Ned: (imitating Emperor Palpatine) Join me, and together... we'll build my new Lego Death Star.

Peter: What?

[Peter glances around and hears a cheerleader say:]

Cheerleader: So lame.

Peter: No way! That's awesome. How many pieces?

"Glad to know stuff like that doesn't affect the stuff you like Pete"
Wanda said from her position giving Peter the thumps up which he returned saying
"Of course nothing can get in the way between me and Lego's"

Ned: Three thousand eight hundred and three.

Peter: That's insane.

Ned: I know. You want to build it tonight?

Peter: No, I can't tonight. I've got the Stark-

Ned: Mm-hmm. Stark internship.

Peter: Yeah, exactly.

"You know you don't have to put your life on hold for me Pete"
Tony sighed looking down at Peter
"I know I just wanted to be ready if you ever needed me"
Tony pulled Peter into a hug not letting go as the movie continued

[Having picked up his textbooks, Peter starts to walk down the hallway with his best friend.]

Ned: Always got that internship.

Peter: Yeah, well, hopefully, soon it'll lead to a real job with them.

Ned: That would be so sweet.

Peter: Right?

Ned: He'd be all, "Good job on those spreadsheets, Peter. Here's a gold coin."

[Peter gives him a look.]

Ned: I don't know how jobs work.

Peter: That's exactly how they work.

The avengers laughed at the two friends antics while Peter just smiled at his friend

Ned: Oh. (chuckles) I'll knock out the basic bones of the Death Star at my place. And, and then I'll come by afterwards...

[His voice fades out as Peter slows to a stop. In slow motion, we see who caught his eye- a pretty dark-haired girl talking with her friends down the hall. Her name is Liz. She brushes her hair back and their eyes meet for a fleeting moment. Peter is mesmerized. He can barely keep up with his conversation with Ned.]

"Oooo Peter has a crush Peter has a crush"
Clint, Sam and Bucky sung making the already embarrassed teen even more embarrassed, Wanda, vision and Nat smiled at the three man children's antics while tony and Rhodey laughed at how red peters face had gotten
"Oh god can we please just watch the movie"
Peter begged them, covering his facto they took pity on him and continued watching the movie with a few stray chuckles escaping there mouths

Girl: I'm gonna be late!

[We are now in physics class.]

Ms. Warren: Okay, so how do we calculate linear acceleration between points A and B?

[She points at Flash, who is confidently holding up his hand.]

Ms. Warren: Flash.

Flash: It's the product of sine of the angle and gravity divided by the mass

Tony and Bruce said at the same time

Ms. Warren: Nope.

[Another hand goes up, but Ms. Warren calls out a student who clearly is having difficulty focusing on the lecture.]

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