Chapter 14

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I walked back to my apartment in the dead of night. I was so pissed I didn't want to wait for a taxi or whatever. But how could 2D do that to his own sister. I would never even lay hands on another girl if she left. I would never cheat. I know he knows how that feels and so do I but I still can't believe the nerve of that man.

Once I made it inside my apartment I fell onto my bed as I looked up at the ceiling. I just laid there thinking what would be different if me and Noodle never broke up. Would be closer? Would we have moved in together when she came back? I have no clue, she broke up with me. Maybe we can be saved still. Maybe? I then got up and went to get changed for bed. I had no work tomorrow so maybe I can ask her if she wants to just hang out with me for the day. So I picked up my phone and texted her.

(Y/N): Hey, I don't know if you're up or not but I was wondering if you wanted to hang out all day tomorrow?

I hit send and went to sleep, hoping to get an answer in the morning.

I woke up the next morning terrified to check my phone so I just went to get ready for the day. Once I was done I grabbed my phone and I had a text notification. I opened it and read what Noodle said.

Noodle: Yeah, I have nothing to do. I'll meet you outside your building at 10 am sharp.

I smiled and then looked at the time, it was 9:58. I ran to grab my keys and phone then locked my door and ran outside. I looked frantically outside before I saw her sitting on the curb watching the cars go by. Her hair was still covering her left eye and she was wearing some black leggings and black shirt and a zip up jacket. I went behind her and poked her shoulder.

"Ready?" I asked her as she turned around, semi surprised.She nodded and got up.

"Okay, before anything else I need to go get some groceries." I said to her walking while crossing the street.

"What? You don't really cook." She laughed.

"Hey! That's hurtful. But yes I do, since you left it has taken the edge off." I chuckled slightly almost to the store. She smiled and shrugged but once we made it she grabbed a cart and followed me around the store. It was little things like seasonings or some chips.

We got checked out and she helped me walk this back to my apartment. While we were walking we had a nice conversation like when we were on the phone during our nightly phone calls. I laughed at the thought.

"What are you laughing about over there?" She asked me.

"Just about how we'd talk like this over the phone when I wasn't staying at Kong Studio's." I said with a smile.

"Oh really, huh? These talks I had with you when we were together were probably the best things I had with you... besides the sex." She whispered the last part to me.

I pushed her slightly with my shoulder and laughed. I really had missed this, I really missed her. We made it to my building and walked up to my apartment. She helped me put the things up then we left again.

"So, where to?" She asked me.

"I was thinking maybe we just walked and talked more."

"Well i'm down, but what to talk about." She smiled as I felt her hand brush against mine.

"We could talk about... well I don't know." I chuckled.

"Maybe, your family? I know it's a touchy subject but I want to know more about them. When we were talking all I got was your parents names. I don't even know if you have siblings." Sh told me with a small smile.

"Well I guess I can... I guess first off I do have siblings, a older brother and a younger sister. Nicole and Justin." (If your name is actually Nicole i'm sorry it was a name I came up with on the spot lmao) I said as a cold breeze hit us.

"My parents and siblings weren't really thrilled with me opening a plant shop. They all thought I would never think my shop would do good. But I proved them wrong." I chuckled at the thought of my parents yelling at me.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Noodle said.

"No, no, no don't be. It's not your fault. My family was never really supportive. Like when I came out as bi they thought it was a phase and I would end up marrying a man and be just straight. TO be totally honest thought I have more of an attraction to girls than guys, but I would fuck a man if I wanted to." I chuckled as Noodle did. Before I could even notice our hands were entangled with each others. Her warms hands on mine felt really nice.

"I better get going back home. Wanna walk me back?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course." So we walked back to my building still hand and hand.

"Thanks and Good Night Noodle." I smiled as Russel pulled up. I kissed her cheek and waved to Russel before leaving up to my apartment.

Once I was in my apartment I fell onto my bed exhausted and passed out. It was a good day.

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