"You already know the answer. Why'd you even ask?"

Win sighed. "So it really is about Bright. Luke, I haven't talked to Bright in almost a year. I haven't even seen him. Why is he still an issue?"

"Because Fiat is still his brother. And you still keep seeing Tay and New. You know those guys are still hoping you and Bright will get back together."

Win's eyebrows went up after what Luke said.

"Seriously? So I need to completely cut Fiat off my life and avoid my best friends just so you'll feel secure about Bright?"

"Look, let's not talk about this now. You're gonna be late for class," Luke said as he motioned Win to hug him. "Come, give me a hug. I have to go and visit the office."

Win reluctantly embraced him.

"Love you," Luke said before putting on his own helmet.

"Love you too. Be safe," Win replied before turning and walking to his class.


"Are you even listening to me?" Fiat said loudly while nudging Chimon.

They were at the school cafeteria. Even though they had different majors, they happened to have the same free time in the morning. Fiat was taking up Nursing, his pre-med course before taking up medicine in the future. Meanwhile, Chimon was studying business management, just as his parents wanted.

Fiat was telling Chimon about how cold Luke was to him but Chimon didn't seem to care.

"Are you still stressed out by your speech yesterday?"

"No," Chimon said. "Read this."

Fiat took Chimon's phone and read the tweet on the screen.

It was posted by Pluem:

"I appreciate the support guys, thank you. But let's all try to be respectful. No need to be mean. I know Chimon Ramos personally and he's actually a really good person. Let's focus on our platforms. Thanks."

"Oh wow!" Fiat said. "I knew it! Pluem will do something about those nasty haters."

"What the hell, Fiat. Don't you get it? Pluem posted that so he will look even more kind and nice to other people. Look at the comments. Other students think he's an angel."

Chimon's entire party was having a meeting at the table beside theirs. They were concerned about the negative backlash on Chimon's speech the previous day and how Pluem's popularity was helping his entire team's likelihood of winning the elections.

"Chimon, do you know of any dirt we can use against Pluem?" their party's presidential candidate asked from the other table.

"Unfortunately, none. Aside from being annoying," Chimon said. "The only interesting thing I know about him is that he had a heart surgery before but I guess he's all healed now."

Fiat's eyes widened at Chimon's statement.

"You shouldn't have said that," Fiat whispered.

"What about it? There's nothing wrong with having a heart problem. Besides, kuya Tay helped pay for his surgery. And he seems perfectly healthy right now. It's a happy story. What's the problem?"

"But still, that's someone's health information. You shouldn't be shouting it out in the open."

Chimon just shrugged and drank his milk tea.

"That wasn't cool at all. Just focus on what you can do about your image instead," Fiat said before walking out.

"Hey!" Chimon called out but Fiat ignored him.

After ForeverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora