Cuddles for struggles

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Ushijima Wakatoshi x femreader!

He hadn't meant anything by it. He wasn't very good with girls at all. He hadn't even realized he said it until the words were already past his lips and therefore irreversible. Tendou had advised Wakatoshi several times to NEVER ask the question but he had no idea why. It didn't make sense to him at all.

You had been a little bitter after coming home from work and Wakatoshi, being as quiet as he is gifted him to be much more observant that most. He picked up on the way you lazily dropped your bag on the ground and how you tossed your jacket on the bed instead of hanging it up or throwing it in the hamper. He'd understand how tired you must be from work and usually dismiss this... if it weren't the third day in a row that you've done this.

"Hm?" You quietly hummed in acknowledgement.
"What's wrong?"
"Why would something be wrong?"
"You dropped your things everywhere. That's not really like you." He approached you as you leaned down into the fridge. At the comment you turned around and glared sharply
"Don't call me messy" His eyebrows rose slightly at your sudden attitude. You were usually patient with a long lived temper so this definitely caught him off guard
"I didn't mean that. You just seem a little out of it today" Your glare only deepened as you abandoned your search for a snack and stormed to the bedroom. His legs were much longer then yours so he didn't have to walk to fast to follow your angry stomps.

Something on the calendar caught his eye on the way up the stairs. A big red circle on the Monday of the current week and another one on Saturday, both connected by the same red colored line. His eyes widened in realization and he continued to follow you up the stairs. You dropped yourself onto the bed with a huff and you crossed your legs and folded your arms over your chest. Even with your back to him he knew your pretty face was contorted into an angry scowl as you faced the headboard. You both sat in a thick silence until Wakatoshi broke it with the forbidden line

"So.. are you on your period?" He didn't realize the severity of what he said until you turned your face towards him. Your eyes were aimed at him dangerously and your nose was adorably scrunched in a way that he couldn't help but smile at. This only made you more furious as you grabbed all the pillows on the bed and chucked them at him as hard as you good.

"OUT!" You yelled furiously at the unarmed man in the doorway. He didn't even budge until you went up to him and shoved him out the door, slamming and locking it behind him. He turned back towards the barrier to the bedroom and before he could even open his mouth you shouted "GO WAKATOSHI." He awkwardly rubbed his neck and walked back downstairs in a daze. You had always told him to never leave a girl alone if she was upset but as soon as he took tat advice he only got yelled at. He reached over the kitchen counter and grabbed his phone to send a message to Satori. He would know what to do, right?


You started pacing the bedroom floor and angrily talking to yourself.
"Seriously Toshi? I've taught you everything you'll ever need to know about girls and you STILL asked that question?" A creak and slam came from downstairs. Your eyes widened as you realized what that was. 'Did he just- What?' You thought curiously as you opened the bedroom door to check if he was there. No sign of him. Had Ushijima finally snapped and left? You suspected that you got on his nerves sometimes, especially with how much you overthought every little move but you didn't expect him to just up and leave.

It was so hard to read him. He wasn't very open with his feelings and you never knew if he was mad at you. Your heart began to sink as you came to the realization of what this might mean. A headache pricked at the back of your skull and a full cramp began to edge at your stomach. Your spike in emotions and overactive mind brought hot shame to your eyes. You crawled back into the bed you shared with Wakatoshi and let the tears fall from your face and onto what was left of the pillows.

You aren't quite sure how long you're laying there but it's long enough that you hear the front door re open. soon followed by the bedroom. You refused to move as he slowly approached the bed. He was hesitant just in case you decided to launch another pillow attack. The crinkling of several bags on the bed caused your ears to perk. The curious warm smell behind you lead you to lift your head slightly and peek over your shoulder. Your eyes widened in shock as you realized all the lay there. A cornucopia of snacks and bottled drinks sat behind you patiently waiting to be eaten or drank.

"I remember last time you said these were some of your favorites so I figured it wouldn't hurt to get them again." His voice was quiet and you probably wouldn't have been able to hear it if you were any farther away from him. As you were about to open your mouth to respond you noticed how he avoided your eyes and a light pink dusted his cheeks. A small and brief chuckle passed your lips as the leftover emotion from earlier dissipated from your eyes. You crawled past the snacks and went up on your knees to give him a hug and a peck on the cheek.

He scooped you up as he made himself comfortable on the bed and placed you into his lap. Your arms stayed wrapped around his neck as he plopped a variety of candies, snacks and other foods into your mouth. He made sure you drank plenty of water as well and after you had your fill of snack he reclined himself further down so you could both lie down completely. He rested and a warm hand gently on your stomach and the other in your hair. As he gave you light massages he peppered little kisses onto your face, neck and chest as he whispered sweet nothings to you while you fell asleep with a gentle smile on your lips

Haikyuu Fluff<3Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt