My mother placed her hands on my shoulders, "No, no deary. We wouldn't want to cover up your pretty face." She smiled.

More Death Eaters arrived behind us, their faces already covered. Lucius nodded to them and then quickly swung the door open and stepping inside. I remained with my mother while all of the others began spreading out in different directions. Inside, it was dark. Shelves and shelves of prophecies perched. My mother and I began walking straight, keeping our eyes peeled for where the Dark Lord's prophecy could be. I felt clueless in the situation, like an outsider. But I remained close to my mother, my wand not far from my grasp and just kept my eyes peeled.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw light, light that should not be there, but was expected. Light was coming from several wands gathered together; Potter, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny and a girl I did not know. I notified my mother who just smirked. Lucius came out from nowhere, "Harry." Hermione called, getting Potters attention as Lucius approached them.

My mother began approaching the group also, but remained behind; hidden in the darkness. "Where's Sirius?" Potter demanded, standing lead of the group of children.

"You know," Lucius began speaking, "You really should learn to tell the difference between dreams and reality." Lucius whipped out his wand and waved it in front of his face, revealing his identity to Potter. "You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Now hand me the prophecy." I looked to Potter to see that he clutched a glass, shimmering globe in his hand.

"If you do anything to us, I'll break it." Potter retorted.

Out of nowhere, my mother began cackling. Her cackles echoing throughout the whole department. I took several steps forward, clutching onto my wand. "He knows how to play." My mother laughed, "Itty, bitty, baby." She twirled her curls with her wand, laughing at the group. "Potter."

Neville Longbottom stepped forward, "Bellatrix Lestrange." He gasped, his grip on his wand becoming tighter and tighter, his knuckles becoming white. I stepped ever so closely to the confrontation without the light rebounding off of me to be seen. I kept my breaths short and my steps light.

"Neville Longbottom is it?" My mother asked, "How's Mum and Dad?"

"Better now that they're about to be avenged." Neville hissed raising his wand in the direction of my mother.

"Not so fast, Longbottom." I hissed from behind Lucius and stepping into the light, raising my wand also. Potter held Neville back while my mother kept her wand raised also.

The group looked at me in confusion, "Pandora?" Ron gasped, looking at me up and down. "Wha - what are you doing here? Looking like that?"

"Pandora?" My mother cackled, "That is quite hilarious."

"Bexley Lestrange." Potter sighed. At that moment, realization hit the face of everybody.

"You honestly thought I was a Tonks?" I giggled, keeping my wand aimed at the group in general, "I still can't believe that none of you figured this one out, especially you, Potter, considering you're the great Harry Potter." I rolled my eyes with a grin.

Ron whipped out his wand and aimed it straight at me, "I can't believe you!" He bellowed, "After everything my family has done for you!" Ron stepped out from behind Potter, I followed, stepping in front of Lucius, "I could kill you!"

Lucius raised his hands and placed one hand on my shoulder. "Now," He hissed, "Let's, everybody, just calm down. Shall we?" He asked. I felt my heart rate increase, looking into Ron's eyes, my wand raised to his nose. He shared similar attributes to myself. I could see the anger in his eyes. Potter placed a hand on Ron's shoulder and pulled him back and Lucius did the same with me. I lowered my wand and took a few moments to myself, to lower my heart rate and to focus on my breathing. My secret was out. Now they know that Bexley Lestrange is alive. "All we want," Lucius continued, "Is that prophecy."

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