5|Inquire a Ravenclaw

Start from the beginning

"You must be careful with Rosier." Mulciber spoke, then jumped up from his spot as well.

Abraxas now loathed her more if that was humanly possible. He closed his eyes, in attempt to subdue his thoughts. The common room became less inviting, as he noticed the people within. Yaxley was busy snogging a witch at the moment, and Riddle was nowhere to be seen. He thought it best to return to his dormitory.

It was at two in the morning, that he saw the figure return to the bed beside him. Tom walked lightly, removed his tie and button down. He set his watch on the bedside, when his eyes wandered to where Abraxas lay. "You're still up?" He spoke quietly.

Abraxas did not know what to say. "Where were you?" He chanced.

"It doesn't matter. Tomorrow though, we need to search the lake."

"The black lake? In this weather?" Abraxas replied, knowing Riddle's intentions must be great.

"Yes, Malfoy. Can I count on you to recruit the others?"

Abraxas nodded, knowing he had no real choice in the matter. He turned over, and drifted to sleep once more.

The morning dawned, and it felt perfectly like a Sunday, since it was. The great hall was scattered with students, and the smell of eggs and bacon filled the room to the extent where his stomach was growling before he rounded the entrance. The slytherins were scarce, all having stayed up well into the night. Tom was present though, sitting at the far end of the table.

Abraxas approached Riddle, realizing his anger towards him had not been as great as he had imagined for taking Granger to the dance. He could comfortably sit in his silence as per usual. Riddle was drinking a cup of tea, eyes moving rapidly over the book affront him.

"You should talk to her." Riddle spoke lowly without even glancing up, as himself sat down across the table.

Abraxas removed his gaze that had wandered to the long brown tresses of a particular Ravenclaw at the opposite end of the hall, to look at Tom. "Who?" He inquired.

"Westbrook. She might be friends with Granger. They are similar in many ways."

"Is that what you've gathered?" Abraxas asked casually, now wondering if Tom had used legilimency on him. How else would he have known he was paying attention to Augusta?

He allowed his sights to return to the witch, who was laughing at something the boy beside her had said. He indeed found her to be similar to Granger as well. They both were studious and reserved, stunningly beautiful in a mundane sort of way, and empathetic beyond the extent of the average student.

"Do you have in mind a way to approach her?" Riddle interrupted yet again his own wandering attention.

Abraxas thought back to the encounter he had shared with Augusta in the Prefect's bath. "I have an idea, yes."

"good." Riddle shut his book impassively, and looked up to the staff table. "I'm headed to the lake. I suggest you be there this afternoon."

On that note, he stood up and left Abraxas by himself. For the remainder of breakfast, he sat and ate with leisure, paying glances toward the Ravenclaw table every now and then. He waited till Augusta stood herself, and jumped up seamlessly as she did so.

He followed her out of the hall, down the corridor, and was shocked that his predictions had been correct. She was headed toward the prefect bath.

"Mind if I join you?" He called, causing her to turn round as she was almost to the door.

"Malfoy?" She spoke suspiciously. Though her features seemed welcoming.

He suddenly felt less confident in this approach. What if she had wanted to be alone? He felt the biggest git in the world, nevertheless he had to continue this conversation. "Please, call me Abraxas." He began in a tone of the upmost politeness.

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