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(Y/N) POV~

"Hey, calm down I am not going to hurt you!" I say backing away from them, my hands up. They, in their fear, didn't notice the bandages. But after a long pause they seemed to take notice of it. They look at their wound and look up at me with a confused look on their face.

"You... helped me?" They said, their voice was soft and masculine. The fear was still in their eyes as they studied my eyes to learn my intentions or motives. I know the look in their eyes, that of being hunted. You learn not to trust anything or anyone. "Why? Did you help me?" He says with his guard still up.

"How could you leave someone in need. Also I felt a connection with you; my kind has been hunted to almost extinction. I have heard the cat folk are hunted for their ears and tails, I am so sorry." I reply sitting down a few feet away from him. He seems to think and then lets his guard down a bit.

"I thought you were going to eat me." He says nervously.

"People don't taste very good, no offense." I say starting to smile to put him at ease.

"None taken, Shinso Hitoshi." He replies, holding his hand out. I stare at it confused what is he doing. I poke his hand, He laughs at this. His laugh is nice and puts me at ease. "No you shake it." He corrects me, ooh this must be a human or cat folk thing. "You haven't been out a lot have you?"

"Not a lot, when i went awhile ago they were scared of me." I say looking down with a sad look.

"Oh, I'm sorry if I brought up bad memories ." He said, giving me a empathetic glance; "Um anyway, what do you do up here?"  

"I read a lot, I help animals that are sick or hurt. They come to me, I have met a few of the other races but it has been a while" I say, looking at him with a smile. 

"That is really cool; I have been traveling  with a bunch of friends, we are on a quest when I got separated. I was wondering in town and the people saw my ears; They chased me for a while before I found you." He explained, I feel bad for him. 

"I know how it feels, there have been many people up to 'slay' me." I respond, putting a hand on his shoulder, Shinso looks up and smiles softly. "So do you know where our friends are?" 

"Now currently, I know where they were headed, an inn in the next town. It is run by a friend of theirs." He says to me. There is a moment of silence, I am trying to think of possible solutions.

"You should rest for at least a day but an inn would be better to rest in, maybe I could fly you there." I suggest, thinking out loud, taping my foot. 

You don't have to do that, I can rest here then be on my way." He says. He is trying not to be a burden, I can tell. 

"We can decide what to do in the morning, it is sunset; I need to get food. Please rest, when I get back I will redress your wounds." I say  lightly pushing him back down. 

"Thank you, (Y/N)." Shinso says with a faint smile across his face. He closes his eyes, I walk to the edge of the cliff,jump and transform. Hopefully can convince him to let me help him.


"We need to find Shinso soon, you know how people treat his folk." A green haired boy says looking to the rest of his friends.

"I agree, hopefully he is okay." A brunette replies with a worried look on her face.

"Any Ideas where that dumb-ass could be?" Asks an aggressive blond, arms crossed.

"We could go to a local pub and ask." A red head suggests to the group. A white and red haired boy nods in agreement. 

"It's decided then." The green haired boy says. They walk into town, soon coming to a pub and walk in. The Red head goes up to the counter, he easily starts up a conversation with the person behind the counter. After a couple of minutes  he comes back. 

"So they said a couple of guys came in and told him that they were chasing a cat-folk when a dragon took them." He says." The dragons cave is on the mountain to the north of the pub. They didn't think there was a dragon and they were defeated by the cat-folk but to embarrassed to admit it."

"We should start there then, we can make half of the journey by sunset if we start now." The bi-colored boy says. The rest nod in agreement. After that they set out to find the dragon. 

Little did they know an enemy had over heard the group. He smiled to himself, looking to the rest of his group. "This will be interesting." 


I am not dead! Any way thank you for dealing with my irregular schedule. I am trying to get everything back on track, I will also be updating my other story pretty soon. Thank you for reading and see you in the next chapter!

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