Începe de la început

     laying down in the middle of the forest with a damaged body and flickering consciousness, this was a scenario they have never thought of in their entire life they have lived in this cruel world. a sudden death by a man without any cursed energy, what a silly death. they sigh, getting up slowly as they flinch every second. they weren't going to go down so easily. it was just a few stabs, its nothing compared to what they've gone through from the past. "alright, i'll stop being dramatic."

     one piercing pain in all their body was all it takes for them to back down. "okay, this is harder than expected." they say as pain seeps through their expression. fuck, i can't! they screamed internally, panicking as they think this will be their last moments on earth. they stared towards the glimmering sky, not a speck of cloud in sight as they watch the birds fly in a flock. what a beautiful day to die.

     clutching their bleeding stomach, there was not much to do for their entertainment. it seemed like laying down on the ground was the only and best option for them. "i'm sorry gojou." they whispered, tears barely held in as they could feel the fatigue get to them, feeling the luring aura of darkness lulling them.

     "if i die now without telling you this secret, i know you'll curse me very much, satoru." they chuckled at their last dying message, quite upsetting that no one will be able to hear it. as the last light of the day slowly comes to hide, their consciousness also follows through.

     light blues and purple paints the sky beautifully, sadly, ( name )'s eyes were closed off. the long lashes that rested on their cheek didn't lift nor move at all. their body quite stable as the chilly air starts to set. was it possible? would have it possible for them to live? maybe to awake from their deep slumber now? we wouldn't know, as they held the power to do so and as so they made a choice. they remained unconscious, the outsiders completely oblivious as they only laid in the colorful greenery and flowers surrounding them.

     minutes turned to hours and they awoke to movement. their head rested comfortably on someone's lap as they hastily opened their eyes. the shimmering light of the moon was incomparable to their beautiful eyes. gojou had wished he can see their eyes with more life in it. but alas, here they were, one barely alive and the other exhausted. "don't die." the first words uttered by gojou made them chuckle, a cough following after as they look directly to gojou's blue glowing eyes.

     "did you win?" they ask quietly, saving their energy as much as they can. "of course, i'm the greatest after all." even as a friend barely holding onto life was on his arms, he still found a way to insert his hubris. "he stabbed me from the back... eight times with the inverted—" another loud cough interrupted them, blood splattering quiet fast onto their hand. "stop it." they barely let out as they stop gojou from trying to lift them up.

     "it hurts to move, i'd rather die than suffer." their words gave gojou a heavy stab to his heart, his demeanor breaking slowly as he leans down painfully. his heart could barely take in what was happening much less his brain, it was taking quite a big toll on him. "don't say that. you won't die." they roll their eyes, gojou's stupidity getting them to almost laugh. "unless a miracle happens then i disagree, satoru."

     a heartbeat skips as gojou hears his name gets uttered out of their mouth. if only they weren't dying in his arms, he would've teased them to death about it. silence dawns upon them as the night entertains them.

     "tsuki ga kirei desu ne."

     it was barely audible but gojou heard it clearly. he breaks down completely, those words was all he needed for the tears to fall down like a waterfall, his demeanour long forgotten as he clutches them tightly in his arms as he utters repeatedly; "shindemo iiwa, i love you too, don't leave me." his voice shook with sadness as he strokes their cheeks softly, their eyes barely open as they smile one last time. "kiss..." and gojou did as they said.

     he kissed them with passion and so much love. he remembers just how much he loved the person in their arms. how much he was willing to do anything for them. yet here he was, clutching their unstable body without anything for him to do for them. he finally lifts his lifts from their soft ones, feeling that their consciousness has already left and he was once again alone in the dark.

     if only he was there. if only he protected his loved one from harm then they would have lived happily together in the jujutsu world.

     "i'll miss you, ( name )"

ahah ha sorry once again, online school has just been dumping a lot of req and hws,, its overwhelming me lmfao

also yes i am aware of how shit i am at writinf angst and death scenes huhu dont bully me

tsuki ka kirei desu ne and tsuki ga kirei translates to "the moon is beatiful, isn't it?" which also literally translates to "i love you"

shindemo iiwa translates to "i can die happy"

( 1457 words, unedited. )

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