A little smile grew on his face with the thought of his girlfriend.

Yes, girlfriend. Oh, how he loves that word.

The two tried their luck to pursue their young love after their stint at We Got Married. But the odds seem to be against them and they eventually broke up a year after. It was a disaster for both sides, but of course they kept their idol facade.It was only in 2018 when they reunited in a CF that things started to take off again between them with their now mature personalities and stable careers. After several twists and turns, the two finally made it official again a few months back.

Sungjae suddenly had a reason to immediately leave. He packed his bag and left the studio room in a brisk. He drove his way home to his apartment, hoping that Joy was there. She, too, was insanely busy with their group's comeback that Sungjae offered his apartment for her to rest since it was closer to her appointment sites.

Sungjae entered his lock key and silently entered his unit. The lights were off but the faint sound of the aircon can be heard. He chuckled immediately. He knows the love of his life is there.

He tiptoed towards the bed to see a sleeping Joy who already has kicked her blanket.

Aegi. Sungjae thought to himself while fixing back the blanket to Joy's body. He wanted to cuddle her already but he remembered that he probably smells awful so he opted to take a quick shower first.

After a few minutes in the shower and now feeling refreshed, Sungjae went out to get a pair of boxers from his drawer.

"YA! Put some clothes on!!!" Joy shouted which startled Sungjae. He was half naked, with only a towel covering his waist.

Sungjae's face turned into a tomato. When did Joy wake up? But his embarrassment was soon overshadowed by his amusement of his girlfriend who was apparently trying to cover her eyes with her hands... but still peaking through the small gaps that her fingers make.

He chuckled and decided to tease Joy a bit. He went closer to her, still in his current state causing Joy to sink under the bed covers.

"Y-ya, you pervert! Wh-what are you doing?!" Joy faintly said.

"Why are you so shy, baby? Don't you like your husband's body? I never show this to anyone, you know" Sungjae smirked as he tried to pull down the sheet covering Joy's eyes. He then hovered over to trap Joy's body with his arms.

"E-excuse me, Mr. Yook. I'm not married to you. We had a divorce. I-I'm your girlfriend and I-I'm not yet ready for-"

Joy was cut short when Sungjae landed a soft kiss on her forehead. "I'm just kidding, baby. We'll do it at the right time. I respect you and your parents. But excuse me, we did not have a divorce. I'll just marry you again in the future just so I can see how you'll look like in a traditional white dress instead of a purple one..." Sungjae pauses for a while and steadied his gaze on the lady in front of him.

"But you..." Sungjae kisses her on the forehead again.

"Will always be..." he now kisses the tip of her nose.

"Mrs. Yook Sooyoung" and finally, his lips claimed Joy's soft lips momentarily.

He then stood up, proudly looking at the blush on Joy's face that he had caused before heading on the bathroom to finally get himself changed. Joy could only roll her eyes with a smile plastered on her face. She enjoys Romantic Yook secretly.

Sungjae headed back, finally in his pajamas and carefully laid beside Joy. He scooped her closely so she could rest in his arms. He loved having her this close. He had already realized it back when they first cuddled in Hainan, but he will never get tired of this.

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