Death 2 (TW)

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Miko stood behind a smaller woman on a roof,who was shaking. Not due to the cold,but out of fear,nervousness. Miko's faint words echoed in Sage's rushing mind. Miko's mouth was twisted into a faint psychotic grin. The pair could faintly feel someone else's' presence. The other figure glared daggers at Miko. Sage's hair was down,now freely flowing in the winter air. The two girls behind Sage stared. One in worry, the other in expectance. Mac began talking to her closest friend "Sage, What are you doing? Get off the ledge-" Miko cut the shorter one off "What've you to live for? It's pointless to fight it now." Mac shoved the horned woman "If you dont feel meaning, find one! Remember all we fought for? Ple-" Miko shut her up with a quick blast of bright red magic, shutting her mouth, as the two began to argue.
"You want the acclaim, The mother of mothers"
"it's not worth it Sage!"
"More poignant than fame or the taste of another!"
"Don't listen Sage!"
"But be real and just jump, You dense motherfucker"
"you're worth more, Sage"
"You will not be more ,Than a rat in the gutter "
"so much more than a rat"
"You want my opinion "
"no one asked your opinion"
"My opinion you've got, You asked for my counsel"
"no one asked for your thoughts"
"I gave you my thoughts, Be done with this now and jump off the roof ""Be done with this now and get off the roof"
"Can you hear me Sage? I'm talking to you"
Sage sighed,before stepping off the ledge,plummeting to what would be her final resting place. Miko's cackle filled the air,just barely covering Mac's desperate screams. The pure terror and dread from Mac making just making her stronger.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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