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november 21st, 2016.

  it had been nearly 2 hours since kai had arrived at my house in the dead of the night. we had sat and just talked. the entire time. drinking tea together, talking about anything and everything. he gave me an odd feeling of comfort, relief. i felt like i could tell him anything.

  it wasn't long til i began to lull off mid-conversation, causing kai to reach for my hand, thumb stroking the top of my hand and snapping me out of my almost-asleep trance. "i think it's time to get you to bed." his words fell off his lips like honey, capturing my every thought and making me nod.

  we both stood up and navigated to the room he'd been in once before, our fingers still entangled as the cool breeze from my slightly open bedroom window hit me. it didn't take long for him to begin tucking me into bed but my hand gently grasped his, pulling him back towards the bed. "stay?" my voice was soft and less confident then i think i intended.

  his confused look at first softened to one full of sincerity and adoration. he didn't speak, just nodding as he shuffled his shoes off next to the bed, letting the covers engulf him as he crawled onto the mattress next to me.

  it was probably 5 minutes before i closed the gap between our bodies, wanting to be wrapped in his arms. with my back pressed against his chest, his arms wrapped around my body. face dipping to find my neck, pressing a kiss against the nape of it and sending butterflies erupting through my stomach. i sighed with satisfaction and let my eyes close so we could both sleep in peace.

  this was something else. he was something else. he was here cuddling with me and comforting me before we've even had our first kiss. he was reassuring me he was here for me before our second date. it felt too good to be true and every ounce of me wanted to search for the issue. the flaw. but for now, i'd bask in the comfort of his body heat, letting myself be engulfed by sleep happily.


  the next morning i was awoken by shuffling around the room, alarming me at first until i realized it was kai, a subtle comfort floating in my chest. he was standing at my desk with a pen and paper, scribbling something messily and folding it until he realized i was sitting up, his features becoming soft and happy.

  "good morning." his morning voice hit me like a truck, raspiness and deepness mixing to create a warmth in the pit of my stomach.

  "good morning." i smiled.

   "i was just about to leave because i have business to deal with, but let me take you out tonight. the details are on this." towering over me and setting the piece of paper on my bedside table before pecking my forehead, leaving me flustered as i nodded.

  watching him leave the room and soon hearing the front door close, i picked up the small piece of paper, unfolding it cautiously.

  picking you up at 7pm, wear something nice <3  - kai

  a familiar smile tugged at my lips as i set the paper aside, flopping back on my bed and sighing. he was everything and more, and i was loving it.

  despite wanting to get some more sleep, how excited i was kept me up, and after tossing and turning for a while i decided i might as well get up and get ready for my day..


6:45pm. 15 minutes and he'd be here. something between excitement and nervousness swirled in my stomach, my heels clicking agains the floor as i sipped a glass of water and walked to my kitchen.

  my outfit was simple yet elegant, the black fabric of my dress clinging perfectly to the best places and the matching heeled boots giving me a little height boost. i couldn't help but admire myself a little in the reflection of my kitchen window, smiling a little before setting my glass aside and finding my way to the living room to wait for him.

  it wasn't a long wait before i heard that knock, telling me he was here, causing me to spring up out of my seat. relax. i knew tonight would go smoothly, he kept proving himself to just be the perfect guy, but for some reason that was making me nervous. where were his flaws..

  i pushed the thoughts away as i pulled the door open, smiling when i saw him standing in a black on black suit, leaning against the doorframe and smiling back when he saw me. the way he took in my appearance made me feel weak at the knees, his eyes raking over me before he offered me a hand. "you look so stunning, as always." 

  "have you seen yourself?" i cracked a smile and took his hand, listening to him chuckle as we walked to his car together. i didn't know where we were going but i was pretty okay with anywhere, as long as my dress fit the attire well.

  it was probably about a ten minute drive of small talk and humming along to mediocre radio music before we arrived at what looked like a fancy italian restaurant that i hadn't been to before. when he parked the car, he immediately got out and walked around to open my door, jokingly saying "m'lady".

  i took his hand as i stepped out, smiling at him. the restaurant seemed a little busy, but the lady at the front desk seemed to recognize kai, "kai, reservation?", he nodded. "anderson for two." he spoke, glancing to me then to the hostess again. she just nodded before walking off towards our table with us in tow.

  we took our seat and she left us alone with our menus, and that's when we began talking.

"so kai, tell me about yourself."

WOOO IM SO SORRYYY for not updating much, lifes chaos, hope everyone's well, and super glad everyones enjoying the story. dont feel the need to be a silent reader ! comment all u want. xoxo hopefully the next chapter will be a long one

addictive | kai andersonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя