We finally pull away from the hug, smiling to each other.

"Aww," I hear Reggie sniffle. "It's so wholesome." He starts to sob and Alex comforts him.

I chuckle and Julie shows me the cake.

It said: "HAPPIE BIRTHDAE Y/N" in pink frosting on top of the neon green cake.

"Okay, I just want to make sure, who baked this?" I asked.

Julie's responses, "Don't worry, I baked it." Ray gets offended.

"Hey, I could bake."

"Yeah, okay." Everyone but Ray, laughs.

~Time Skip~

It's the end of the day and Julie, the guys, and I were hanging out in the studio. At some point, Julie puts her laptop in front of me, the laptop had a window open of these random people.

"Y/n, I think we found your parents." Luke tells me.

"Wait- What?"

"Julie told us that you've never met your real parents and you've always wanted to." Reggie explains.

"So, the three of us decided to find your parents." Alex continues.

"And I-I think..." Reggie starts. "I think I'm related to you."

My mind was full of questions. First, how do the guys know how to use technology in the past two weeks and second, how am I related to Reggie. That makes no sense.

"I'm sorry, did you say what I think you said?" I ask, totally not confused and shocked at how weird this is.

"Uh, it's late. Maybe we should go to their house tomorrow." Julie closes the laptop.

I ignore Julie, "So, you're saying, that you're related to me?" Reggie slowly nods.

"Y/n, do you want to sleep here or inside the house?" Julie asks and I don't answer, looking down and thinking about what Reggie has said.

"Okay, I'm guessing you want to sleep here," She walks over to the studio door, "Goodnight, guys. Goodnight, Y/n."

"Goodnight." I reply. 

I think I know what he means now.

"Alex and I are going to roam around the city. Have a good family bonding time!" Alex waves before the two guys poof away.

Reggie sits next to me and I take my locket off of me and open it. It had this woman, this man, this kid, and a baby. The baby looked similar to me. I never knew why. I just thought of it that the kid was my brother and the woman and the man were my parents but, I was wrong. The kid is actually, Reggie. And the baby is my mom.

"Reggie..." He looks at me.

"You're my... You're my uncle."

He face turns into a smile and he claps his hands in excitement, "I always wanted to be an uncle!"

I chuckle at how adorable he is even though he's my uncle.

"I always wanted to meet someone related to me."

"Whatcha holdin?"

"It's my locket," I open it and show it to Reggie, "See, that's you. And that's your sister."

Reggie's eyes start to water.

"M-My sister." He stutters.

"Hey, you guys found her. Right? So you could see her, Reggie."

"Um, Y/n? We found out that your mom passed away a few years ago."

I look down, fiddling with my fingers.


Reggie sniffles and wipes his nose with his sleeve.

"I'm sorry for that," Reggie shakily sighs.

He was holding his tears in. I know he is. I smiles sadly at him before giving him a hug. Reggie starts sobbing in my shoulder as I try to comfort him.

"I-I m-m-miss her a-s-so much." He cries hysterically.

"I know, I know," I stroke his hair.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean t-to c-cry. I-I'm s-supposed to b-be h-helping you. N-Not you h-helping m-me." Reggie says.

"N-No, Reggie. You're still a kid. You shouldn't be worrying about you helping me. We could help each other." I tell him softly.

"Okay," He nods and pulls away from the hug.

Reggie's so precious.

"Is it okay if I just call you Reggie? Because it's kind of weird for me to call you Uncle." I ask and he nods, chuckling a bit.

"No, yeah, of course. You could call me anything you want."

I look at my locket before handing it to Reggie.

"Here, I want you to have it."

He grins and gives me a hug.

"Thanks, N/n."

I cringe, "N/n?"

"Yeah, your nickname. That I could only call you."

I sigh as we pull away, "Fine."

"Oh my god, we can touch." I notice.

"YAY!!" Reggie exclaims.

"You're weird, you know that?" Reggie pouts before quickly turning into a grin.

"But, I'm your cool, word, Uncle."

"And my only one."

~Reggie's POV~

After talking for hours, Y/n finally fell asleep. I smile at her before putting a blanket around her.

I kiss her forehead, saying, "Goodnight, N/n."

Luke and Alex poof in.

"When could you touch her?!" I hear Alex exclaim.

"Shh," I put a finger over my lips, "She's sleeping."

"How could you guys touch?" Luke asks.

I shrug, "I don't know."

"Well, that's cool, I guess." Alex scratches the back of his neck.

"Cool? That's awesome. He could touch a lifer!" Luke says.

"I guess it's awesome." I smile giddily.

(JATP x Reader) I'm SorryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon