... uhm... Ryuko's... are you really..."

Still, no answer.

"You... aren't saying anything."


"Well uhm... thanks for... protecting us." Mako says grateful, if scared. Nui turns her head to Mako. A stiff, empty gaze. No smile, no mimic in her face, just a simple, empty gaze. As if all feelings and emotions finally left her.

"Can we somehow... make up for it?"

Nui looks back at the road.

"You don't like to talk, do you?"


"Are you... angry at us?"


"I mean... after all I... probably am a bit guilty for... that... thing with your... uhm, arms... and..."

"Be quiet, will you..."

"I... I'm sorry, I didn't wanted to... okay." Mako answers careful and quiet.

Nui continues driving. She drives into the forest. Mako takes a look at the GPS. They seem to be in the prefecture of Chiba - the location where Ryuko's Matoi Mansion is. However, Mako doesn't have any idea where Nui is driving to.

"Are you alright, my child?" Sukuyo asks Mako.

"Yes, I'm okay, mum."

"I just hope... we can trust her..." Mataro mumbles unsure.

"You can." Nui answers cold. Everyone is dead quiet all of a sudden. Nui stops the car a few minutes later when she arrives at a small, seemingly quiet house. Weirdly enough, constructs have been built around it - figures, traps, all sorts of crazy buildings... it is surreal. Nui leaves the car.

"Stay here." Nui orders and grabs her weapon. Then she walks through the area and takes a look at the various traps. Bear traps, spikes, even explosives... and this should be the place where Mako's family is safe? Nui takes a look at one of the traps.

"Must have been made recently." she mentions and walks towards the house. Lights are on. She can hear someone work, but the windows are covered. Nui walks back to the car.

"Get out." Nui says cold, letting the family leave the car.

"What is this place?" Sukuyo wonders.

"So many traps..." Mataro mentions.

"Do they have food here?" Barazo asks.

"Not now, dad." Mako mentions and stays behind Nui while her family waits at the car, only following Nui very slowly.

"Wait. I'll knock on the door."

"Uhm... okay. Be careful." Mako says worried. Nui knocks on the door. She can hear how a machine stops working, and then, steps and a female voice. When the door opens, Nui aims at it.

A young woman with engineer's clothes and large student glasses as well as a few bandages appears. Mako recognizes her instantly.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! MAIKO!?" Mako yells surprised. Nui looks at Mako confused.

"MAIKO OGURE!?" she continues to yell. Maiko grins worried.

"WOULD THAT FREAK STOP AIMING AT ME, PLEASE!?" Maiko reacts and raises her hands.

"Nui, this is Maiko, she's really kind and crazy, you'll like her, I definitely like her, she is funny, hehe!" Mako grins and walks under Nui's weapon. Mako grins mischievous.

"Hey, hehe! Would be really kind if you wouldn't blow out my lights now!"

Nui looks at Mako, then Maiko, then Mako, then Maiko, then to her weapon, then she lowers it.

"Uh, didn't you decapitated yourself?" Maiko asks curious.

"I did."

"How are you alive then?"

"I'm a ghost, as you can see." Nui answers cold. Maiko nods unsure, smiles and looks at the Mankanshokus, and her eyes grow large once again.

"So uh... what are you guys doing here at 7 AM with this uh... very kind and totally not dangerous tailor from REVOCS at my house?" Maiko asks curious.

"Long story! Can we get in!?"

"Uhhhh, of course, sure, but before, you guys..." and then, all the Mankanshoku's storm her house and accidentally throw down a few things from the shelves.

"Sorry!" Mako yells.

"Well at least they didn't hit the my signed comic of "How to get away with stealing a tank from the military base next to your home in three steps!" Ahem." Maiko mentions to herself and looks up to Nui who throws a cold gaze at her.

"So uhm... what leads you to my... sweet home, Miss... what was your name again?"

"Nui Harime. Are these idiots safe here?" Nui asks.

"Well SAFE is NOT the correct word BUUUUUUUUUUUUUT we could meet, Ryuko, there they will be sa..."

"Ryuko is not at home."

"How do you..."

"Ryuko is at Neo-REVOCS."

"But she said you should bring her friends to me?"

"Yes. So they are not safe here?"

Maiko shakes her head. Nui rolls her eyes.

"... how did I deserve all of this..." Nui mumbles annoyed and enters the house. Maiko takes a look around, makes her hair and closes the door. She still has the same hair style like years ago, but thanks to her profession, she looks more dirty. However, she seem's to like the work she does.


A light goes on. It's weak. Ryuko is hanging on a ceiling. As she looks around, she notices that Senketsu is not on her body anymore, but hanging in front of her. There seems to be a closed door, but light is behind it. Ryuko has shivers due to the cold temparature in the room, and other than her body and the ground below her, she can't see anything except for Senketsu. The door opens. It's Ichiro, wearing his pink coat.

"Good morning, Ryuko!" Ichiro says.

