Mayra's POV

I did lunch and later was working. I received a call from David and he told me about what happened at school and at grocery store. So, now everything was sort out. It was about 5 in the evening, when Pooja came and told me that she will be leaving in few minutes. I asked her to wait. I finished my work and later Pooja came in my cabin. I got up from my chair and went towards the sofa and sat on it. I asked Pooja to come and sit, but instead of sitting on the sofa she lied on the big sofa and yawned. I got up, went inside the room and brought few packets of cigarette, bottles of wine and beer, 2 glasses, a lighter and some wafers.

I pour wine in the two glasses and said, "Cheers to 18 fucking hard-working days!" "Cheers!" said Pooja. "You know Mayra, these days we have been working like donkeys. Going home at 11 in the night. Coming to office at 7 in the morning. We were working like; we don't have any social life. Fuck social life! No time for even ourselves!" She said and finished her glass of wine. She poured some more wine in her glass, opened a bottle of beer and lit a cigarette. "You are right Pooja. We literally have been missing our lives. I haven't been going to my weekend parties since a week before wedding." I said and took one cigarette. Pooja helped me in lighting my cigarette with her cigarette. "My mom has been scolding me for days because of work and few days back she even slapped me." Said Pooja and I gave out a loud laugh. "Don't laugh you idiot. It's all because of you. If you haven't married on such short notice and your dad hadn't made you the Chairperson, everything would be alright." She said. She was doing 4 things at a time. Her hands were full. In one hand a glass of wine, in 2nd a bottle of beer and cigarette.

"I know. I know! It's all my mistake." I said and drank a glass of wine in a sip and poured another one and opened a bottle of beer. Now, I was doing exactly like Pooja. Glass, beer bottle, cigarette. "You know, when people use to say that life changes after marriage, I used to think that how bull-shit that is! But now when I am married, I can tell that all that is true." I said frustratedly and finished a bottle of beer and opened another. "Oh yeah! Tell me, how is your lovely little child wife." Said Pooja and giggled. "I don't know how is she. We have hardly talked once or twice, as most of the time she is asleep when I reach home and leave for office. But today she was awake and talked to me about her school and work." I said.

"Who talks about school to her wife!" exclaimed Pooja. "My wife." I said. "What you said then?" She asked. "Well, I gave her the permission to join her school and job at grocery store." "School I can understand, but work. Being the wife of a billionaire, why the hell she needs to work at grocery shop!" Pooja said. "She says she gets bore at home." I replied. We continued to talk. It was about 8 p.m. when pooja said that she wants an off tomorrow. I agreed to it and said that I will also take off. After working for 3 weeks day and night even on weekends, a off was required. We decided to leave and tried to get up. We got up and then fell down. We again got up and again fell down. We were going to fell down as we had drunk 3 bottles of wine and 10 bottles of beer. I took my phone and called Sonia and asked her to come to my cabin.

Me and Pooja supported each other and got out of the cabin and saw Sonia standing there. She quickly grabbed us. But she was unable to support us both, as we both were going in different direction, laughing, dancing and suddenly we both fell down. Sonia took out her phone and called someone. Few minutes later 3 bodyguards came and helped us to get down. We reached towards our car and left for home. Later I woke up in the morning in yesterday's clothes only on my bed around 11 a.m. and I had no memories of last night. I got up and went to bathroom and took nice bath for at least 45 minutes. My head was paining a lot, so I went out in the living room and saw Ms. Kabra. I told her to give me something as my head is paining and bring it in the garden.

I walked to the garden and sat down. I saw Sonia there going somewhere. I called her and asked her about last night. She told me everything about my and Pooja's hangover. Rasika came with a medicine and a glass of pomegranate juice. I took medicine with juice. After few minutes I went in the living room and asked Rasika about Nikita. Rasika told me that She left for her work. So, I was all alone after a long time at home. I decided to take full advantage.

I called salon services and asked them to send someone. 3 girls came from salon services and I asked them to follow me to salon room. I told them that I want hair spa, facial, manicure-pedicure, and complete body massage including head massage. The girls came at 12 p.m. and left at 4 p.m. it took 4 hours to do everything. After the massage, I was feeling wonderful and relaxed. The girls did amazing job and I gave them tip, which made them happy. I was hungry, since I had not eaten anything except medicine. So, I went to the dining table and asked for food. While eating food, I received a call from my dad and he asked me to come home with Nikita for dinner. I don't know how he knew about my day-off at office, but he just knows and I agreed to it. As soon as the call ended, Nikita came from work. She was looking exhausted. She was on her way to her room when I called her and said, "We are going to meet my parents for dinner. Be ready by 6 in the evening." She shook her head in a yes and left. I finished my food and went to my room.

Nikita's POV

I woke up in the morning and was excited to go to work. I was excited to get out of this big mansion after almost 3 weeks and do something productive. I took bath and had breakfast. The store opens at 10 a.m. I was ready by 9.30, when Komal came and said, "Mam it's time. I think we should leave. We will reach there by car in 10 minutes, but if we get traffic, you might get late." I shook my head in agreement and we walked towards car. The cars were all ready. There were 3 cars. One BMW and two Fortuner's. I stopped walking and was confused. Komal saw me and said, "What happened mam? Are you alright?" I looked at her still confused and then I moved my head towards car.

She understood and said, "Mam, the BMW is for you and the 2 Fortuner's are for bodyguards. All this is for your safety. Don't worry. Just relax. Shall we go now?" I stared walking. Komal opened the door of car for me and we left. Windows were closed. I tried to open them, but Komal told me not to open them for security purpose. I was sad on listening it, as I wanted to see out, as I haven't seen anything except workers of my house and mansion. We reached the store in 10 minutes. Still 10 minutes were there for the store to open. Komal got out of the car along with rest of her team. They checked everything and opened the door of car and said, "Everything is okay mam, you can come out." All the employees of the store were already there. Few people were also there. Everyone was looking at me. I started walking and all of a sudden, all the bodyguards surrounded me and walked me towards the store. Soon my boss came and the store was opened.

Komal said, "You go inside mam, we don't have orders to go inside. But you don't worry, we are here only, if you want something or anyone misbehaves with you or tries to harm you, we will be there." I said okay and went inside. Everyone was looking at me, which made me nervous. Seeing me like that my boss, Mrs. Rashmi called me and said, "Don't be nervous beta, everything is good. Listen everyone, I know that you guys know about her. She is a billionaire outside this store, but inside it, she is our old sweet little Nikita, your co-worker. So, treat her like you guys used to treat her before her marriage. Understood!" Everyone said yes in unison and soon the customers started coming. I call my boss, Rashmi kaaki(aunty) or sometimes kaaki only. Kaaki knows that I don't talk much so she has given me the job of billing, where I will not have to talk much. When the staff is less, I also do the job of sales girl. I don't mind doing that. Everything was going very smoothly. Komal came inside the shop 2-3 times to check everything is fine or not. Soon the time passed by and my shift was over, as my boss gave me early off. Usually I use to work for 4 hours in the evening during weekdays and 10 hours during weekends. It was 4 in the evening when I left the store. I sit in the car and left for home.

While the drive I was thinking about how differently all were looking at me and behaving with me. All those who used to make fun of me, now were choosing each and every word carefully while talking to me. I didn't understand all this. We reached home and I saw my wife at home eating food. I was shocked to see her at this time. I ignored it and was walking towards my room when she called me and told me about the dinner at my in-laws. I shook my head and left towards my room.

OPPOSITES ATTRACTOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora