Chap 7. Prom!

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After homework Lily goes home and says goodbye but just as she Walks out the door she feels a hand grab her hand softly, Lily,(it was chandler) would you happen to know if you could be my girlfriend, Lily looks at him and says Okay😊. They kiss and Liky goes home with butterflies in her stomach. When she got home she went to her room and slumped on the bed and smiled. The next day she rushes out the door and runs too school she sees a poster out side of the school, it read "Prom!" Lily gasped as she read it. Has it already been that long that prom is already comin! Lily runs into the school and races to class having a happy idea. After school Lily walks up too. Chandler his gorgeous brown hair moves to the side and his green eyes stare into your soul. I got lost in his eyes, I got focused again and asks him to prom. "Of course I would!" Chandler smiled and grabbed Lily and kissed her. She felt dizzy, but the good kind of dizzy she ran home asking her mom for dress money $$$$$

OkayNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