Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen

171 9 14

Betty's POV
It's a Saturday night and me and Jug are at home laying on the sofa as Bella and Jacob watch the TV with amazement.

I have my first doctors appointment tomorrow to determine how far along I am.

I first started having suspicions at the start of the week when I was having cravings and my skin was more oily than usual.

I was also due my period last week but I took it as it was late but then it didn't come so I started adding everything together and decided to take a pregnancy test on Wednesday after work.

I took the rest of the week off when it came back positive, to try and deal with it and work out a way to tell Jug.

Then everything yesterday happened and well you know the rest.

Veronica keeps calling and I keep ignoring. I miss her obviously she was one of my best friends and I always debate whether to talk to her or not.

Maybe later but I'm not ready to talk about that with her yet.

"Mommy me tired" Jacob yawns so I yank myself away from the sofa and pick him up.

"Then let's get you to bed, both of you" I say and look at Jug, who gets up to bring Bella to bed.

I bring Jacob into his room and out him into bed, "Night night sleep tight" I whisper and kiss his nose.

"Nighty night mommy" he says, closing his eyes.

I put his covers over him and walk out of the room.

"Jacob basically went straight to sleep" I whisper to Jug when he emerges from Bella's room.

"So did Bella, they must be exhausted" He says and I nod in agreement.

The next day I woke up at 8 and sprint towards the bathroom. I did not think my morning sickness would be back already.

Once I'm done I flush and brush my teeth.

I have my doctors appointment today so I get changed into leggings and a jumper and plait my hair.

"Morning baby" I hear Jug say huskily, "Good morning" I smile.

He gets up and walks into the bathroom, I hear the shower turn on and I start to imagine him in there.

I get more and more turned on just thinking about it.

Snap out of it Betty.

I walk out of the room and make four bowls of cereal for me, Jug, Jacob and Bella.

Just as I finish making it Bella and Jacob come running out.

"Food!" Bella squeals and I chuckle at her and set the bowls on the table.

We all sit at the table and start to eat our breakfast, Jug joining us a few minutes later.

"So what's the plans for today?" Jug asks me, "Well, I have my doctors appointment-" I start but get interrupted by Jug, "I'm coming with you" He says and I nod, "So will the kids then" I say, "So my doctors appointment and then we can go to the park and out for dinner later?" I ask, "Yeah sounds good" Jug says.

I take all the plates off the table and put them in the dishwasher once everyone is done.

"I'll get Bella ready, you get Jacob?" I inquire and Jug nods.

"Okay c'mon Bella" I say and lift her up and bring her into her room.

"What? Me no sleepy!" She says and I laugh, "No, we're getting you dressed" I say.

"Mommy has a doctors appointment" I say and she gives me a confused look.

"What? Are you swick?" she asks.

"Um, no its just a um, a checkup" I say and she nods.

I get her changed into an outfit and bring her back out to the living room to see Jug and Jacob already ready.

"You ready?" he asks me, "Yeah" I nod and we head out the door.

Hey! Sorry this is short and I'm sorry it's been a while AGAIN. My teachers seem to think I want work and enjoy doing it or some shit saying as they give me so much of it! Like noooo I do not want to do your stinky ass diseased school work. Anyway I'm sorry! I love you all - Jess <3 xxx

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