Departure x and x friends

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After Jasmine said goodbye to her family,

"Am gonna miss them"she smiled

she walks to the dock to get on the boat to go to the hunter exams. When she got on the boats she looked around just to see a lot of buff guys with scars but not all were buff. Then she heard snickering she looked in the corner of her eyes just to see some of the guys laughing at her just because she was a little girl. She pouted to herself "what the heck are they laughing about I could probably beat all of them up".Jasmine then went closer to the edge of the boat and pulled out her water skin she opened it and bended water into it for later when she will need it.

Jasmine then sat down and waited as she waited she got drowsy

"Why does riding vehicle always make me sleepy?"She brought her knees up to her chest and put her head on her knees to take a little nap. A little while later Jasmine got up by the sound of a then large crowd cheering she got up "What going on?" she questioned herself. She saw a lot of people cheering for someone she turned around to see a boy who is just an inch or two taller than her with black spiky hair with green highlights with brown eyes. Wearing a green jacket with green shorts and green boots. "there a kid here to I wonder if we will be friends," She thought.

When the crowd left and the boats started moving. The boy noticed the girl and ran up to here "Hey, am Gon are you here for the hunter exam!?" Jasmine answered back

"Yea I am, also my name is Jasmine," she said exciting "how old are you," Gon question

"Oh am 12".

"Oh wow am 12 too," Gon said excitedly. " Let's be friends.

[ 1 ] Jasmine never had friends before the kids at her school didn't like her and always used to bully her for a fake rumour.

"Really" Jasmine questioned.

"Yeah" Gon responded

After that, they both walked around the boat, Until they heard some noise they both ran to see, what was going on they saw two guys pushing around a guy trying to carry a crate of apples. Jasmine was about to step in and until another, a guy came out from inside.

"Hey slackers... Get back to work".

Then they ran off except for the guy who was being pushed around. "He must be the captain," Jasmine mumbled. Gon jumped down to help the guy by giving him an apple he dropped the guy thanked him and went off. Jasmine went down by the steps to be by Gon when he looked up in the sky.

"What is he doing," Jasmine thought looking at Gon.

Gon then jumped high and landed on top of the ship. He smelled the air and then yelled "there a really big storm coming"

Finally some adventure," Jasmine thought to herself. Gon then jumped down

"Woah you knew that by smelling the air Jasmine asked looking at him with curiosity. "Yeah," Gon declare. Jasmine then smelled the air "Hmm I smell nothing guess I don't have that good nose like yours, she giggled.

(Hunter Glossary)


(Time skip)

As Gon and Jasmine were talking the sky started turning black and rain started pouring slowly the heavily. Gon and Jasmine went inside to hide from the rain. Then the boat started moving very intensely back and forth.

"This is fun" Jasmine exclaimed walking back and forth "Yea it is" Gon agreed.

Jasmine and Gon were fine but everyone else was getting seasick. Jasmine and Gon then helped the people who were sick with herbs when Jasmine saw the guys who were making fun of her earlier groaning lying on the floor. She walked over to them "Are you guys not feeling okay" she sneered. They then looked at her in disbelief as Jasmine gave them some herbs and walked over to Gon. As Gon and Jasmine, we're helping people they heard a sound grumpy voice from behind

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