New Chances

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Chase's POV: 

"I don't know Paul, it just seems a little odd. He tries to kill us all and he's suddenly been the good guy the whole time? Even the Triton app stuff, what if its all just a trap?" I didn't know how to feel about this. Paul had suggested we give Marcus a place to stay and I really don't know what to think. But looking up into to those warm, chocolaty, brown, puppy eye's, I couldn't say no. "Fine! But one wrong move and I won't hesitate to use you as a chew toy." I added when Marcus smiled. His smile only downed a little. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! You won't regret it. I actually have a 'Spy on the Other-side', as you could say. Her name is Qwen, Qwen Black. She's a total badass and absolutely despises m-Jessica. She's really good at her job." We had recently learned Marcus's "Mother's" name was Jessica. His phone started to ring, playing 'Boss Ass Bitch' by PTAF as the ringtone. He answered, "Qwen! I was just talking about you. What do you got?" there was a silence on his side but i could clearly hear the female voice on the other side, "She has schematic's for some kind'of chip duplicator. She tried to upgrade everybody's chips today. Managed to eject mine and hack into the Triton app she installed and completely erased it. Didn't know that controlling people without consent is considered an upgrade."  The girl said it with so much sass and sarcasm I had to hold back a laugh. "Ok, were gonna have to hack into the mainframe aren't we?" he asked with a bit of annoyance lacing his tone, "Well i don't know about you, but I can't hack worth shit, sooo..." Marcus looked at me with a small smirk on his face, "Don't worry, I know someone who does..."

Third Person POV:

"So this is the almighty Chase William Davenport that I've heard so much about, huh?" Qwen asked one she had geo-leaped to Emily and Sam's house. Qwen is what a person would call a man's fantasy and a lesbian's dream. Standing at 6 feet tall, she had blond cropped hair,(imagine it like Captain Marvel's in Endgame) green eyes, that were always calculating, and had a dangerous yet beautiful edge to them, her body was curvy yet muscular in the black spy-like gear that she wore. It was a one piece skin-tight black suit, with a zipper on the front unzipped to show just the right amount of cleavage, with combat boots, finger-less gloves, and a belt with two gun holsters on each side, homing her two Bersa 83's, 'Zeus' and 'Hera'. She had a thigh holster on her left thigh, holding her jagged dagger that she had named 'Gaea". On her back was two Katana sheaths, holding her twin Katanas, named 'Ares' and 'Athena'. All and all, she lived up to the badass persona Marcus had made her up to be.

 All and all, she lived up to the badass persona Marcus had made her up to be

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"Y-yeah. I g-guess that's me." Chase stuttered, obviously being intimidated in the blonds presence. "I'm sorry but 'I guess' isn't gonna work for me. So put your big boy undies on, and talk like a man!" using a baby voice until raising her voice at the end, she turned her icy green-eyed glare onto the boy full cowl. Chase gulped with Paul snickering next to him, "Ohhhh, i like this one." he said, shrugging and giving a sheepish 'im sorry' look when Chase turned and glared at him. "Y-yeah, sorry, your just extremely terrifying." Qwen looked around the room, getting nods from all of the pack, bionics, and even some of the vampires. "Dude, this chick is awesome!" Emmett called out, getting a smirk from the blond in question, and a slap on the arm from Rosalie. "Can we hurry this shit up. I got places to be, and people to hurt." she scowled threateningly. With one last gulp, Chase turned towards the computer. His fingers began flying expertly along he keys, with a deadly pace that not even the vampires could accomplish, his eyes analyzing and scanning the information on the screen. With-in three minutes a robotic voice said "Access Granted." Chase gave a triumphant yell, thrusting his fists in the air while spinning halfway in the chair. "And we're in bitches!" he yelled out in victory. Qwen walked over, analyzing the brunettes facial expression. The green-eyed beauty then walked over putting her arm on the chair, leaning over towards the screen, making the suit accent her ass. Jared gave a low wolf-whistle checking out her ass, while Quil stared wide-eyed. Of course Jared was just playing around, his heart belonging to his imprint Kim. Qwen just rolled her eyes and continued to analyze the information on the bright screen of the computer. She spoke out in a deadly calm voice, "It says here that she's trying to re-create the Krane army that failed almost two years ago. She wants to give every human on the planet bionics, and wipe out any of those who appose." as she was speaking, she leaned up against the table her back to the wall, crossing her arms whilst looking over the odd group. "So what does that mean exactly?" Jasper questioned, the same worried and slightly scared expression in his eyes as the rest of their bunch, already knowing the answer, the whole atmosphere of the one safe space, grew tense and worried, the once warm house turning cold. "World domination, Southern, World domination, and war..."

Authors Note(Word Count:6): Wow. That was tense. So how does everyone like Qwen? I know she's bit of a hard ass to our baby Chase, but the chick's got a rough back story. This book just keeps getting more and more intense. Well well just have to wait and see what happens huh? Well, i love you guys all soooooo much! So go slay a demon and stay angelic, byeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

Dream Catcher  (Paul Lahote x Chase Davenport)Where stories live. Discover now