Incantation: Snufflifors
Pronunciation: SNUF-lih-fors
Wand movement: point your wand at the book
Concentration: medium high - focus on the natural instincts and actions of the mouse
Willpower: Medium

     "Like this." I spoke barely above a whisper after he finished copying down his notes. I pulled my wand out of my pocket and examined it for a moment. It was an 11 inch willow with a unicorn hair  core. It always reminded me of my grandmother, who had taken me herself to purchase it. I raised the wooden object in front of me, pointing it at the charms book, and visualized a scurrying mouse.
     "Snufflifors." I muttered, watching with pride as the book melted around itself like molding clay until it became a small rodent. It ran forward and began to affectionately nibble on my fingers. The mouse then transformed back into the tattered leather book before our eyes.
     "Now you try." I slid the leather book in front of Fred who copied my actions perfectly up until the mouse bit down on his finger before it was once again in its original form. Fred yelped with pain.
     "Guess books don't like being thrown around." He groaned, sucking on his somewhat bloody pointer finger.
     "Here" I preformed a small healing spell on his hand, earning a thankful glance, and then turned the page of the textbook.

Color Change Charm
Incantation: Colovaria
Pronunciation: co-loh-VA-ree-ah
Wand movement: point wand at the target
Concentration: low - make sure to keep the color you want in mind
Willpower. Medium

     This went on for about two hours. When it was getting too close to midnight we packed up my books and walked towards the Gryffindor common room.
     "You always spend Fridays studying like Granger?" Fred questioned, breaking the silence as we walked.
     "My grades are outstanding at least. I don't have anything else to do really. I'd rather not hang out with my friends in Slytherin. They drink on Fridays and Draco gets super clingy and emotional when he's drunk." I frowned at the memory of having to rub his back as he puked his guts out and cried about the inevitability of death. This had been brought up by seeing my owl trip over a shoe. None of us were able to find the correlation. It was a sort of inside joke within the house now.
     "Oh c'mon live a little. If you could do anything, within reason, what would you do?" I thought for a moment about his question.
     "Art museum."
     "Something that isn't boring."
     "It's not! My grandmother used to take me to one when I was young. Some of my best memories are at a museum." I smiled to myself, fumbling with my curly hair subconsciously. Fred turned to look at me and something flashed in his emerald eyes. Interest.
"I can work with that." Said Fred.
"What do you mean?" He shook his head at my inquiry.
"Thanks for walking me home. Don't expect a goodnight kiss, I'm not that kind of girl." Fred teased, stopping in front of the portrait that led into his house common room. I laughed.
"Tell meeee"
"Nope." He popped the p and whispered the password to the woman within the frame before watching her move like a door.
"You're so annoying sometimes, Weasley." I teased. His eyes lit up with amusement once again.
"You're cute when you're annoyed." He closed the door behind him, leaving me speechless on the stairs. After a few moments I shook my head and made my way to the dungeons. The second I walked into the somewhat fancy underground room I was bombarded with the shouts of my friends. They sat in a triangle between the couches near a stone fireplace with drinks in hand.
"Brandi!" They shouted in unison, Blaise patting the empty floor space next to him. I thought for a moment before sighing and sitting next to him. Fred had said to live a little. The cold stone floor caused me to shiver.
"We are playing never have I ever! Play with us." Pansy begged from the other side of me, wrapping a weak arm around my shoulders and kissing my cheek lovingly.
"Do I have to? I'm so tired I was helping someone prepare for an exam." I yawned and rubbed my eyes sleepily.
"Just a few more rounds and then we can all go to bed. I promise! We are going to Hogsmede tomorrow anyway. Can't be up all night." Blaise said, taking another sip of his drink. A few rounds shouldn't be too bad.
"Okay." I agreed. Draco perked up with excitement. I put up my left hand and waited for someone to speak up. Most of their fingers were already down.
"Never have I ever eaten so many pumpkin pastries that I vomited on my crush first year." Blaise chucked, earning a laughter filled scream from Pansy who put her last finger down.
"I hate you!" She giggled sweetly before leaving the floor to stretch out on a couch.
"Never have I ever studied so hard for a test I had a headache for the entire day and ended up failing." Draco said and I put a finger down.
"Never have I ever been so tired from lack of sleep that I fell down the moving stairs." I said with a smile. Blaise put a finger down.
"Not my fault! Malfoy kept me up for days with his Potter ranting."
"He's so annoying. His stupid hair and his stupid glasses. He gets everything handed to him just because the dark lord was too stupid enough to just punch a baby." We all rolled our eyes at him.
"Your turn, mate."
"Never have I ever sucked a dick." Draco said and I reluctantly put my finger down. The room grew silent as they all stated at me in disbelief.
"No way. You have not." Blaise's jaw hit the floor. Pansy squealed from behind me.
"Was it Diggory?" She slurred.
"When did you date a Hufflepuff?!" Asked Draco with shock. My heart raced and I glanced around with embarrassment.
"We didn't really date we just sort of did stuff last year. He called it off for a Ravenclaw anyways."
"Did he..." I looked at Blaise and nodded awkwardly.
"Take my virginity? Yeah. It's not a big deal guys."
"Yeah it is he's a Hufflepuff that's like me shagging with Potter." Draco huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Oh please you would get with Harry the first chance you got and you know it." I said matter of factly. Draco fake gagged and rolled his eyes.
"I think it's time for bed. Ive never been more betrayed in my life."
"Don't be so dramatic." Purred Pansy, who had somehow made it to Draco's side without making a sound. Blaise rolled his eyes and stumbled to his feet before grabbing onto the other boy's shoulder in order to steady one another.
"See you guys in the morning if I don't get him to bed now he's going to be up telling me how small we are compared to the whole universe or some shit."
"Fuck we are so small. Our lives have no meaning. Everything is pointless...." Draco trailed off as the two of them disappeared into their dormitory. Pansy and I did the same, falling asleep the second our heads hit our pillows.

 Pansy and I did the same, falling asleep the second our heads hit our pillows

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Hiyah again I did edit but if there are typos and such please feel free to call me out <3

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Hiyah again I did edit but if there are typos and such please feel free to call me out <3

Perfect Little Prefectजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें