Chapter 3: Bleed like a Unicorn, Bite like a Dragon

Start from the beginning

   "Haha! Bingo!" Sonic shouted when he opened his eyes again, "You look like my little buddy Tails!" Shantae slowly opened her eyes and looked at her new transformation, taking in the new look. "Hey, it worked!" She remarked, "How'd you know to do that?!" Sonic looked at the jewel and back to Shantae. "I think that may have been Chaos Control you just experienced. I knew to try that because when I used the Chaos Emeralds in the past, they could turn thoughts into power, if in the right hands."

Shantae was taken aback at the realization of what she had just witnessed. With eyes, and jaw wide open, she was in shock of this supernatural phenomenon so greatly that she no longer held her Tails form and fell out of it, back to her normal self.

   "Hey! Shantae!" Sonic called to her, now stumbled on the floor, "You okay? Also, you can still do that form, right?" Shantae nodded, and held out her hand so Sonic could pull her off of the floor. It was now that Shantae's uncle came to the two of them requesting for the emerald back. Sonic returned it, and he along with Shantae followed back to see how the progress was on the compass.

   "This just may be it!" Uncle Mimic said, "If the emerald's power output acts in the same way that a high voltage electrical charge mounted in the central cavity does, this square chamber just may be the sort of three-dimensional compass you're in need of!" Sonic slowly nodded, trying to give the impression that he knew what the guy was talking about. Then the test began; the test to see if the emerald would act as needed.

   "Alright everybody, do we all have our eye gear on?" Shantae's uncle asked. He and Shantae did, but Sonic didn't. He advised Sonic to turn around so the flash of the device wouldn't burn out his retinas. The cube then flashed ever so brightly as it did briefly, and after a momentary pause started to glow on one of its sides just slightly towards a corner of the box.

   "Yes!" The mechanic cheered, "I knew it would work!" Sonic and Shantae's cheers followed. "So where is it pointing? Like, what direction?" Sonic asked. Uncle Mimic squinted at the top to see the indentures marking the direction of the light. "It looks to be pointed to the northeast. If that's where you need to go to make it back home, I suggest you two take this here marvelous gadget and bring it with you off to where its light is pointing. Soon enough it will lead you to where you once came, maybe."

   "Gee, thanks, doc!" Sonic said. "So," Sonic asked Shantae, "know how we'll lug this thing over to who knows where it's pointing?" Shantae thought for a moment. "There's a ship rental place on the coast south of town... But I think I've only got enough money to take out a motorboat for a day or two with their rates." Sonic laughed. "That's more than enough time needed when you've got someone with a pair of legs as powerful as a rocket engine!" Shantae laughed confusedly. "I don't get it." She replied. Sonic rolled his eyes. "What I'm saying is when the thing runs outta fuel I can just spin my legs at the rear of it like a supersonic turbine to get us to where we gotta go."

   Shantae now realized what he was talking about, and now they were readying for their sail on the high seas toward what was hopefully going to be Sonic's return to home, at last. But little to their suspicion, Risky had planned for if they were to take a boat from the coast of Scuttle Town to elsewhere, and in the off chance of the happening had a telegram Tinkerbat hide amongst the common folk working at the docks so they could alert her of the sighting of the two and their projected whereabouts.

   This alone was all the more better for the Queen and all the more worse for Sonic and Shantae, for if Risky knew even a general sense of where they were headed it was only a matter of time before she had them captured, and the emerald along with. So it was that the two had to make haste in their quest if they were to be successful.

   "I've got the handlebar Shantae, you bringing the compass?" Sonic asked, already sitting in the boat she rented. "Yeah," Shantae panted, pushing it across the pier, "coming, coming. Phew!" After much struggle, she then laid the large cubical compass in the middle of the boat. "You sure you know... how to drive this thing?" Shantae asked, catching her breath. "Well I've got a plane back at home I can fly with ease, what's there much different to learn with this thing?" Sonic asked. Shantae nodded her head in disagreement. "You're gonna have a bad time, dude." She told him.

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