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Since the demon slayers have had time to get to know each other, they decided to spend time together outside of missions. Nezuko enjoyed their company, and it made Tanjiro happy, so it was a win-win. Although almost the entire time they spend together, Zenitsu is hitting on the pink haori girl, and Inosuke tries to act like he doesn't care, Nezuko knows this will eventually blossom into a beautiful relationship.

Today, they were sitting outside, enjoying the fresh air having a little picnic. It was sunny out, and Tanjiro unfortunately was unable to join them but remained by Nezuko's side as she ate happily. He got bored and started scratching the box.

"What is he doing?" Inosuke asked.

"Heh, he's scratching the box. He does that pretty often when he gets bored. I looked inside of it last night, and it was all scratched up." Nezuko chuckled, taking another bite off her onigiri.


Nezuko and Zenitsu noticed how the cold-hearted demon slayer was asking and interacting quite a bit with the demon. Nezuko was happy they were getting along, but Zenitsu got different vibes from his words. Ignoring the feelings, no one said anything and let him continue with his food.

Not long after eating, a Kizune crow flying above informed them the leader was calling them. The demon slayers  froze in awe of being called by such an admirable man, but what would he possibly need them for? They put away their stuff and walked to the place. When they were about to enter, they blacked out.

The first one to wake up was Nezuko. She was tied up and very confused by the figures in front of her. She saw man with straight black hair and the girls she saw at Final Selection.

"W-who... Are you?..." Nezuko struggled to speak.

"How rude." A boy behind her added. She looked back slightly to reveal a boy around her age with long black hair and teal tips. He was playing with a rock, and she feared it would be thrown at her for her comment.

'That must be the master!...' Nezuko cursed herself for not realizing it sooner.

"You might be wondering what you're doing here or who I am. First, I am the leader of the demon slayer corps, and why you're here is quite surprising even to me. It's been a while in the history of the crops since a case like this happened; it was when it was first created, so believe me, I was stunned at the fact one my slayers was carrying a demon with them."

Nezuko lost the ability to breathe for a second.

"I should just kill this thing!..." A boy with silver hair and a scarred face exclaimed. Nezuko didn't enjoy the comment when she noticed he was holding the box and a sword with the other.

"DON'T YOU TOUCH MY BROTHER!" Nezuko yelled, trying to liberate herself from the ropes.

"What a shame, this fills me with sorrow, such a painful situation..." one of the two girls from the audience murmured.

"SHUT UP! YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A RIGHT TO BE CALLED A DEMON SLAYER, WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD CARRY AROUND A DEMON WITH THE WILL TO KILL THEM!?" The boy responded, stabbing the box. Blood began dripping from it, and a muffled cry was heard.

"TANJIRO!" She managed to break the tie on her legs and run towards her brother, but only to be stopped before getting to the man. It was someone with a snake; that's all she knew from the slight gaze she obtained before being pushed to the ground. The other two demon slayers were brought to the room.

"Inosuke, Zenitsu!" Nezuko cried.

"Come on, let's not get violent. I would like to understand why you'd carry a demon with you, I already heard your story from Tomioka-san, but I would like to hear what you have to say." The leader said calmly.

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