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Jace was quiet, he's shy like Mitch, but damn he can play the drums. He was powerful on it, and it's mesmerizing to watch. Alice was gorgeous, with blue eyes and blonde hair, she was petite too, and her voice was like an angel, but don't let her petiteness fool you cause she can play a mean bass line, and I just wish I had the talent to play the bass. And Dylan, he was cute, charming to say the least. He was the lead guitarist, and it's not like I would need him for the whole set, but management said it just seemed fitting to have a whole band.

They had listened to my songs on the flight here, so they already had an idea of what my music sounds like.

"Now we just have to organize the setlist." Zoe speaks, and I nod. The songs were written on a piece of sticky note that was stuck on the wall, but these songs were only from my album.

"Zoe," I call out, my eyes trained on the songs before me, "Do you think it's a good idea for me to sing some of my old songs?"

"Honestly, it's all up to you Kenna." She shrugs, and I groan in response. This is harder than I thought.

I wanted to play my songs as they were placed on the album, but I wanted to include covers, songs I am loving, so I pitched the idea of singing a different song for each concert, and Zoe seemed to love it, it would be a surprise for the fans, they wouldn't know what's coming.

"What does your first EP sound like, anyway?" Dylan asks, and I shrug.

"Depressing." I'm not one to hold back, my first EP did sound depressing, pining for a love that was once mine.

"Why not just include one, or two songs from your EP, put it somewhere in the middle of your setlist, I'm sure your fans would appreciate you singing old songs." Dylan suggests, and Zoe agrees. So I take a few sticky notes, and write the title of my songs from Colors.

Best Mistake
Wrong Direction
If You Don't Know
You Are The Reason
The Breakup.

Alice, Dylan and Jace look through the songs, and they couldn't decide which songs I was to sing, so I decided to just wing it and pick the two not-so depressing songs, Best Mistake, and If You Don't Know. Zoe and Dylan agree with the song choice, not like they had much to say about it anyway.

"Angel!" I hear Harry call as he enters the room, I turn to see him, a smile on his face and his arms wide, approaching me and enveloping me in a hug.

"Hey, H." I smile, and I turn to Jace, Alice and Dylan, introducing them to Harry.

"H, this is my band. Jace, he plays the drums, and don't let his shyness fool you, he's a beast on the set. Alice her plays the bass, and Dylan plays the electric guitar." I introduce them, and Harry, being the kind man that he is, shakes their hand and gives them all smiles.

"Hi, I don't mean to sound weird, and I hope you're not weirded out by me, but I'm a fan, huge fan." Jace spoke as Harry shook his hand, smiling widely at the young boy.

"You should be flattered, that's the most he's spoken in the last hour." Alice speaks, and Harry laughs.

"Well, just make sure my girl sounds good, yeah?" He places his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side.

My girl, when did I become his girl, as far as I knew we were taking things slow.

"We still have to arrange the setlist." I point to the wall filled with post-it notes, and Harry's gaze falls upon it.

He detaches himself from me, approaching the wall with his hand on his bottom lip, tugging as he thinks. He's still the same Harry.

"I got an idea." He says, and he starts to arrange the songs, rearranging the post-it notes on the wall. I stood behind him, watching him work.

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