Chapter 1

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The most annoying thing I'd say there was in my life right now—my older sister married my first crush. Who is my crush, or well, trying to be ex-crush? Jensen Ackles! You know from Supernatural? He plays Dean Winchester.

He's also been with my sister Danneel since late 2006, they got married in 2010, had JJ in 2013 and the twins in 2016. They are still happily married to this day.

So, you might be thinking that this wasn't a big deal and I'd be happy to have him in the family. Well, you're wrong.

When Dan first met him and their relationship started, I'd already had a huge crush on him from watching every episode of SPN. I was 10 at the time, so it was just a school girl crush, at first, and then I met him when I was 11.

Dan knew about my crush and joked about it with Jensen, nothing mean now that I look back on it, but at that age, I thought she ruined my life. And she kind of did.

He was sweet about it and got me tickets to almost all of the SPN conventions that year and the next following ones.

Me on the other hand, I was so embarrassed that I liked him so much that I took it way wrong. I think I was almost 13 when I started to push him away and just be a bitch to him.

By the time that he proposed to my sister, I was 14 and I just couldn't handle it. I moved away that Fall to go to school aboard.

My crush on him didn't lessen not in the least, if anything it was massive now. No longer just a school girl crush or a first crush. He was my first love, well one-sided of course. I'd watch him as Dean, which didn't help, and I'd see him at the conventions I'd go to. I wasn't about to abandon my favorite show ever.

I didn't go to their wedding, even though I didn't have school at the time, I made plans to travel Asia with my friends. I missed their 1st child's birth and even the twins' birth. I was still aboard in college. I have just recently come back to the states, I was 23 then. I'm now 25 years old and things aren't much better with my sister or her husband.

I'm working on repairing my relationship with my sister, but Jensen? Nope, I can't help but be mean and a bitch to him. I'm still in love with him, even now.

Dan told me Jensen has given up on getting me to like him now and it shows. We don't get along at all.


"Dan," I breathed, walking with my phone to my ear.

"Come on, Constantina!" She snapped back, mad. "You are in Vancouver and Jay needs someone to watch the kids!"

"Why can't he watch them himself?" I growled again for like the 10th time.

She groaned, loudly, into the speaker on her phone on purpose. She was done with my shit. "He got called in for reshoots!" She about yelled at me. "Why don't you want to get to know your nieces and nephew?!?" Now she was full on yelling.

I locked my jaw, not wanting to answer that one. But I did in my head. Because I'm still in love with the guy that is their father!!! I closed my eyes, stopping at the cross-walk. "Alright, alright!" I grumbled, just to get her off my back about that. "I'll take them to the movies."

"Thank you, little sis!" She breathed, relieved. "You know I will be up there in 3 days."

I nodded, "Yeah, I know."

"And they've been wanting to see that new Tom Holland movie, I think it was..." She added, her natural happy tone back. "Hmm... oh, right, Onward."

"Got it," I sighed.

"The lights changed," Some random voice called out to me then.

My eyes snapped open and sure enough, people were making their way across the street. I waved over my shoulder to whoever it was that helped me and started forward.

His Sister-In-Law (Jensen Ackles Fanfiction Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz