"And yet I like being on firm land compared to being on the shoulders of four teenaged boys E."

"Fair point," Evie chuckled as Doug walked up and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Mal couldn't help but smile as Ben did the same with her.

"I'm going to go say hi to Chip and Granddad," he muttered into her ear as Jane wrapped her arms around Carlos. Mal had to bite back a small smirk as Jay looked slightly shocked at the fact that he was the only single one in the group.

"I didn't even realize they were here," Mal muttered back, causing Ben to chuckle and pointed in their direction. "Ah. Well I'm going to go and say hi to Steph and Hadie. I'm surprised they're here, I could have sworn it was the start of Steph's six months on the Isle."

Ben nodded. Okay, so that's why Emir came up and asked me to sign something last week. My friends are officially very strange—I would have extended Steph's and Hadie's time in Auradon for Mal's birthday...and now I realize why they did all the sneaking around. Because this is a joint party. They didn't want to spoil the surprise for me....they're still strange though.

Kissing the top of Mal's head, Ben headed over to say hello to Chip and his grandfather; both of whom seemed deep in conversation as neither one noticed Ben.

"Maurice, I told you. Just because I like men and women, that doesn't mean I like all men and women. I still have a type." Chip shook his head in fond exasperation, not noticing Ben approaching.

"I'm just saying that young woman over there is very attractive—"

"Gods, you're worse than Bonnie," Chip snorted and Ben slid up next to him. "Hey Benji."

"Hey Chip. Why's Granddad trying to set you up with someone?"

"Because he's not happy seeing single people."

So did it not work out between Chip and the tavern waitress or was there never anything there in the first place? Ben thought.

"Now that's not true!" Maurice exclaimed with a chuckle and Chip shook his head in amusement.

"Maurice, it's okay. You don't have to set me up with anyone. Especially at Benji's birthday party."

Maurice jokingly waggled his finger. "Just you wait young man. Someday someone's going to turn your head."

"And when that day happens, the family will meet them," Chip promised and then turned to talk to Ben. "Happy birthday Benji."

"Thanks Chip." Ben grinned.

"Seventeen. Gods, I remember when you were toddling around and jumping into any mud puddles you could find."

"You were usually right behind me," Ben said dryly, happy that his cheeks only slightly flushed at the reminder.

"This is true," Chip chuckled. "Anyway, I know you have pretty much anything you want being king and all, so I got you this."

Chip pulled out a flash drive from his pocket and handed it to Ben. "I know it's not wrapped but one of my ex's digitized the painting Mal made for you. I figured you might want to put it as your wallpaper on your computer."

"Ah. One of the mysterious ex's that you never brought around yet talked about nonstop," Ben teased before venturing a guess. "Michelle?"





"Seriously? Tourney loving Carter being into the arts?"

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