Prologue - Teaser - I scare you!👿 🔥 I dare you!!!🧹

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Author's POV:

He was sitting on the wing chair keeping with his thumb finger touching his lips...

He had a habit of either biting his lower lip or playing with it...

Either with his own fingers or thanks to the women who loved to volunteer at times with their fingers at times with their lips!!!

He relaxed himself easily on the wing chair while he ogled the wheetish beauty who sat exactly opposite to him on the red king chair!!!

A yellow sundress with noodle straps... Her Brown hair with the golden streaks falling on her shoulders lightly touching her curvy waist brought an evil smile on his lips!!!

How somewhat dainty a little sloppy yet killer sexy curves were already igniting his harmones !

While her eyes still kept reading the blue file in her hands...

Next second she threw the file on the little rustic would round glass table infront of her and while her long fingers stroked a strand of her golden hair behind her ears and she got up from her king chair saying!

'Its a failure!!!'

That's when he came out of his little fantasy land probably where he was already on his lavish Majesty Vi Spring bed with her...After all that's where most women who met him pulled him voluntarily into!! And the rest couldn't wait to reach the bed !!! 🔥

But this one not just dragged him out of his lala land but literally 'swept him off his feet' to tarnish his big male ego to the ground under her sling black heels like it was a little 'Nothing' which deeply bothered the 'Business Genius' that he was been addressed by every fucking news Channel not just in India!

How dare she reject 'My designs!!!'

She stood up straight and starting moving out of her study to pick her favorite black coffee while he called out...

'You can't reject my designs!!! They are the bloody best !!! I designed it myself!!! They are just what Behir need!!!'

While her swaying hips stopped on the tracks and she turned around to shoot him a glare!!!

Her grey black eyes was anything he saw !!!

She took steps closer to him...

With every step closer that this sexy tornado walked towards him for the first time ever 'Junior Devil's' heart started beating real hard!

That's when he realised...

Ohhh...this one beats too!!!

Interesting!!! 😏

She looked into his face and said it again!!!

'Thats shit!!!

If you call that 'Your' designs!!!

And if you think that is fucking India's best then huhhh I pity your knowledge about Indian designs!!! Indian culture!!! Indian handlooms!!! Indian fabrics!!!

I don't believe SonaPie and MyPie said you are the best!!!

You are fucking joke!!

And CG doesn't waste money!!! Neither wastes time on half baked food or half done work!!!

It's rejected!!!

We can't collaborate!!!'

Saying she gave him a sly smile that was more of a irking rejection for him that too coming from a woman !!!

It never happened to him!!!

She turned around while her lush brownish golden hair shot against his chest and face and she was about to walk away...

Written in our Destiny (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz