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I see that some do not like the eda x male reader, and this book, so here is what i have to say to them,

Everyone has their own preferences on things and you should not judge them by what they like and what they read.
Judging someone before knowing them is not right, it has been going on for too long and it hurts a lot.

I was bullied and judged for what i like and i hope that people know that their opinion is not the only one that matters, and i am not saying that your opinion i wrong, i am saying that you should be considerate of ithers feelings, being left out of groups, and tossed around like a rag doll in real life is hard enough, but on the internet is even more cowardly because you can say anything you want there and they can't see who it is.
If you want to be mean, do it.
But it does not hurt me as much as it hurts you.

-Megan mary lynn bartlett, or as you know me cookie5264.

the owl house Eda x reader One Shots(discontinued)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя