Chapter 1

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(First Person POV, (Y/N)-chan)
Often through out my life my dreams have been haunted by a monster. It's perfectly symmetrical, and humanoid, but it is way taller than a human, easily reaching ten feet, and has four arms and eyes.

I've told my parents, but they said that I have nothing to worry about.

My father especially, even saying that where he works is dedicated to making sure the two things needed to create that monster from being brought together. I am not entirely on board with believing it.

Then there is Rin, her "family" has been friends with my family for generations. I think that there is something up with Rin, every member of her "family" that has interacted with my family has looked exactly the same, and had the same name. It's weird.

So, Rin and I are walking home from school today, and I was gonna ask her about the weirdness of her family.

"Uh, Rin, I wanted to ask you something," I said to her.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Why do you look just like all your female ancestors?"

"That's A secret my dear (Y/N)," she said as she patted my shoulder. "If you're going to know, it'll all be in good time."

There she goes talking all weird again! Anyways, we reached my house and then split off. I just wish she wasn't so weird.

(First Person POV ????)
I wasn't very fond of this place. A prison designed to hold the allegedly most powerful sorcerer known to man, me. There was a time where that was probably false, but there's only two of us left, making it me by default.

I let out a sigh as I thought about my sister. If I had even one of my limbs free I would be able to get out.

That's when the door opened. It opened very cautiously, this is someone new. I might finally get out of here.

He came in with my food, and he almost dropped it upon seeing me. His hair was a bright red, I can't tell if it's because he dyes it, or because he can use magic, anyone can have those bright colours these days.

"Y-you're Len Kagamine?"

"Yup!" I said. "Would you mind telling me, oh red haired one, what you're name is?"

"I won't tell you my name," he said definitively. "How do people normally handle feeding you? Do they normally release your hands?"

They didn't even brief him on the protocol for feeding me! This is my chance! "Yes."


I waited as he undid the shackles. He was surprisingly fast and I was on the ground. I then used my magic to get completely free. I then locked the red haired boy up in my place, only one hand though.

I then dashed out the door. I found a safe place for a moment, and I needed to do something with my hair. "It's way too long... Cutting it is too risky, I could accidentally chop off my own head! Oh, wait I can magically braid it." I then braided my hair, and guards showed up. "Welp, time to get going again!"

"Don't let him get away!" One of the guards said as they started to chase me.

While I was running I found the kitchen.There was a loaf of banana bread on the counter. "Banana bread? Well, don't mind if I do," I finished saying this and was surrounded, so I used my magic to cut it in half, and accidentally cut the pan and counter as well. I then made my escape into the vents.

I ate my treat then continued with my escape.

While in the vents I heard a very familiar voice say "he's just toying with us! Next time you see him show him we mean business!"

"Good luck (D/N)," I whispered to myself as I kept crawling through the vents.

After a bit I fell out of the vents and landed on a guard knocking her out. Two more guards saw me and one if then said "there he is, get him!" And they started chasing me.

After another while the exit was finally in sight. That's when I heard (D/N)'s voice again. "Len, you don't have to do this," he said, echoing the same words I said so long ago when I was captured.

"I'm not making the same mistake twice," I said. I put up a barrier, it looked like a mirror, and walked away.

(First person PoV, (Y/N), the next morning)
Rin and I were going to the secret hideout when we found a blond boy passed out in the alleyway, or maybe he was just asleep. Rin rushed up to him, seeming to recognize him. Rin picked him up a little bit, gently, and moved some of his long hair from his face and said in a whisper that I barely heard "Len?"

"Rin!" The boy responded.

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