❤ B. H. #3- Fights and Surprises

Start from the beginning

"I said you're a trader."

"Why is that exactly? I was never part of the house to begin with."

"Still. You would think you would want to be in the same house as your brother and not with them."

"That is exactly why I'm not staying." I said pointing at him.

"Why exactly?"
He questions.

"Because you guys let the clout go to your heads."

"Name one of us that's like that."

I say catching him off guard.

He asks surprised.

"Yeah you. I used to have a gigantic crush on you, I won't deny it. Then I moved in and seen how you acted after you moved in here. You think now that you're here with everyone else, you're all that. Open your eyes Tayler, you're not. So yeah you. Now goodbye."

I went to the spare room where all of my stuff was and grabbed my bags. I put all three of them in my trunk and drove to Sway. I texted Bryce on the way there.

Tessa: Hey Bryce.

Bryce🥰🥵❤: Hey Babe.

Tessa: Can I stay at Sway with you guys for a while?

Bryce🥰🥵❤: Yeah. Why?

Tessa: Me and Thomas got into a fight and long story short, I left.

Bryce🥰🥵❤: What did you guys fight about?

Tessa: I'll tell you when I get there. I'm like ten minutes away. And your room better be clean.

Bryce🥰🥵❤: I gotta go clean my room then.

Tessa: Okay. See you in a few.

Bryce🥰🥵❤: Okay.

After about 20 minutes, I pulled into the Sway house driveway. I grabbed my bags from my backseat and knocked on the door. Josh answered and let me in.
"Wassup Petrouv."
He said dabbing me up.

"Hey Richards."

"Bryce is cleaning his room, and everyone else is in the pool."

I say turning to head up the stairs.

"If your sharing Bryce's room, it might still be gross."
He says from the doorway.

"Josh, this isn't the first time I've seen his room."
I blush reminding him.

"Right. You guys are a thing. Did Thomas flip when you told him?"

"He doesn't know.... Yet."

"You might wanna tell him before Bryce and him fight tomorrow."
He says seriously.

"What fight?"
I ask confused since it's the first time I'm hearing of this.

"Bryce and Thomas are gonna fight each other tomorrow at 5."

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