The backstory of "Away v'qua"

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My phrase, Away v'qua (pronounced away, like normally pronounced, vuh-kwa, but faster together, like v'kwa. you probably don't understand cuz im terrible at explaining stuff) came from when one day, my sister asked for me to get something, so i got it, and when i gave it to her, she said, "Merci!" Which, if you didn't know, is thank you in French. So I said "Away v'qua!!" And she was like "What???" So I said

*giggles at the memory*

"I didn't know how to say You're Welcome in French, so i made something up!"

So now "Away v'qua" is my family's way of saying thank you. I use it for some other things to, like,

Someone: Byeeeee!!!!

Me: Away v'qua!!!!

Y'know, as just, a word. mostly for thank you, though. So at the end of the last part, I wrote "Away v'qua!!!" So in that situation it meant bye.

The end of the history of "Away v'qua".

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