Chapter 2: Masks

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Crota POV (This is....weird....)

As the Guardian named "BlackLight" took off his helmet, I had no words. In this moment, I believed that he was truly crafted by the Traveler. His face held a fierce, but loving smile, and his eyes shined like golden jewels. However, they still held tiredness behind them, like he was made of broken glass. But the moment he spoke, I was captivated by his rough, dominant tone.

"Hello, Daughter of Oryx." He spoke to me

The worm within me then started beating like a drum, making it hard to focus. It felt like I was going to explode just from hearing his voice. He noticed, but said nothing about it. The Guardians behind him whispered to one another, I think, which made me uncomfortable.

No ones POV

Crota covered her face with her hands, tears threatening to drop. BlackLight squinted his eyes, then started hearing his Ghost talk to him.

'The Guardians behind you are trying to send any data to the Vanguard, and they're whispering. I'm jamming their signal, but she's afraid, BlackLight. Afraid of her fate. She's afraid of you.' Nalia speaks through a mental link, with BlackLight nodding

He reattached his mask, making the Guardians hear the click of it coming back together. He stands up on the massive Hive Goddess' leg, and turns around, his eyes meeting theirs. But it wasn't like before, no, his eyes shown malice by his eyes glowing blood red, along with some parts of his suit. He unsheathed his sword, lighting it up a bright crimson, making the room change color. The massive Oversoul behind him lit up that same crimson red, along with the sky turning a unholy goldish red. His body lit up an aura of pitch black darkness, making his stance and tone mean his utmost care for the situation.

The Guardians gulped at the scene, thinking altogether: we're fucked. He jumped down, his cape blowing in the wind as he gracefully fell. As he made contact with the floor, it cracked the entire fortress and made a crater in the floor. The Ascendant Realm was cracking and shaking violently, throwing a few of them to the floor. After what felt like an eternity, he spoke in such a tone that the devil would shiver at.

"Leave this place, or I will kill you. You are making the lady uncomfortable with your silent transmission and whispers. So, get the fuck out." He spoke, unwavered

A Titan of the group stepped forward, ready to make a remark but stopped. Even Crota was confused until she looked at BlackLight and stared at what he had done. His sword had protruded from the little Guardians back, blood dripped from its edges. The FireTeam had mixed reactions, ranging from rage to sorrow. BlackLight ripped out the sword from the dead Guardian, letting it fall to the floor. It's Ghost came out and it's shell expanded, but it couldn't revive them. It turned to BlackLight, who was walking away and sheathing his sword.

"W-Why can't I revive my Guardian!!!" It screamed

BlackLight stopped, his feet coming together, yet far apart. He turned his head, still holding those malice filled eyes.

"You're in her presence, which means no matter what you try, no one can revive another Guardian till she's dead, or, she submits to defeat." He said, then turned back to Crota, who looked at him through her fingers

"Please submit to defeat, Goddess. I'll send them away, back to where they came from. Then, we can talk in peace." He spoke in a kind tone

She nods and whispers of her defeat. The world around them changes, the Oversoul behind her slowly turns back to green, the sky turns black after BlackLight released his wrath, but not entirely. Crotas body lights up, then stops glowing. During it, BlackLight kicks their Light and themselves back to their ships, leaving Crota and himself alone.

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