"... hngh... crap."

"You like cursing, do you? Did you knew that words lose power when you constantly use them? It's about the pacing. A well placed "Fuck you" hits much harder than constantly saying it."

"... whatever. You ain't... getting anything from me."

"I know." he smiles and pets Ryuko's shoulder twice. She's wearing just a white shirt and black trousers that aren't part of Senketsu however. At least the phiol with the cure is still in Senketsu's pockets.

"I mean... I did expect you to escape but I didn't expect it so soon. You could have taken a look at the building first and sabotage. But really... that's all? Isn't that kind of weird? I mean, this Aquarium you led us to was pretty fun and this bar, slash restaurant slash whatever was also rather interesting... but oh well, I guess I can't expect everything from you."

"I guess I didn't do so bad then?"

"Not at all, Matoi, I'm grateful and the Life Fibers as well." Ichiro answers and puts down his coat. He sighs and walks towards Ryuko.

"So... is this the part where you'll sew a new Kamui on my skin as I already predicted?"

"No, this is the part where I will bore you with long and seemingly deep speeches. Might be annoying for you but hey, you know how I am, I just like to talk and annoy others." Ichiro answers.

"Great. Then go ahead."

Ichiro grabs a desk from the dark.

"You gonna torture me now? Heh, ain't going to help you either."

"I suppose so, mon cher, but see, I like pain. I like hurting people. I think hurting people shows them they are still alive. I can feel pain but I survive everything, but that is alright, since... how do you humans call that?" he asks. Ichiro looks at Ryuko.

"I can't get rid of the feeling I appear like a monster to you."

"I wonder why." she answers. Ichiro lays down his bowtie and grabs out a clone of Nui.

"Look what I found." he smiles childish.

"A stupid clone."

"Oh yes, a stupid clone with black arms!" Ichiro grins and carefully pulls on the arms.

"Can you hear bells ringing?" he asks. Ryuko doesn't answer. What is there to answer anyway?

"Spit out what you are trying to tell me, dude."

"Alright, let me spit out what I want to tell you." he smiles and lays down the clone again.

"Ryuko. When all the Life Fibers you and your friend Senketsu died, billions of memories and voices simply vanished. I could have been one of those as well. Now, as you know, no one who dies is truly again, you always live on in some way, and I was the only lucky person to resurrect from the dead. When the High Entitity banned my dearest Doppelgänger, they... splitted a shard of her personality and left it, and that resulted into me. Before, I was but a simple Life Fiber. Now I am exactly what Ragyo Kiryuin always wanted - minus the sad little memories. I think I am a monster. What defines a monster though?"

"Being an asshole like you?"

"That as well, probably, but besides that, they are incredibly ugly and scary. It's possible they also don't have a soul. They simply exist so that the world has something they can call cruel. But am I really all of this? Do I look like a monster, Senketsu?" Ichiro asks curious.

"You act like one at the very least." he answers.

"Look, my point is, you can't just aim your finger at someone and say "Oh look this guy is a monster" because they most probably are not. It takes the power in the word away. If I call you a whore, does that make you one? A whore is after all nothing but a woman that sells her body for sexual activities. Is that something you do, Ryuko?"


"So, are you a whore?"


"But if I call you one."

"Then you are wrong."

"Right. So when someone calls the High Entity, me or my Doppelgänger a monster, are we monsters then?"


"What? No answer? Not sure what to say?"

"... heh. Think you got me now, hm?" Ryuko grins. Ichiro doesn't grin back. He seems dead serious.

"Am I a monster?"

"... not... from the looks of it, no."

"Or am I? Do you know everything about me? How do you know I am one, if you don't know what happened before? Look at Satsuki. A lot of people would call her a monster if you take a look at her former students of Honnouji-Academy. Is she a monster in your eyes?"

"No. What are you trying to tell me?"

"Are you really that stupid? Alright. Simple said: You know me or my Doppelgänger and your mother for a long time, think of both of them as monsters and sick maniacs AND with the last point I even agree with you because in the end, we all are insane! BUT... not we are the monsters. That is you, Ryuko. You and your friend Senketsu. Remind yourself of this one time you turned into an abomination."

"Yeah cause Nui provoked me."

"And that made you a monster. Deep inside you is a monster, isn't there? Human-Life Fiber Hybrid. You ain't uniform, you are two sides of the same coin - human and Life Fiber, love and hate, human and Life Fiber, love and hate. You humans think you all are heroes and the greatest when the truth is that all of you are just annoying brats that can't even be honest to themselves! Of all the life forms I've met in the hundreds of years I exist as a mere Life Fiber thread I could have not imagined to find something as ugly and cruel as you."

"... and why?"

"You... *breathes in* ... you ain't human nor Life Fiber. You are cruel to Life Fibers, scare them and when I take a look into your eyes there is the soul of a stupid little brat that still cries up to this day because her damn father got zero'd! I mean, haha, you slam everyone away who comes close to you!"


