Attack on Menagerie

Start from the beginning

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What surprised everyone is that there was no Inquisitor in this battle

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What surprised everyone is that there was no Inquisitor in this battle. Ghira then turns the Darksaber on.

Ghira: CHARGE!!

Atlas, Beacon and the Fanaus charges towards the Empire while the Empire did the same. Jaune fought Azazal, Darth Vader fought Ghira, while everyone else fought Stormtroopers, the AT-AT and the AT-ST. Meanwhile Luke shot down TIE Fighters. Ghira landed a hit on Darth Vader making everyone look at the two. Enraged by this, Darth Vader hit the Darksaber so hard that it flew out of Ghira's hand then Ghira rolled out the way of Darth Vader's lightsaber and picked up a Stormtroopers gun and tried to shoot Vader but he ultimately failed and the next thing Ghira saw was darkness that he would never awaken from.

 Enraged by this, Darth Vader hit the Darksaber so hard that it flew out of Ghira's hand then Ghira rolled out the way of Darth Vader's lightsaber and picked up a Stormtroopers gun and tried to shoot Vader but he ultimately failed and the next thi...

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Blake: NO!

Then all of a sudden a man in armour came out of a house and killed three Stormtroopers like it was nothing.

Then all of a sudden a man in armour came out of a house and killed three Stormtroopers like it was nothing

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Armoured Man: LEAVE MENAGERIE!!!



All of the Imperial's start to board evacuation ships then fly to a Star Destroyer. The armoured man picked up the Darksaber and picked up Ghira's body and dug him a grave.

Tai: Who are you?

Armoured Man: The names The Mandolorian. My real name is classified.

Weiss: Why are you on Menagerie?

Mandolorian: My job is to protect these people. I'm sorry I couldn't save Ghira, Blake.

Blake: It's ok, Mando. I'm just happy the Empire is gone from Menagerie.

Mandolorian: They'll attack other places. So that is why I'm joining you in this war against them.

Ozpin: You are?

Mandolorian: They've taken enough lives, I'm done doing nothing.

Blake: Thank you.

Everyone then starts to walk towards the Bullheads and go back to Beacon.

(A/N): If anyone wants to make an OC for the story, do not hesitate to message me and I will choose only three.

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