Chapter 8: Subway station

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Dash: Wow! No way! It's the Green Ranger! 

Bob: Man, he's taking them down real good. We'd better help him out and the guards. 

The Incredibles rush in to help Trevor. Three more thugs come in to take down the Green Ranger. Dash uses his speed power to knock one of them down. Violet turns invisible, and sneak up on a thug who is sneaking up on Trevor. She grabs his bat, which surprises him. She uses it to hit him. He groans in pain as she slams the bat in his chest, and then in the back of his head. He falls down on the floor out cold. She turns visible. Trevor turns around, and sees her. 

Trevor: Hello...Invisible girl, or Incredigirl.

Violet: I'd like Incredigirl. (Smiles) It's great to meet you, Green Ranger. 

Trevor: And it's great to meet you, and your family, Incredigirl. I'm guessing you want to help me out with these guys. 

Violet: Yeah. 

Trevor looks at her family, who walk up to him. 

Trevor: Mr. Incredible, and Elastigirl. The two original supers of the supers. It's an honor to meet you both. 

Helen: (Smiles) You too, Green Ranger. You're gonna need help. 

Just then, they all hear a woman screaming somewhere in the station. They follow the screaming, and they find an office room. A thug stands guard outside while four of them are in the office room, fighting a security guard, and hurting two civilians. Dash rushes in, and knocks down the thug guarding the door. As he took him down, the rest rush into the office room. The thugs spot them. 

Thug: (Speaking in French) Look out! It's the Green Ranger, Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, and their kids!

The thugs charge in on them as the security guard watches with the civilians. Bob punches a thug hard in the face. As the group fights the thugs, Dash suddenly spots another security guard on a platform fighting two more thugs. He smirks, and speeds off to help him out. Trevor glares at a thug. 

Trevor: Hey, buddy. Have a nice flight!

Trevor spins around, and kicks the thug in the chest, sending him flying. He yells as he flies. He lands on a desk, and crushes it. Trevor grabs another one, and punches him in the chest, and kicks him in the stomach. He lands on the floor, out cold. Helen puts Jack-Jack down on the table as she stretches her arm, and punches a thug in the face hard, knocking him out. She smirks. She picks up Jack-Jack, who giggles. Trevor turns around, and spots Dash taking down two more thugs. The guards nod at them, and run off to see if there's any more of them. The supers run out of the office room to go back out into the main lobby. As they look around, they see Bomb Voyage walking on some steps ahead of them. He sees them. 

Bob: (Glares) Bomb Voyage.

Bomb Voyage: (Speaks English) Mr. Incredible!

Bob: So, you learned English?

Bomb Voyage: Yeah. Been living in America for a while to learn. 

Trevor: So, they call you Bomb Voyage. Since you're wearing a clown makeup, they should call you...Bomb Clown. Or Clown Voyage. Oh, I've got it! The French Bomb!

The Incredibles laugh at Trevor's joke, but Bomb Voyage glares at him for making fun of him. 

Bomb Voyage: I'd tell you not to forget it, but you won't around long enough to worry about that, Green Ranger. Now say goodbye to Mr. innocent bystander, sucker!

Trevor looks at what he's looking at. A suited man talking on a payphone, not even noticing what is going on. Bomb Voyage takes out a bomb, and throws it at the ceiling above the payphone. The bomb lands on it, and beeps. 

Trevor: Oh, no! 

Trevor rushes in to save the bystander. Violet joins him too. They can hear the beeping from above. Trevor grabs the man, who shouts in surprise. 

Man: Hey! What's going on?!

Trevor: You really need to pay more attention around you, buddy. 

Trevor puts him somewhere safe from the ceiling. He looks up, and sees the bomb is beeping rapidly, meaning it's about to blow. Everyone covers themselves as the bomb goes off, taking the ceiling with it. Rumble lands on the payphone, crushing it. The man gasps as he watches where he was at.

Violet: Yeah, and to think that could have been you, sir. 

Man: Thank you! 

The man runs off to get somewhere else safer. Bob then sees some thugs running through a hallway to where the ticket booth and restaurants are at. He figures they're going there to get more hostages for Bomb Voyage. Trevor and Violet spots them too. The Incredibles and Green Ranger chase after them. They run through the hallway, and they see three security guards fighting the thugs. They run in to help them out. Trevor grabs a thug, and throws him. He lands on the floor, and Violet punches him in the face. A thug turns around and sees them. 

Thug: (Shouts in French) Watch out! Green freak and Mr. Incredible are here, along with Elastigirl! 

Just then, Dash appears in front of him.

Dash: Ha, ha!

Dash punches him in the face hard, knocking him out. Bob charges in at two thugs, attacking them before they could do anything. Helen then grabs a thug's bat, and uses it against him by hitting him in the face and chest. She then throws it at another thug, hitting him right in the face. The two thugs fall down on the floor. Trevor then jumps in the air, and kicks a thug in the chest hard, sending him flying at the wall. He hits the wall hard. The security guards take down the last three thugs. 

Security guard: (Looks at Green Ranger) Glad you showed up, Green Ranger. 

Trevor: No problem. 

The guards run off to check things out. The team regroup. 

Trevor: That's the last of the French goons. 

Dash: Yeah! That was what I call teamwork! 

Helen smiles as she holds Jack-Jack. He looks at Trevor, and laughs at him. Trevor looks at the baby, and smiles behind the helmet as he waves at him. Bob walks to him.

Bob: (Holds out his hand) It's great to meet you in person, Green Ranger. 

Trevor: (Shakes his hand) You too, Mr. Incredible. Including you, Elastigirl. (Looks at him) I guess they call you Incrediboy. (Looks at Jack-Jack) And Incredibaby. 

Jack-Jack laughs at that. Helen giggles after he made her baby laugh at that. Just then, they all hear something running in their direction. 

Trevor: Uh, oh. Someone's coming!

They all hide behind the ticket booth as Bomb Voyage comes into view. 

Bomb Voyage: (Speaking French, panting) Those supers have made a mess of things. I got another score to settle now. 

Everyone watches as he sets a bomb on the floor. He steps back as it goes off, making a big hole in the floor. 

Bomb Voyage: (Speaking French) Come on, Boys. Let's get out of here. 

His remaining men follow him, and they all jump down into the hole. He looks around, and jumps down himself. Trevor and the Incredibles come out of hiding, and run to the hole. They all look down, and at each other. They all nod, and they all jump down to chase after Bomb Voyage and his men to get them. 

Here's the eighth chapter of The Incredibles: The Green Power is back. I hope you'll all like the chapter. And that's right. Trevor meets the Incredibles, and they helped him with the fight. And of course that Mr. Incredible's old enemy is back. Let me know what you all think of the chapter and fight. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you.                

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