"But Ryuko! Is it your fault that you are neither a true human or a Life Fiber?" he asks. Ryuko doesn't answer.

"No, it's not your fault of course. But you, your sister, and every human keeps treating us Life Fibers like trash. Like monsters. Unless it's this Kamui. Then it's something different. And why? Because you know him." Ichiro says and grabs Senketsu.

"I could tear him apart."

"Wait! Don't do this."

"Why not?"

"Senketsu hasn't done anything!"

"And what have WE done to YOU!?"

"You... you guys tried to destroy this damn world!"

"And that makes us the evil ones here!? That makes us monsters?! Haven't you guys destroyed your own world already?! Look at your planet! Wars, dead people, lack of food..." Ichiro reacts and throws Senketsu back at the wall. Then, he points his finger towards Ryuko as he approaches her again.

"You can't call anyone a monster just by seeing them. No, you need to know them. You need to understand their motives and their past. To solve the question I asked before: I, I truly am a monster, because you know everything there is to know about me! I am nothing but an ice cold bastard that loves to hurt people, but even then, the things I do... I do them all for the Life Fibers. I know everything about you. I find you are a monster. Your live must have been really difficult. People must have hate you in school. How sad. Could have tried to be better than them though."

"Shut your hole."

"Now, there is one thing I remember really well, my dear. You personally didn't do anything to me but to your mother and my Doppelgänger. She? She does care, but she would never say it because she tries to ignore it and see you as what you are, but I... I find the things you did very questionable."

"... and that would be?"

"Remember when you took the Scissor Blades from my Doppelgänger and cut off her arms? That must have been really funny for you. Do you have any idea how much it hurts losing your arms? How much worth they actually have? I'm sure she would never go to you and tell you "Ryuko, you took my arms, that wasn't very nice of you." but I can tell you that because I am not as forgiving as her. Your mother was very hurt when you destroyed Shinra Koketsu as well. She really commited suicide in front of her daughter! Hah."


"Well... all of this is stuff that is kept in mind. It's a memory. Gosh, she yelled like a little child when you stomped on her arms!" Ichiro smiles happy. Senketsu notices how Life Fibers slowly materialize something in the air.

"Now, the thing is, since you got caught escaping, I was thinking of what should I do with you. After all, I need to deal with a true monster. The Life Fibers that are left made a pretty clear choice, granted I had some influence on it."

Ryuko doesn't react. She feels uncomfortable. Ichiro leans his head towards Ryuko, looking at her confused.

"You call us monsters?"


"Question, Ryuko Matoi!" Ichiro grins.


Ichiro raises his arm. A large... sharp... needle... materializes. And fear spreads in Ryuko's body.

"You... ehehe, you look like you could use an helping arm or two now." he grins.

"Ohhhh, Matoi is going to LOSE HER ARMS NOW! AHAHA!"

"Oh fuck you!" Ryuko yells and in the next second, the large needle blade made out of the same material like his scythe tears apart Ryuko's right arm entirely. Blood flows. Ryuko screams full of pain, Senketsu does not even dare to look.


"Wonder how long you can endure!" he laughs and throws the arm onto the ground. Ryuko tries to breath, and then, the next slash occurs, ripping apart Ryuko's left arm brutally, yet perfectly accurate.


"You look like you want to cry, Matoi, what's up? Ever shown pity for ANY of US?!"

"FUCK YOU! ARRGGGHHH...!" Ryuko yells painful and with tears in her eyes, looking at Senketsu.

"This Kamui won't help you out of here!" and pulls on the last Life Fibers that are left on Ryuko's open shoulders. Ryuko cries.

"You cry, but I'm not even done yet!" he yells like an psycho.


Her legs are both cut perfectly apart.

"What was it you said? Sorry, bitch?" he asks and stomps Ryuko's limbs in front of her eyes. They dissolve into dead Life Fibers that hover up and finally disappear into thousands of small cells.


Masaru stands on the other side of the room. He can only hear Ryuko's screams. Couturiers in red robes listen to the screams. Masaru tries to keep his calm but you can see very well on his body language this does not work. He tries to breath in and out. Then, the door opens, and a bloody Ichiro appears.

"What a mess. Send a few Ashigaru into the room, Masaru, and make sure everything's cleaned up."

"... a-and Matoi...?"

"Quarters of the Grand Couturier. She's going to sleep for a while."

"Y-yes Director." Masaru answers uncalm. Ichiro leaves the hallway with a bloody path behind him. The Couturiers follow him. As Masaru walks into the room, he tries to avoid his look towards Ryuko.

She's hanging there. Tears fall from her face. Blood drops onto the ground. She's shivering. Trembling. Only thanks to Ichiro instantly bandaging the wounds, she can survive this massacre.

Just mumbling is hearable before she drops unconscious.

"I'm... I... I'm sorry...





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