CH 57. Awkward Memories

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"So beautiful, have you given any thought to running away to Romania? I wouldn't put it past me to use the 'father in the hospital' sympathy card," Charlie said, shooting me a wink. There was a loud thump under the table which led me to believe he'd earned himself a kick from Fred.

"Hmm, well both my parents are dead, so what does that sympathy card get me?" I asked sarcastically. I knew it wasn't a joking matter, but it felt like humor was the best way to lighten an already bleak situation. "Too soon? Tough crowd," I said and reached for a tea cup.

"Or is there any chance you may be a ministry uptight after you're done with schooling," Tonks asked me as she placed her elbows on the table and leaned in.

I gestured over the pot of tea and the milk she had left on the counter as I mimicked her position. "Do I really seem like the type of person that would become a Ministry uptight?" I asked her sarcastically as I squinted my eyes slightly.

"Ahh, so Romania it is then!" Charlie said excitedly, earning him a punch to the arm from Tonks.

"She's going to work with us at the shop," Fred said. I raised my teacup to my lips, internally crossing my fingers that someone would change the subject. She gave me a look that I avoided by reaching over to grab a piece of toast.

"Is that so? Because I happened to overhear Brian Thinius speaking with Mad-Eye about scouting a Potter to work for him after the summer," She said before I kicked her under the table. "Uh, ow," she said.

"It's an option," I said tilting my head towards Fred slightly. I looked back and forth at Sirius and Remus who both had curious looks. I'd neglected to mention this to them in my letter.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Remus asked.

"Yeah, why didn't you?" Fred asked. I looked up to see that he wasn't smiling.

"I mean it's not set in stone or anything. I have to finish school, and then there's exams, and protocols to get through, and I'm not even sure if I want-" I said, listing off the things in the way. Sirius placed his and over mine, stopping my current train of thought.

"It's fantastic. Whatever you decide," He said to me. "Now, have something other than toast would you," He said, bringing over a pitcher of juice.

"Mmm, it's okay," I said, taking another bite of toast. "I'm actually going to go on a walk and go see-"

"Elodie," Remus said as he placed a hand on my back. "You can't go anywhere."

I hated it. I'd never been much of an outdoors person, but not having the options was driving me crazy. The disappearances had grown more and more. And without the trace it was too much of a risk for me to leave Grimmuald place. I'd tried to reason with them saying Remus and Sirius would go with me. But they were firm on their decision.

Charlie and Tonks had done the best they could to hold my attention. Though after a while it just began to seem redundant. I hated being stuck indoors all day, not being allowed to leave due to safety measures. I didn't know how Sirius was able to do it for as long as he had. I felt guilt. They'd been trying to take my mind off of it, but I just remained a stubborn wall as always.

"Would you like to play Exploding Snaps again?" Fred asked me as we sat in the sitting room.

I had a book about dragons that Charlie had brought with him in my hands as I sat at the windowsill. I felt as though I'd read and reread that same paragraph over three times. My distraction from my distractions was no longer working. I'd braided and rebraided Ginny's hair. Sirius even offered to sit with me and let me read to him, but I declined knowing that he'd probably bring up my outburst with Snape. A conversation I wasn't particularly ready to have.

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