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I was waiting in a small little cafe it was nice and the owner was a old woman I was waiting for the marimo to come he was probably stuck in traffic he always was taking the taxi (with him horrible at directions) -ding - the little bell at the door rang as someone walked in it was him "over here marimo" that's how zoro new it was me it was his little nickname I gave him he walked over and sat next to me "how have you been sanji it's been awhile"zoro asked smiled good at me I smiled back at him and "I have been good how have you been" I said "fine my work is a bit hard but it's fine" after that we sat there in silent waiting for a waiter to come over "since when has sanji been so cute?"zoro asked himself without saying it out loud zoro strain of through(about sanji) was disrupted by a waiter
"Hello what wold you like a couple drink" the waiter asked zoro and sanji both sat up straight and blushed with what she said "u-um no thanked we are fine"sanji said in a worry zoro ordered first "do you have any sakae?"zoro asked "no my apologies we don't seal that here" the waiter was confused who wold oreder sakes in a cafe but zoro wold so instead zoro ordered a lime drink I order a lemonade drink we both just sat and talked "can I try yours sanji"zoro asked look at the drink "sure if I can have some of yours"sanji smiled so they both swapped drinks "ok we will try them on the count of 3 ready"sanji said looking at zoro "3"zoro
"1"zoro and sanji said at the same time as they took a sip of the drink  sanji opens his eyes wide with how good the drink was zoro did the same think "holy crape this is good"zoro and sanji said at the same time they both looked at each other and smiled then the smile turns in to giggles than that turns into laugh when they stoped -it had 12 minutes of laughter - they drank all of the drinks and order some lemon&lime mochi and they ate all of it "alright boys the totals is 17$ dollars please"the waiter said looking at both of them with a huge fake smile all the waiters had a huge  fake smile "I will pay for it"zoro said handing her his card sanji sat there daydreaming and had lot of wired thoughts like since when was zoro so good look "wait what am I saying I am straight right?"

Lemon&lime -this dose not contain lemon content of it just the name !-Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon