Untitled Part 1

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Lyle- Older of the twins by eleven seconds. His magic includes grabbing swords and armor from a pocket of space. Blonde hair, green eyes. Spotted with freckles, 6'3, and a fighter type.

Mira- She is an only child and she is the girlfriend of Lyle. Her magic is pyrokinesis. She has red hair and blue eyes. Fighter off. She is 5'5. Tip: don't mess with her family and loved ones.

Liam- Younger of the twins. His magic is force fields and healing. He is the support type. He has blonde hair and green eyes and is spotted with freckles. He is 5'0.

Austin- He has two younger brothers. His magic includes air manipulation. He can fly with it, use it in battle, ect. Silver hair and yellow eyes make up his appearance. He is a fighter type.

Lyle has been in the same guild for about two years. That means I haven't seen my twin in a long time. But today is the day that I'm going to see him. I am joining the same guild as him. I checked the grandfather clock in the corner and it read 7:15 am. Father is still in a meeting with the press. so that gives me time to disappear. I grabbed my black roller suitcase. It felt heavy, and all of the sudden doubt was going through my mind. I thought about what would happen if I didn't leave.

I saw Lyle's face while waiting for me at the train station and he knew I didn't come. He was sulking as he was walking away. I pushed all of the doubt out of my mind and I ran out of the house to the train. The train whistled its last whistle as I barely made it on. I gave the conductor twenty dollars and said "Winterfeldt." He shook his head in acknowledgement as I took a seat that was closest to the door. I felt free like a bird.

The train ride took forever. When I arrived at the station Lyle was there. When he saw me his face lit up like it was Christmas as I ran over to him. I gave him a hug, and instead of my face fitting into his shoulder it hit his chest. He grew so much in such a small amount of time. We hugged for what seemed like forever. "You have grown so much in two years." I said with envy. He laughed and smiled.

"Yeah I guess I have. How have you been?" I was looking back on the two years remembering all the abuse and neglect then we stepped apart. "I've been good lately but right now I feel amazing. How have you been?" He smiled and slightly blushed. "I've had the best years of my life," he said with an amazing smile. "I'm so happy for you!" I said putting a bit too much enthusiasm into my smile. We just stood there and talked about what happened over the years, what I've missed and what he missed.

The guild hall was amazing, it was so cool and huge. I felt sleep creeping into my eyes. I got their emblem of a shooting star on my right hand and it turned yellow. I blinked my eyes a couple of times to stay awake and Lyle noticed what I was doing. He put his arm around my shoulders and started leading me to the stairs and walked me to the first door on the left. My head met the couch cushion in perfect timing as I crashed into sleep.

I woke up to the sound of shouting and explosions. Lyle was already up and kicking. He was getting his shoes on. "Good morning. I said smiling trying to clear my eyes. " Get ready and I'll meet you down in the hall."

"Okay I'll be down in a minute." I took a look at my outfit. I am wearing pajamas. How did I even get into pajamas? Oh yeah, Lyle can requip into any outfit and he makes people wear anything he has.

I looked through my suitcase and I found a perfect outfit, a nice fitting pair of jeans and a black shirt with an orange over shirt. No matter how hard I tried to find my contacts I can't find them so now I am left with my nerdy glasses. I put them on and my headache I was starting to get just disappeared.

I decided to go down and see the guild hall. It was even more festive than it was last night. The fight that just recently happened disappeared when I walked into the room. It was like they were trying not to scare me off. People were smiling at me and welcoming me to the family. I was looking around for Lyle. I couldn't find him until I found that blazing hair that we share. He was talking with the master of the guild. I took a look at the master and noticed she looked younger than most of the other masters at the guild.

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