Chapter 8- Junix

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Junix growled and fluttered her wings, swishing her tail, not caring if someone got stung because that was their problem.

She was glad that Mandarin and Empathy weren't back; they were losers who needed each other's company. Sheer looked sad for some reason, Palo was yelling at her, Copper, Cecropia, and Drift had gone, and Flytrap was chatting with some other LeafWings.

She decided to go to her cave and do something she had not yet chosen. 

Suddenly, "JUUUUUNIIIIXXX!!!!!! HELP!" she heard Drift's yelling from somewhere nearby.  She didn't know why, but she broke into a run and started to panic.

When she got to her cave, she saw Cecropia spinning white strings out of her wrists and it seemed they were wrapping themselves around her in a chrysalis. 

Junix quickly set the young SilkWing against a wall, who was now completely enveloped in silk.

"Where do we put her?!" Drift asked loudly. "I don't know!" "Wait a minute... follow me!" the blue dragon cried.

The HiveWing carefully dragged Cecropia's chrysalis out of the room and into the long winding hallways lit eerily with green, yellow, and pink glowing globes.

"I'll fly," she growled, still scowling for no reason whatsoever. Drift nodded. The yellow dragon's wings started to hum and buzz as she struggled to lift the weight.

"This way!" the SeaWing said again, leading her through a large wooden door. The room was lit with a single torch in the darkest corner. Junix tried to make her eyes adjust, but her tribe didn't have good night vision.

She saw two chrysalises, plus a weird golden one in the darkest corner that had smoke coming off of it. Flamesilk! Junix realized, her eyes widening. She set down Cecropia's next to a plain blueish-white one that was not flamesilk.

"I think this is the Pyrrhian version of the Cocoon in Cicada Hive," she thought aloud. 

"What's that?" asked Drift, flexing her talons. 

"My grandpa told me it's where SilkWings go into metamorphosis in Pantala, it's a big building made of treestuff with a pool at the bottom. He says it's really cool."

"What are you two doing in here?" they suddenly heard a voice.

"Luna!" Drift exclaimed. "Cecropia just went into metamorphosis, and we went to put her in here." 

"Okay, well you are supposed to be in your caves, but I'll let it slide. So which one is Cecropia? Wait a minute... IS THAT A FLAMESILK?!" She yelled, spreading her wings, which looked like cascading petals of green sunlight. 

"We think so," Junix trailed off, staring at the glowing orange chrysalis.

"Who is it?" Luna asked loudly. "SHHH!" Drift hushed. "You're going to wake everyone up!"

Luna sighed and started to fiddle with her tail. "Flamesilks are extremely dangerous and we must figure out who it is before they come out or else there will be serious consequences. Now, don't tell anyone about this, and go to sleep!"

The dragonets hurried out of the room and into their cave, passing a SilkWing on the way there. 

"Have you seen my brother Mothwing?" She asked with an anxious expression. 

"Sorry, Magenta," Drift sighed. 

"He went into metamorphosis yesterday, he's a flamesilk."

Drift gasped loudly. "Down that hallway! Tell Luna that it's Mothwing! Quickly! Go, go!"

Magenta vanished in half a second. They continued on their journey to the sleeping cave.

Junix tossed her scarf on her bag of stuff and pulled out her blanket, carefully tucking in her wings before she dozed off.

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