Chapter 5

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Jyuogo's POV
I stop dead in my tracks as i stare at the person before me... 'impossible...' They run up to me and tackle me to the ground yelling "brother!!!" Tears start flowing out of my eyes as i hold her as close to me as possible. "Wow what a touching moment" I recognize the voice and push my sister behind me while keeping hold of her. "stay back"

I growly lowly and feel my sister pull on my prison jumpsuit "brother who are they?" I look slightly back to her "they? theres only one person here" she points and i follow her finger "him" "hajime..." Elf smiles at me "guess i should be leaving" The blond boy vanishes and i turn to my sister watching hajime approach slowly "i thought you were dead" I move my hand to her cheek and she leans into it. "15" i hear hajime yell.

I see my sister flinch at the loud voice and suddenly i realise that hajime is going to take her away if he sees her. "what the hell?! Who is that" I return to my defensive state and growly lowly at hajime as he gets a little closer. "Don't get any closer" I say venom dripping from my words as my eyes slowly start swirling red.

I seem to have taken him by suprise as he stops. He gives me a calculating look before slightly side stepping, i let another low growl out let him know to stay where he is "A kid?" I realise now why he side stepped he was trying to get a look at my sister. I hesistate but slightly move to the side revealing more of my sister to him. He looks to me then to the my sister then to me again.

"you two look alike" he saids cautiously showing a slight amout of confusion. My sister pops her head fully out from behind me "of course we do he's my brother" Hajime gives a look of what could only be discribbed as pure confusion. "thats your brother?" he points to me while looking at my sister. She nods happily and the looks to the side, her expression going back to more defensive.

I follow her gaze to see yamato run towards us "Stop" i hiss towards him, seeming to also take him by suprise. He stops in his tracks and stares at me then he's eyes wander to hajime "Did you know jyougo had a sister" hajime says motioning towards us "No not at all" Yamoto responsed his eyes flicking back to me and my sister.

Then behind me i hear another voice "jyuogo you have a sister?" "wait really? thats so cool" It's uno, rock, nico and seitaru even if i trust my friends i don't trust seitaru and shift so my back is to the wall with my sister behind me still, seitaru starts approaching "jyougo you can't b-" "stay back" i shout ready to strike if need be. Seitaru stops in her tracks and my friend stare at me in shock.

I keep glancing around trying to watch all three guards around me when all of a sudden i'm on the floor being held down by hajime. That moment a blood crudelling scream sounded from my sister, in a instant hajime was flying backwards to a wall and i stood protectivly infront of my sister with two blades as arms. All eyes were on me staring and i hated it.

Then i heard soft sobbing from behind me, my arms changed back and my expression softened. I turned around to face my sister and picked her up carefully cradling her in my arms shushing her. Even though she had grown she didn't seem different from when i left her still as emotionally as ever. I turned to face hajime "don't take her from me again..." I seen hajimes expression slightly change "i'll see what i can do but she isn't a prisoner so i doubt the warden will let her stay"

I look down slightly "What if i had a relative on the island that could take care of her?" Hajime give me a questioning look "If they aren't a prisoner she could probably stay with them" I hesisitate again but continue "My dads on the island but.." "but what?" i think over my phrasing before continuing "but my dad thinks my sisters dead and he probably doesn't want to see me" "Why would he think that shes dead?"

I sigh and look at my sister to find that she passed out in my arms "uh could we find a place for her to lay down for a while?" Hajime looks to seitaru and yamato "go put the others away" They nod but uno quickly interupts "no wait we should know as well" Hajime looks to me as if he were asking and i slightly shake my head no. He then looks back to uno "No go back to your cell" he looks towards seitaru and nods. Yamato and seitaru leads the others towards there cell while hajime leads me towards the guards room.

A life worth living; Jyugo x Hajime (Nanbaka)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz