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BM and Y/N were at the airport, waiting for your train.. I mean plane. 

You were currently going through security checks, you and Bald Martin were up next.

 "Deposit all of your items made using metal here, please and your jewellery," a gruff voice said/requested. 

Bald Martin looked aghast. How could someone.. how could anyone speak to him in this way? In that way? How dare they!

 He was not having this! He would not stand for it! 

He (Martin), raised a finger and puckered his lips, in preparation for his speech when suddenly the security airport worker exercised their eyes and sighed, putting his arms down by his sides once more. 

"None of that today, eh Martin," one of the men, Martin recognised to be Henry, BluesDank said. 

"Ugh, fine," Martin said, slumping his shoulders and crossing his arms, as if he was an annoyed twenty-one year old.. model. (the thing people call 'sugar babies'). 

"Now, now, Honey," Y/N said, tutting.. or tutted. 

"No need for that.. level of attitude," you said as you subtly reached behind you to firmly grasp Bald Martin's bottom. 

He squeaked in surprise and shrunk in submission. 

(this is so odd, I'm so sorry) 

"This is so weird," a hip young kid, child said breathily/breathy/exasperatedly as they realised what had gone on. "although, respect," he absentmindedly added before walking away to greet his cocaine and heroin dealers, before he later joined his parents on their flights to Alaska, Alabama, Texas and Washington DC, respectively. Each of their home towns.

"Desperate on legs," Bald Martin sneered, having now recovered from his earlier shock. 

"Only for you, papi," Y/N whispered huskily into his ear.

Yeah, um,.. I can sort you out with some Holy Water if you need it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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