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Time: 4:56 pm
Place: surface

A normal sunny day, villains attacked and heroes stopped them, the wind blew softly creating a soft atmosphere, the people filled the outdoor mall, chatting as they carrieds their bags of merchandise.

"What are we doing here all might?"  A pale, round and freckled faced boy with unruly green curls, turned to his mentor. His mentor, a frail and pathetically skinny man with hair the color and texture of brittle straw and hollowed blue eyes rimmed with dark circles, around 6'2, in garments many sizes too big for his frame.

"Young Midoriya, please address me as Mr. Yagi when we're around people to not create suspicion" all might stated as he glanced around, as if searching for someone. The small green haired teen was so confused as to why they were there, he was not worried that he was in danger due to his trust to the older man.

"Al- Mr.Yagi? Are we here to get heavier weights? Maybe to get other training equipment?" mentally trying to piece together the reason they were here. "No Young Midoriya, we've been training for 5 months and I think it's time you meet someone." His mentor denied before allowing him to know the initial reason for bringing the teenager out.

'Who is this person? Are they friends with all might? Why couldn't I've met them already?' His hands began to shake as he began to mumble, he then looked at his clothes, a t-shirt and jeans. 'Am I even dressed properly?!'

All might looked over at the teen, he sighed a little and placed his hand on his shoulder "Young Midoriya, your habit is showing again." Midoryia stopped for a moment and took a deep breath. "Sorry." He apologized.

As both men arrived to a cafe, All might explained "This person trusts me and knows about my quirk, they want to meet you" the frail man looked at a table with a girl sitting alone, her back facing the frail man, she was looking at the window letting the man see her side profile. All might started walking, his pace was calm but fast which gave the young man time to realize that they were walking again.

The green haired teen was confused. His eyes wandered through the cafe in search of who he was meeting, his eyes eventually landing on the girl sitting alone and facing her back towards him.

'Oh no what do I do?!' His hands started to sweat and ask himself if he would be too formal to speak to this person as a superior 'should I be friendly? She looks about my age, but again we are just meeting' he looked at the floor as they reached the table.

"Hello young Vulko" the voice of the man resonated through Midoriya's ears as the girl sitting on the chair turned to face them. "Good evening sir" the girl sitting on the table responded, her eyes shifting between the both of them.

"Young Midoriya" the older male called the nervous boy, the green haired boy's eyes turned to look at his mentor, the younger's forehead was sweating and then he bowed to the girl.

"Young Vulko, this is Midoriya Izuku." He spoke, his unruly hair moved with him as he signaled towards Midoriya who was now freaking out about what to say and how to say it, 'who is she? Is she a person related to him? But his family records only point towards his parents and even then-' he straightened back only to see a hand reaching out to him. The girl seemed calm, she had blue eyes that didn't hold any worry, they were soft but they also seemed to hold curiosity.

He reached his hand and shook it with hers. "Nice to meet you" she seemed to calm the teen, she was relaxed, almost like if she was just meeting an old friend. "Please do seat down" she placed a book mark and then closed the book she was reading, it was thick and was written in another language, maybe Italian or English due to the alphabet, she then placed it in a black backpack with pins.

Both of them sat across her, Izuku next to the wall. "Young Midoriya, this is Y/N Vulko, she will be applying to UA alongside you, think of her as an ally in your journey." All might seemed to be careful with his wording, making sure that he didn't say anything out of place, kind of like how he spoke in interviews.

The teen looked at her as she only nodded and smiled a little. "I think it is courtesy to only explain my position in this situation" she straightened herself, checking if anyone was listening to the conversation and then lowered her tone. "I am part of an agreement between Mr.Yagi and my superiors"

Midoriya seemed to relax at that but was still confused and was more interested in the conversation, "Our agreement has more sides to it but it basically guarantees her safety while she studies in Japan, after that she will guarantee the safety of the people in Japan as a hero." All might placed his hands on the table and also seemed to relax seeing the body language of both teens.

Reader POV (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

I waved the waiter over and then looked at Midoryia, his eyes were blank as he started to mumble, he seemed to start to connect the dots, I passed Mr.Yagi the menus and he gave Midoriya one. The waiter took my order of the strawberry shortcake and coffee while Mr.Yagi ordered a water and a bean bun while Midoriya ordered the sandwich bundle. I stared at the menu more, some of the kanji in it were different, by the context of the surrounding words it should be the ingredients or an adjective to describe the foods.

Mr.Yagi then talked to Midoryia, the words were in Japanese but I couldn't understand them. I remembered that Japanese had different words for casual and formal types of talks, did I only learn the formal?

Mr.Yagi got up and walked towards the restroom, Midoryia only looked at his hands as he waited, 'did he feel uncomfortable? Maybe he is trying to not be rude.' A small part of me was amused at his awkwardness. "Do you understand English?" I asked him. He seemed surprised but nodded. "Do you mind?" I asked again. "Oh no it's ok" he said in English as he smiled a little and waved his hands in the air.

"Yeah sorry about that, I think I was speaking "formal" Japanese, I don't know the casual speech yet" I put my hands on top of the table and fixed my hair a little. He seemed surprised and scratched the back of his head and waved his other hand again "oh no it's fine, I thought you were being formal because of the situation haha" he looked almost relieved. I guess how you talk does really matter.

Izuku POV

'Thank god she was just being polite' i lowered my hand and looked at her as the waiter arrived with our orders.

We started to talk, mostly her asking questions about the school system here and how to learn kanji quicker. She seemed to be embarrassed while asking how to differentiate when to talk formal or casual Japanese. All might also arrived and stemmed to scribble down something on a notebook, it seemed to be a schedule, and Vulko noticed. "Oh is that your "fitness plan" for Midoryia?" She took another bite out of her strawberry cake and looked at me with curiosity. "What's his muscle-to-fat ratio right now?" She looked back at all might again. "Right now we're aiming to a 75-to-25 in two months" he seemed proud and placed a hand on my shoulder.

She took out a notebook from her bag that said "progress before-UA" and opened it, she flipped to some pages and scribbled down something in English, I couldn't see what she wrote, she seemed super concentrated into it and then flipped to a page that was already written on and added a check mark. She then flipped again to another page and placed it on the table to show it to me and all might.

It had a list of pros and cons, i didn't understand what they were for but all might smiled which reassured me that nothing was wrong, he must have sensed my confusion so he looked at me and then to Vulko. They both nodded and urged me to finish my coffee and sandwich.

(Deku: ( ・∇・) ...what?)

We separated the bill so each person payed for their own stuff and then we all went to the beach. The walk there was quiet, but by the body language of all might, they were about to explain what the "agreement" was.


YOO I'm alive, how long has it been?... oh yeah 2 years, so longs story short, I had major tests and then my phone forgot my Wattpad account so tried everything to get it back, and then went in a writer's block, then the Johnny depp and amber heard thing happened so I've waited till it calmed down, yes I will update more but will also not be consistent in word amount.
Anyways gl my loves and I'll start drafting the next chapter (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

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