I only laughed and looked at the person beside Azz-kun.

"Umm, excuse me? can we have more??" I said and they served us the same thing, Iruma and i started to eat while sharing some of our food with Azz-kun.

"More please!!" Iruma said and we then started to eat again.

"Take her away" We heard behind Iruma, we then turned to the owner of the voice and saw that it was the owner of the small shop, he was carrying a bamboo with Clara on top of it.

"Clara!!" I said and helped her get down

"When I visit the shop! He always plays with me!" Clara said making the shopkeeper snort.

"Not playing, threatening... You are banned from the shop" The owner, CamuCamu-san said.

"Uhm, can I ask as to why Clara-chan is banned??" I said and looked over at Clara making sure she doesn't have any bruises,

He then took out a small black book and showed me a picture of Clara, "This one's power can shoplift just by looking"

I then looked around and saw that everyone in the cafeteria is now looking at us and started whispering.

"Silence!! What's all this when I just came back??" I heard from the crowd and turned to who said the words.

"Which idiot is causing all this ruckus..."


Both Kallego-sensei and Iruma said at the same time.

"Kallego-sensei! Are you feeling any better now?" I asked and Kallego-sensei looked at me and nodded, I then smiled and over to Azz-kun and Clara-chan to get mine and Iruma's bag.

"Listen here Iruma, I will never become your familiar. If you even think you can chain me up, I'll slit your throat" Kallego-sensei said to Iruma and he nodded.

"Anyways, what are you lots.." Kallego-sensei said and looked over at the rest of us.

"Over there... who's that??" Kallego-sensei said and pointed at Clara-chan.

"Ah, this is-" I said when Clara took off and lunched herself to Kallego-sensei introducing herself.

"C-clara-chan!!" I said and tried to get her off of Kallego-sensei.

"Eggy-sensei are you for reals Iruma-chi's familiar??" Clara said and Kallego-sensei's faced darken.

"Clara-chan! Let go!! Remember! He's still..a...teacher!!!" I said still trying to pull her from Kallego-sensei but was then tripped and fell.

"Ryuka-sama!" Azz-kun called out and helped me up to my feet.

"Are you alright Ryuka-sama???" Azz-kun said, I nodded and thanked him.

"Iruma-chi! Take that seal, stick it on your hands and then say hurrah!" Clara said to Iruma, Iruma then did what she said.


I turned around and saw Kallego-sensei turned into the fluffy flying chick.

"I told you to STOOOOOP!!!" Kallego-sensei said while Clara was spinning her.

"I-i'm sorry!!!"

"I'm done! Oi!! Clap your hands!" Kallego-sensei said too Iruma.

"D-do you need a rhythm??" Iruma asked and I laughed a bit.


Before Iruma could clap his hands, CamuCamu-san swings his bamboo stick, and luckily Iruma dodges it.

Demon and Human(slow update)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu