Chapter One

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I confused myself, but then I fixed it :3 YAI.



Adam Merrick. That's my name. And I like Harry Potter.

I am eighteen years old, I have a best friend named Dalton, and I have to care for myself.

Why? Because my father was stupid and killed my mom and then himself.

I have blue-green eyes-from my mom-that no one can resist and light brown hair-from my dumbass dad-that goes to the middle of my neck in a sort of 'bowl haircut'. Six feet tall already, the reason I play basketball. I'm pretty muscular, I guess.

You could say that I'm a decent singer and guitar player, but I don't feel comfortable singing in front of others.

Now that you know me in general, let me say-I'm a nice guy unless you get on my bad side, and I hide my emotions well.


"Adam, I'm gay," Dalton tells me nervously in his perfect mid-pitched English accent.

I look away from my phone and smile at him. "Funny, D."

He shakes his head. "Really."

I laugh. "You're not gay."

"Yes, I am, Adam. Get that through your head. I. Am. Gay."

My smile falls off, turning into that stony expression I get when I try to hide my feelings. This time, I was hiding fear. "This isn't funny, Dalton. Stop it."

"I'm gay."

"You can't be gay. You've slept with all the girls in our grade."

He shakes his head again. "It meant nothing."

"I've known you your whole life. Why haven't you told me before?"

He swallows, his green eyes moving to his hands. "I was afraid of what you might say," he whispers quietly.

'Well, fuck, D,' I think to myself.

"And the topic... It never came up."

"Damn. Just... Dammit. I never thought my best friend would be gay."

He meets my eyes fearfully. "Do you hate me, Adam?"

I place a small smile on my stone features and shake my head. "I could never hate you. Even if I wanted to."

He smiles back sheepishly.

"I support you, one-hundred percent."

He visibly relaxes, but I'm still stone as I clutch my phone in my hands. "Thanks, Addy. I honestly thought you'd be a homophobic jerk."

I laugh. "Why, exactly?"

He chuckles and shrugs. "I guessed. Remind me not to guess again."

I nudge his shoulder. "I've been trying to keep you from doing that for thirteen years. Remember? In kindergarten, you guessed that Ms. Flanders wouldn't mind if you colored on the tables with Sharpies. She was pissed."

We laughed hard for a minute straight, then finished at the same time, saying, "Ohh, Ms. Flanders."

"She's always been my favorite," he tells me, taking off his shirt, something he does when he's about to shower. "Try not to miss me too much." He winked; I knew he was joking.

I rolled my eyes and snorted as he kicked off his pants before walking down the hall.


'Maybe he told you because he likes you,' I think, then shake my head, creeped out by the thought. 'Or maybe he just needed to get it off his chest.

*Dalton's short little POV*

God, I love this guy.


I'll post another part soon :3 Thank you if you're even reading this c: I like writing stories, but I'm always worried that no one will read them...

Anyways. Love you ^-^

My Own Best Friend ~~~boyXboy~~~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora