Imagine: Helping Newt take care of his magical creatures.

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A/N: This was my first attempt at finally writing a different fandom. Newt is my cinnamon roll so here, have some fluff. Let me know what you think.
Warnings: None :))
Word count: 930


You and Newt were rushing from here to there through the magical creature reservoir all within his briefcase.

"Newt?" You yelled his way. "Yes" you heard your boyfriend yell back. "Where did you leave the food for the nifflers?" You asked. "In the cupboard to the left of the cage" Newt told you.

You walked over to the cupboard, opened it and found the bag of food you were looking for. "Got it! Thank you" you yelled, but Newt already came through the door. "Oh," you laughed, stopping the yelling.

"Hi" you smiled. "Hey" Newt said, smiling that adorable smile of his. He gave you a quick kiss on your cheek and grabbed a bucket, walking to the next creature he was going to take care of. You smiled as you fed the nifflers, making sure you had tucked your necklace in your shirt.

After you were done, you headed over to the thunderbird, Frank. You grabbed his food and made your way.
Frank didn't dislike you, but he obviously preferred Newt. It showed when you walked over. It started raining lightly. You didn't have your wand ready so you just let yourself slowly get drenched. You got the food out of the bucket and Frank got a bit too excited. He reached out with his enormous claws and you pulled the food away, which wasn't the smartest idea as you were to find out. Frank scratched your shoulder and you hissed as the cut immediately began to get red and bleed just a little bit.

"Frank," you called out. "That is not very nice". Frank bowed his head, realising he had hurt you. "Here," you said, throwing the food in the air. Frank flew up and swallowed it in seconds. He came back down and lowered his head. "It's okay" you said, petting his beak.

The rain above you stopped and you looked up. A magical umbrella was spread above your figure. You looked behind you and saw Newt stand there. "Thank you" you smiled. "Not a problem" he replied. At the sound of Newt's voice, Frank opened his eyes and the rain stopped immediately.

You turned around and Newt's eyes fell on your shoulder. "(y/n), you're hurt! What happened?" Newt asked urgent. "Frank was a bit too hasty, but I'm fine" you explained. "It doesn't look 'fine'" Newt said. You looked, the cut was even redder and bleeding a bit more. "Oh" you replied. "Come on, I'll take care of it" your sweet boyfriend gabbed your arm and ushered you to come with him. You followed him to his little hut filled with all magical ingredients.

He motioned for you to sit on the table and so you did, hopping on. Newt looked though the scattered ingredients. "Aha" he said as he found what he was looking for. He held up a blue liquid in a glass bottle. You quietly laughed. "What?" Newt asked. "Nothing," you said. "You just look really cute."
"Hold that thought," Newt said as he put some of the liquid on a handkerchief. "You aren't gonna like this".

He carefully patted your cut with the handkerchief. The moment the liquid hit your reddened skin, you winced as you threw your head back. It hurt... a lot. "I'm so sorry" Newt apologised. "It's okay" you managed to breathe out. You grabbed a hold of Newt's arm and squeezed lightly, making sure not to hurt him. "Just a little more" he said. You held your breath for a few seconds until Newt said "Okay, that was it".

You let your head fall onto his shoulder and let out a sigh. Newt placed a gentle hand on your head and hugged you. "You're alright, it'll be gone by tomorrow." He said in a soft voice. "Thank you" you said, just now realising you were kind of tired.
"I think I need some sleep" you told your boyfriend. "That's alright. Just head up, I'll be there soon." He replied. "See ya" you said, wrapping your arms around him. "See ya" he repeated, kissing the top of your head as he hugged you around your waist.

You climbed out of the case and entered the living room. You drank a glass of water and made a cup of tea for when Newt would leave his case. You walked to the bathroom and brushed your teeth, then headed to the bedroom and changed into your pj's (one of Newt's shirts) and laid down under the covers. You grabbed your book off the nightstand and read for a quick ten minutes before you fully laid down and shut off the light.

A few moments later you heard some scaffolding and the bed beside you move. Even before you could turn around, Newt's arms were around your waist and he had his head on your good shoulder. "Thank you for the tea" he said, you could hear the smile in his voice. "You're welcome" you whispered.
"Thank you for helping me with my creatures today, and sorry about Frank". "Of course, you know I love helping. And as for Frank, it's okay, it happens. I'm alive and well, so it's all okay." You said, snuggling closer into your sweet boyfriend.

"I love you, so much, (y/n)" Newt said in the most adorable voice you had ever heard. "I love you too" you smiled. You felt Newt kiss the back of your head as your eyes became too heavy to keep open. "Good night" you whispered. "Good night, beautiful" was the last thing you heard before your eyes finally fell close.

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