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(Please note that I don't own any of these, I only own my OC. My OC's powers will be based on an RHG 'Rock Hard Gladiator'. He will be based on Tentionmaru, so that would mean that it's still not mine.)

My OC's Bio


(I don't own any of the art that is shown throughout my fanfic)

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

(I don't own any of the art that is shown throughout my fanfic)

He looks exactly like this but he wears a purple scarf.


Age: 16

Gender: Male


He didn't exactly have a good start. He is adopted by a couple from his orphanage. It was said that his 'real' parents were nowhere to be found and was missing. He always wanted to meet his real parents but it was soon revealed that his parents were taken by a phantom and were killed in the process.

He witnessed this and had several nightmares about it. Due to this event, something was unlocked inside him, and that he was able to manipulate something akin to energy. He wasn't able to control it and as he was about to be killed, a random phantom saved him.

The phantom wore a red scarf that was able to turn into any weapon he desires and that the scarf is bound to him, meaning that the phantom can summon it whenever and wherever he can. Funnily enough, the phantom was a light-blue stickman.

The phantom's name was Tentionmaru.

Tentionmaru phantom took him under his wing and trained him along with his newfound powers. He gave him a purple scarf that had similar abilities to his.

The scarf was made by one of Tentionmaru's comrades. Even he didn't know what it was made of.

Tentionmaru was like a teacher to him, occasionally calling him 'Sensei'. As he hit his 15th birthday, the phantom left but not without leaving a note.

'Whenever you are ready, come by Hyun's dojo!'

Your master,

He kept training and it eventually got found out by his 'parents'. They didn't mind and actually supported the idea.


Energy Manipulation: He is able to control energy and use it as a weapon. He can't make energy beams unless he makes his scarf into a ranged weapon.

He has 2 stages.

<Limit Break>: Makes his hair and eyes go green making his physical ability stronger, along with his stamina. It also applies to his ability.

<Full Seal Release>: Whenever he is in a tough situation, the seals that were put on him by his master, Tentionmaru, are temporarily released. It is 10xmore potent than <Limit Break> but has a drawback. If he ever uses this ability, he will experience fatigue.


He doesn't need to name his skills because his master, Tentiomaru, told him that the reason why people name their attacks is just to make them cooler.


His scarf.

A gift from his master. It is purple and is made with unknown properties.

Abilities: It is able to form into any type of weapon. It can become both melee and ranged weapons.

In melee form, his main weapon is a katana. In ranged form, he mainly uses a bow. He can also transform it into a gun but it uses a decent amount of energy to form bullets made out of energy.

In different situations, he won't use the katana and instead will use a halberd or a trident.

Other weapons:


These talismans allow him to seal any phantom as long as he defeats it.

(Disclaimer: Sorry dudes, no harem in this one.)

Love Interest:

Reina Izumi (16 years old)

Love Interest:Reina Izumi (16 years old)

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

(Why did she have to be cute?!)

(A/N: Hey guys! Hope you like this Musaigen no Phantom World and RHG crossover. I really like the concept of Musaigen no Phantom world and that RHG was a part of my childhood.

Tentionmaru, in my opinion, is my favorite along with One and Yoyo.

I wanted to try this story and some people encouraged me to do it so good luck to me!)

A Scarf to Seal (A Myriad Colors Phantom World Fanfic Reina Izumi X OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum