Part Two

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Meadows Academy. The best academy there is in the city of Maebaru. This was for the best of the best, the A+ students. Unfortunately, not many people get into Meadows Academy... but some people are lucky. People... like me. My name is Hitomi Michiko Yaoto, and I am one of the very few who attend Meadows Academy. When you first get in, the work can be a lot for someone with not as much experience. But overtime, you'll learn to get used to it. I did, at least... A benefit of going to Meadows Academy is that not many people try to hurt you or bully you, because there aren't as much of us. So in Meadows Academy, there's usually always peace! But, there are also a lot of stressed out students. And, rumor has it, that there have been some suicides. But I hope that doesn't happen this year, or anymore, at least.

People always think fairies are so outgoing and cute and... feminine. But they don't realize that not every fairy is the same! For example, my sister, Nanami, is actually quite modern and hates cute things. She always thinks she's right, even though she isn't most of the time. My other sister, Chou, is actually the exact opposite of a fairy. One of the most common standards people have for fairies is that they can do no harm, and are saints. Tell that to my sister, and next thing you know, you're in the hospital. She HATES standards, especially with females. So you can only imagine how hard it is for an entire family of fairies, and how much standards they have to live by.

I shouldn't have come to school today, and I'll tell you why in a very long summary. I was at my locker, getting undressed, when a guy came up to me. "Hey there." I turned around, confused because I didn't know who this person was, and if they were even talking to me or themselves. "Hmm?" I made a confused sound, looking at the person who was talking. "I said hey. You looked pretty lonely during gym today, so I was wondering if you needed anything." I looked away, giving a shy smile. "O-oh, I'm fine. Just tired is all, but thanks..." Suddenly, the person gets behind me, and hugs me, murmuring something. One of the skills fairies have is being able to hear even the tiniest sounds when we really focus. So I used that skill to hear what he was saying. Oh... he was murmuring "So cute!" repeatedly. He's talking about me...! "Hey, can you tell me your name?" he asked me. "Umm... umm...." I started to feel weirdly dizzy and sleepy. The aroma in the air was making "H-hey! You... you alright? Hey, say something...!"

I woke up on a magenta colored bed, with a blanket on me. "Ku...kuu?" I rose up, obviously worried. After all, I didn't know where I was, or whose bed this is. Then I started to remember the events from earlier. Oh, maybe this is his bed... "Oh, you finally woke up." I jumped from the sudden voice, and turned around. The same guy from earlier was there, with his shirt off. "Nice abs." I accidentally said shyly. "Nice face." He said to me slyly. I blushed and giggled at his response, making him smile. "Hey, what's your type?" he said to me. Huh...? "W-what do you mean?" I politely asked him. "Like, what are your elements?" Oh... Oh... "Um... My elements are Forest and Rain... what are yours...?" "Mines are Night and Rain." He says to me. "Huh? Aren't those one of the rare combinations? No offense, but... how do I know if you're lying or not?" I say to him suspiciously. He politely smiles at me and says "How do I know if you're lying or not?" I laugh at his response, and he laughs too. "Actually, there is a way to know: we have our birthmarks!" He starts taking off his shirt, and I see what looks to be his mark. A way you can tell if a birthmark is actually a birthmark is by touching it, and it will have a silky texture to it. I touched his birthmark, and it felt the way it was supposed to feel. I gasped, realizing something. "OH GOD MY SISTERS ARE GOING TO KILL ME!" He looked up at me, startled. "What, you aren't supposed to touch a guy's back or something?" I shook my head, concerned. "No! I have to get home!!!" He starts putting on his shirt and standing up. "Don't worry about it, I'll drive you home!" I had a little bit of relief hearing that, but then I realized something else as I started packing. "Um... I never got your name!" He looks at me and says "Kazudo. Kazudo Rikimi... What's your name?"

I drove home with Rikimi-san, making small talk every now and then. I told him my name and lifestyle, and my family. "Yaoto? Oh, I recognize that name. I think I saw your sister earlier, but she was acting real funny. She actually threw up in class, and there was blood in her vomit!" I began to get concerned about my sister, because Nanami-chan never gets sick... Something's wrong. After a few minutes, we were finally at my home. "Well... here's my number! Call me up if you need anything, Yaoto... Oh, and tell your sister I said hi. Byeee!" He drove out of the area, and I grew scared... but that wasn't the only thing that would make me feel scared today.

I opened the door, and I immediately got an object thrown at my face. "Ha ha! You NEVER pay attention!" It was my little sister, Chou. She always plays these tricks on me, EVERY DAY. But, I still love her. "Hi, Chou... Sorry I'm late!" Me and Nanami are the ones who take care of my little sister, because our parents arrive at home during midnight. "Where's Nanami-chan? Shouldn't she be watching you?" Suddenly, Chou starts crying. "W-well, she wasn't paying attention to me at all! And when she came home, she started throwing up a lot, Onii-chan! I'm super worried about her!" She sobs continuously, and I hug her. She's NEVER been this worried about anyone! "It's okay... big brother will check on Nanami-chan, okay?" I let go of her, settled her down, and ran upstairs toward Nanami's room. I opened the door... and... and... oh my god... "AAaAaaaAAAaaaAhHHhhh!"

I open the door and see my sister in a pool of blood, laying face down on the floor. Immediately, I call 9-1-1, telling them my address and everything. They came to the house in less than 10 minutes, taking my sister out of her room and into the hospital. Me and my sister were crying, praying to God that this was all just a crazy dream. But it wasn't, and we knew it from the very beginning. Our parents came home, and were shocked to hear the news about Nanami. My mother started to cry, and my dad became extremely paranoid. I told them that I heard from both Kazudo and Chou that Nanami had thrown up. They started to check the house for anything that would have triggered Nanami-chan, whether it was food, water, or just simple materials... they found nothing... Which was surprising, considering the fact that my father is a policeman. Everything was a blur after this, I can't remember anything else...

I woke up in my bed after a nightmare. Man, that dream was crazy... I still can't figure out what it was about! Anyways, here's how it went: First, I rose to a deep, dark forest, full of animals. Then, next thing you know, wolves had surrounded me! I was trapped, and alone, and scared... but then I saw someone. A guy about my age with yellow hair smiled and laughed at me, repeating over and over again the same sentence in the same tone, like a broken recorder: "bE cArEfUl Of WhO yOu TrUsT, dEaR! yOu NeVer KnOw!" Finally, after what seemed like ages, the guy left, with the world collapsing around me... And I fell into a white, empty void, spinning over and over and over... Then, I woke up. I felt nauseous, I felt scared... almost as if someone was watching me...! I turned my head over to the window, and my worst fears were verified. Someone WAS watching me! I felt a hard bang on my head, and next thing you know, I'm passed out...

I woke up in an empty, white room. Ku...Kuu! Where am I?! I looked around the room, trying to find any type of answer. Then, I saw a sky blue door, with clouds painted on it. I tried opening the door, but it was locked, unfortunately. I looked at the place where I was rested. A black and blue bed, with butterflies. Something seems odd about the way the butterflies look, though... I wonder what it is that unnerves me about them. With as much caution as possible, I touched the butterflies. They felt real, almost too real. I pulled the covers over, and to my surprise, the butterflies flew off, and disappeared into the walls! I heard a click, and an automated voice saying: "Reality Test complete. Please step into the next room with caution. Your safety is not guaranteed, however." I was concerned about that last part, but, then again, any sane person would be. I heard the voice again, saying: "Before you exit the testing room, please turn to your right. There will be an amount of weapons you can choose from. Now please listen carefully... Please choose ONE weapon, and ONE ONLY. If you are seen exiting the room with more than one weapon, you will be eliminated." Taking heed of the warning, I grabbed a medium-sized knife that had pretty sharp edges. I opened the door, not knowing what was next...

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